What do the Marquis De Sade and S & M club goers have in common? Murder
The elusive poison has been identified. It is something called Spanish fly which is rumored to be an aphrodisiac, but really it's just a poison. It makes the victim's feel like they are burning up inside. This is the same poison the Marquis De Sade used back in the day to kill several women. It is a very rare poison that can be created by crushing a particular kind of beetle. They find a firm that specializes in love potions and they trace an order to an S&M club.
Undercover clubbing and vampires
The team decides to go undercover to the S&M club. It was funny to watch each cop dress up in their S&M club clothing. Apparently, DI Chandler thinks S&M equals preppy. Nothing says S&M like a sweater and dress shirt. While undercover DI Norroy gets rufied by a wanna be vampire who knew the victims. It turns out he just likes to rufie victims so he can suck their blood. Creepy yes, but not a murderer.
How many personalities does it take to be a serial killer . . . three
Since the S&M lead led nowhere the team now believes the killer could have multiple personalities. One of those personalities is a woman that poison's the victims and the other is a man that dismembers the bodies. In order to find the killer they need to find a common link among the victims. DS Miles wants to go back and investigate the missing girl who's body they thought they had identified but the DNA didn't match. DI Norroy wants to give the public a profile of the murderer. DI Chandler is forced to choose and chooses Miles. This does not sit well with Norroy who looks down on Miles and apparently all sergeants. She shows her true colors and Chandler realizes she is not the girl for him. I think Chandler needs someone who isn't so snobby or so similar in personalities. Two people with OCD would not make a good couple. While following up on Miles's lead they find the missing girl. It turns out she was being stalked by her former employer. So they find the boss having dinner with yet another potential victim. Because he has more than one personality he didn't know he had killed anyone. His brain had created these personalities to cope with the rejection from his former employee. The violent male personality takes over and injects himself with the poison. I think there are better ways to cope with rejection. I find ice cream or horror movies to work well. Or buying yourself something new, like shoes. Case solved.
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