Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 8 "Start to Finish"

They are all your people.

Music playing. We see Sam put an empty plate by the stairs. Images of items in Sam's room. He lies on the floor drawing. Out the window we see ants coming in making their way to a plate with a half eaten cookie. Foreshadowing the swarm of zombies about to invade Alexandria.

The tower falls on the wall bringing it down and allowing the herd to enter Alexandria. Rick tells everyone to get into their houses. Rosita and Tara help Tobin to his feet. Rick shoots at zombies. Deanna follows him shooting at zombies (very badly, she keeps shooting them anywhere but the head).  He tells her to get back. Deanna tells him they both need to get back. Morgan and Carol run away from the zombies. Carol falls and drops some bullets on the ground. She picks them up and she and Morgan make it into one of the houses. Rick keeps shooting at zombies. Deanna follows and gets injured trying to help him. Maggie fights off the zombies and has to climb up to the watch tower to get away from them. Most of the ladder breaks off and she barely makes it up there. She is by herself with a horde of zombies below. Out of Sam's window we see the green balloons fly by. Eugene has hidden himself out by the wall. He is alone and scared. Daryl calls over the walkie drawing the zombies' attention to Eugene. Eugene picks up the walkie and his machete and says help. (This is the voice Daryl heard at the end of episode 4). Rosita and Tara save him and they make it into the garage of one of the houses. Rick helps Deanna make her way down the street. They are joined by Michonne, Carl, Ron, and Father Gabriel. They quickly become surrounded by zombies. Shots are fired. Jessie shoots enough zombies to clear a path to her house and they all make it safely inside. The camera pans across Alexandria and we see zombies filling the streets.

Enid and Glenn look at the zombies invading Alexandria. Glenn says they should make their way in. He tells her just because the wall is down doesn't mean their dead. Enid says this is how it always happens. He tells her there are people still alive in there including his pregnant wife. He tells her, "You just want to run away, be afraid, forget about this? Just go. But that's how you lose people. Even after they're gone." Sam is still in his room listening to music. Jessie runs in and tells him to turn off the music and shut the blinds. He asks if it is because of the monsters. He sees Rick bring a bleeding Deanna in. Jessie tells him to stay upstairs and pretend that he is not scared. He looks at Deanna who is injured. He shuts his bedroom door. Morgan and Carol are in the abandoned house that contains the cell. Carol has a cut on her head. She won't let Morgan look at her injury. She trusts some people more than others. He is last on that list. She says she may not trust him but she knows he is not lying. Carol can barely stand up. She probably has a concussion. He tells her, "Whatever we have to settle it can wait. It has to." She sits back down. Denise sits in the cell with the wolf. The wolf doesn't think that Morgan is coming back. He says they can talk. She doesn't have to be afraid. She says she shouldn't be there. He tells her none of them should be there. What about him? After the things he's done does he belong there? He says yes. She accuses him of killing people. He says, "We freed them and then we were just going to use what was left." He asks her if she knew what she was getting into when Morgan brought her to him. She tells him that Morgan wouldn't let him (the wolf) go until he was sure that he wouldn't kill again. He says his infection is caused by a scratch from a rusty bumper. "I've done my part. The world will take care of the rest. It won't change." He shows her his wound. It does not look good. She inches closer. She tells him "You weren't born this way. You changed. You can change." Michonne tries to patch up Deanna's injuries. Deanna was bitten on her side. She looks at Rick. "Well, shit." is her response.

Jessie looks out the window at the zombie littered streets. Rick tells her that Deanna has a fever and will be dead soon. He asks her if Deanna knows how this ends. Yes she does. Rick has a plan to get to the armory and distract the zombies away from Alexandria using flares. He will go outside the gate and fire the flares and lead the zombies somewhere that isn't Alexandria. Michonne tells Deanna that the plans she drew for Alexandria are good and they could work, even now. She asks what the Latin phrase means. Deanna tells her that it was something Reg said when things went badly. She was lucky to work with her family toward a better future. It was what she always wanted. She got to do what she wanted right up to the end. She asks Michonne what she wants. Michonne wants this place to work. But she doesn't know what she wants for herself. Ron goes into the garage and Carl follows him. Ron is hunched over. Carl walks up to him. Ron says, "Enid is dead. We are all dead." Carl tells him that Rick will work something out. Ron tells him, "Your dad's just going to get more people killed. Because that's what he does. That's who he is. Your dad's a killer." Carl replies, "So was yours." Carl tells Ron that they need to work this out. Ron says, "I'm dead, Carl." Ron cries and says that his mom and brother are dead. Ron locks the door and tells Carl he is dead too. He reaches for his gun and Carl fight with him. Ron grabs a shovel and attacks Carl with it. He breaks a pane in a door to the garage attracting zombies with the sound. Rick eventually breaks the door down but now zombies fill the garage. Rick and Gabriel put a sofa against the door. Rick asks Carl what happened. Carl lies and says they were looking for tools and knocked over a shelf. Jessie tells Ron it looks like they were fighting. Ron says they were fighting the zombies. Rick gives Carl a look and Carl tells him everything is okay. Carl pulls a gun  on Ron asking for the gun. Ron apologizes and gives the gun to Carl. Carl says, "I get it. My dad killed your dad. But you need to know something. Your dad was an asshole."

Michonne and Gabriel look out the window. All the noise is attracting more zombies. Judith begins to cry. Rick goes upstairs to check on her. Deanna is gone from her bed. He sees Deanna reaching into Judith's crib. He grabs his hatchet and goes for her but she screams, "No, it's still me!" He stops. She just wanted to see Judith one last time. She says the plans for Alexandria are his now. He says that from now on someone needs to be with her and it can't be Judith. She gives Rick notes she wrote to Spencer and Maggie. She asks him to look out for Spencer like he looks out for his own people. "Guess what? They are all your people, Rick." He says they haven't had a chance to make it that. She went to help him because he is one of them. That's the right answer (referring to what she said to him in the last episode about helping Spencer). Zombies bang on the garage door where Rosita, Eugene, and Tara wait (it looks like it might have been the school). Eugene reads a history book. Rosita sits at a table holding her head in her hands. Tara mentions that most people made it into their houses. Rosita asks if this place is over. Tara says no. They have to earn it. Either waiting for it to be safe or fighting for it. A place like this has got to have a price. Rosita asks, "We haven't paid it already?" Tara says apparently not. Rosita says that it feels like Abraham is dead. Tara tells her Abraham is not dead because she didn't see it and this place is not over. She asks her what they are going to do. Rosita wants to get inside the house. She plans to shoot the lock but Tara says not to waste the bullet. Eugene says he knows how to pick a lock. "Lock-picking is within my skill set." Carol sits on the ground with her eyes closed. She tells Morgan she is just resting her eyes.  Morgan goes to listen at the cell door. When he comes back Carol is gone. He calls to her and she attacks him. Too many zombies are pushing at the doors of Jessie's house. Michonne tells everyone to go upstairs. She and Rick pull the sofa to the stairs to bar the way for the zombies. He tells her he has this zombie and she has the zombie behind it. They will need at least two. Carol breaks into the cell and tells Denise to get away from the wolf. Morgan gets in her way. He says, "This could've waited. It should have. Now it can't."

Rick drags a dead zombie upstairs. He tells Jessie they need bed sheets. They will use the zombie guts to disguise their scent so they can all make it to the armory. Rick and Michonne cut up the zombies. Gabriel, Ron, and Jessie look disgusted. Rick tells them that anyone who stays in the house will die. Gabriel asks about Deanna. Rick and Michonne share a look. Morgan tells Carl she doesn't need the knife. He tells her, "We can talk." She says, "No, this is over." He says, "We can be better than them." She replies, "We are better than them." He says, "Not if we kill." She says the wolves made them kill. "We had to stop it. I had to stop it." Morgan says, "With life there is possibility. Even if we never let him out." The wolf says he would get out. Morgan continues, "Even if we never let him out he could know what he's done." Carol says, "I don't want to have to kill you,  Morgan." He replies, "You can't. I won't let you." Michonne checks on Deanna. She is still alive. Deanna asks what is going on. Michonne tells her the rest of them will have to go. She offers to kill Deanna. Deanna says no. She is not ready. She will be soon and when she is she will do it herself with her gun. She repeats the phrase in Latin. "Some day this pain will be useful to you." She tells Michonne to go, they need her. Michonne thanks her for believing. Deanna still believes. She made it all up but she figured it out. She asks Michonne what she wants and tells her she needs to figure it out. Michonne tells her she will. "Give 'em hell." Rick and Michonne cover the others in guts. Jessie chooses to cover herself. Sam comes in the room looking petrified. Jessie tells him they are not safe anymore. They need to look like the monsters in order to be safe. She tells him to pretend he is not afraid. He agrees.

Carol says she will kill Morgan to kill the wolf because she doesn't want anyone else to die. The wolf says, "You should kill me. But you're all going to die. You don't belong here." Carol says to Morgan, "You tell me you're sure. You tell me you know what will happen how it will go." She tells Morgan to step aside. He knocks the knife out of her hand with his stick. She reaches for her knife and they grapple. He knocks her to the ground. She lies on the floor unconscious. The wolf hits Morgan from behind. He grabs the knife and points it at Denise. Michonne tells the group they have to go. Rick goes to get Judith. Gabriel tells Rick he will not turn back out there no matter what happens. Rick says he knows. The wolf uses the knife to cut his hands free. Denise asks him not to kill them. "Just let us die." He comes at her with the knife. Tara, Rosita, and Eugene enter the room. He has the knife to Denise's neck. He tells them to lower their guns. They put the guns to the ground and he picks one up. Tara says he doesn't need Denise. He's free. She says they will not make it out there. He says we'll see. He takes Denise with him outside. Rick holds Judith and puts her under Carl's zombie gut covered sheet. They move the sofa away from the stairs and slowly walk through the crowd of zombies out the door. Glenn and Enid climb a tee to look over the wall. He sees Maggie on the watch tower. Deanna holds the gun to her neck. She hears a zombie and walks to the door. She opens it and starts shooting the zombies coming towards her. When she runs out of bullets she yells. Rick and his group stand on the porch looking out at all the zombies in Alexandria. They all hold hands and walk down the street. Sam calls to his mom.

Final thoughts
- For a brief moment there I thought Maggie was going to die. I thought that maybe since they saved Glenn they would sacrifice Maggie. When I saw the shot of Maggie on the watch tower it reminded of the shot of Glenn at the prison after the Governor destroyed it.

- Why isn't anyone shushing Sam?
- Did Carol really have a concussion or was she just faking it so Morgan would let his guard down and she could find out who was in the cell? We know she is good at pretending. OR was she really concussed and that is why she lost the fight with Morgan?
- How long will Denise and the wolf last out there? Will Rick come to the rescue? Or will Tara follow them. I think that both Tara and Rosita are good enough shots that they should have tried to shoot the wolf while they were in the cell. If I were Denise I would have elbowed him in his injury and tried to escape.
- I'm assuming in February we will find out what happened with the other Alexandrians (Aaron, Heath, Spencer, etc.). See the prologue video below to find out what is going on with Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha.


- I think that Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham will be fine. They are some of the toughest of the group and if they give Negan's gang what they want they should hopefully be able to make it back to Alexandria without a problem. SPOILER ALERT: From what I've read in the comics if you give Negan what he wants he lets you live.

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