Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 14 "The Other Side"

It's a long life and then it isn't.

Maggie trains the people at Hilltop. Sasha sharpens her knife. Maggie gets an ultrasound with Enid by her side. While Sasha draws out a map of Sanctuary and crosses it out Maggie works on her plans for Hilltop. Sasha teaches the Hilltoppers knife fighting skills while Maggie and Jesus discuss her plans for Hilltop. Sasha tends to Abraham's grave. Jesus works on something while Maggie sleeps. He signals Sasha to be quiet and hands her a map of Sanctuary. Enid looks on. Daryl sits on a bench sharpening his knife at night. Maggie goes over to him and puts a hand on his shoulder. She leaves him a plate of food. She wipes away tears as she walks back to her trailer. Sasha leaves a cairn on Abraham's grave. Gregory looks out at the Hilltoppers being trained. He drinks in frustration. He is losing control of his domain. Rosita walks into Hilltop and finds Sasha at Abraham's grave. She is here because she needs Sasha's help.

Jesus tells Maggie he grew up in a group home. For the first time he feels like he belongs, now that Sasha and Maggie are there. He's always had a hard time opening up and trusting people. Maggie says he should try it sometime. Maggie wants to trade spears made by their blacksmith for body armor from Kingdom. Sasha walks into the trailer and pulls some bullets out of a hollowed out book. Jesus and Enid walk in. She pretends she was looking for something to read. Jesus tells her she can have the bullets. He asks her not to go. He figured out that she and Rosita are going after Negan. He tells her they can't go after Negan by themselves. She tells him she is not going to change her mind, neither is Rosita. Sasha asks if Maggie knows that Rosita is at Hilltop. Enid says no. She wants Sasha to tell Maggie. Sasha says no. Jesus and Enid volunteer to go with her but she says no. Maggie needs them. Maggie does not need her anymore she has everyone else and they have her. Jesus tells her, "'Cause it's a long life and then it isn't." He tells her that she and Rosita need to talk to Maggie. They owe her that much. Then he walks out. Sasha tells Enid to protect Maggie no matter what. Maggie is the future of Hilltop. She gives Enid a friendship bracelet that is for the baby. Enid says in ten minutes she will tell Maggie what is going on. A man on guard duty rings a warning bell saying the Saviors are coming. Enid grabs Daryl and tells him they need to find Maggie. Sasha and Rosita grab their stuff and hide. Enid hides Maggie and Daryl in the cellar of the house. She will let them out when the Saviors leave. The Saviors enter the manor house. Gregory greets Simon. Gregory wasn't expecting them so soon. He offers Simon some gin. Simon would prefer tequila. He has changing tastes. Simon wants Gregory to tell him where someone is (Daryl I assume). Maggie calls to Daryl to hide further in the cellar. Rosita and Sasha made it out of a tunnel Sasha created after Maggie asked for a quick way out.

Rosita tries to hot wire a car. She notices Sasha's necklace. It's the necklace she made for Abraham. The car won't start to they head out on foot. Sasha asks how Rosita learned to disarm bombs. It's just something she knew. She doesn't want to talk about anything that isn't mission related. Sasha says okay. She tells her about the building set up of Sanctuary. She wants to stay outside and make it clean, maybe survive. Rosita wants to go in to make sure they kill Negan. Sasha says she won't miss. Sasha says if they stay outside they will still be alive and get a second chance, inside they die. Rosita is on a mission. She angrily tells Sasha that she is free to bail on the mission.

Enid runs up to a Savior and offers him some veggies. He corrects her and tells her to call them vegetables. She tells him to take the basket and she will get some more. He tells her to load them herself and she drops the basket. He notices her knife and demands it. He walks into the cellar. Daryl has his knife ready. The Savior looks around and grabs an apple. Maggie notices he has Enid's knife. She looks angry but remains hidden.

Simon walks into the doctor's trailer. Simon is here to take the doctor to Sanctuary. Gregory says nothing. The doctor has patients in Hilltop. He asks why Negan needs two doctors. Simon says they don't need two doctors making it clear that Sanctuary no longer has a doctor. The doctor tells Gregory to make arrangements for his patients. Simon leaves a giant crate of aspirins for Hilltop. Gregory asks to speak to Simon privately. Gregory warns that if he loses his people's trust he could lose control to someone who has crazy ideas. Simon says he hears Gregory's concern and tells Gregory to see him any time if he has that kind of trouble. He'll arrange it so the guard will let him into Sanctuary. Simon writes down directions to Sanctuary and puts it in Gregory's pocket

Daryl and Maggie stare warily from their hiding place as the Savior moves things around. Daryl starts to step forward with his knife up but Maggie stops him. The Savior leaves. Daryl says that Savior deserved to die. Maggie asks him to look at her. He turns around. He says, "I'm sorry" and begins to cry. She tells him it wasn't his fault that Glenn was killed and he says it was. She insists that is wasn't. Daryl is one of the good things in this world. Glenn thought so too. She wanted to kill the Savior too. But they have to win. She hugs Daryl. "Help me win." Gregory stands outside of the manor as the Saviors take the doctor with them. Zombies mill around an enclosed fence. Sasha and Rosita cut a hole in the fence and toss a Molotov cocktail in a car. The fire attracts the zombies and they climb over the fence. Rosita gets into a car and hot wires it. She calls Sasha over. They drive over zombies on their way out.

Sasha looks through the scope of the sniper rifle at the entrance of Sanctuary. She sees the zombie fence and Eugene giving directions to some of the workers. She tells Rosita that Eugene is out there ordering people around. Rosita says that Eugene is playing some angle. Sasha asks if Rosita will teach her to tie the knots she is making. Rosita sets her anger aside and shows Sasha how to tie the knot. Rosita looks through the scope at Eugene. He has the stuffed animal in his pocket. Sasha says they are lucky to have Rosita with them. She knows how to do everything. Rosita tells Sasha about all of the people that taught her all she knows. She says a lot of guys wanted to take care of her because she couldn't. She picked up everything that they could do and did it better. Once she learned all she could from them she left. Sasha wants to know if that is how it was with Abraham. No, he saw that she could handle herself. She never looked back. And then it was over. The thing that kills her is that when they got to Alexandria she pretended that everything was okay because he was having a hard time. Then he left her. She thought she hated Sasha. She's just mad that Abraham figured his stuff out first. She never told anyone before about who she was. She cries saying she wasted time and never told Abraham she was happy that he was happy. Rosita asks if Sasha was happy. Sasha was happy. It wasn't Abraham's time. Abraham was taken out without a fight. Sasha tells Rosita "I got your back." Rosita responds, "And I've got yours." A car can be heard pulling up. Sasha looks out and sees that Dr. Carson has been brought to Sanctuary. Negan walks out. Negan is too close to others for Sasha to get her shot. She asks for Rosita to turn on the walkie. Eugene is heard telling the Saviors that they need more zombies. Any questions should be brought to Eugene himself. Rosita tells Sasha she is ready to go in.

Gregory writes and someone knocks on the door. Jesus walks in. Gregory tells Jesus he noticed that Jesus has been cutting back on scavenging and recruiting. He also has too many people in his trailer. He hands Jesus a list of tasks for the new people. Jesus points out that Gregory is splitting up the group because he is afraid. Gregory tells Jesus to be careful about what he says with all the Saviors coming around. Jesus does not respond well to the threat. Gregory looks out for his friends and Jesus is not his friend. Jesus walks out and runs into Daryl. Daryl asks where are Sasha and Rosita. Eugene talks to a Savior about his new plan for the extra zombies. The man gets shot. Eugene cowers to the ground. Rosita and Sasha run up and tell him they are breaking him out. He says no and tells them to go. He runs back inside. Rosita tells Sasha she is going in. Sasha tells her to keep an eye out as she cuts open the fence. Sasha goes through the fence and closes it behind her. She tells Rosita, "Go. it's not your time. There's got to be a point to it, right? They need you." Sasha runs inside Sanctuary. Rosita hits the fence angrily. Saviors come out and she runs away. She cries as she stops to catch her breath. She turns around and sees someone with a crossbow.

Final Thoughts
- I like seeing Maggie and Jesus working together. They have great rapport. Now they just need to overthrow Gregory.
- Were Maggie and Daryl going to escape through the same tunnel that Rosita and Sasha used?
- Why are the Saviors always creepily hitting on Enid. Sometimes it just sucks to be a teenage girl. You can't even escape creepy guys in the zombiepocalypse.
- I loved that moment between Maggie and Daryl in the cellar. Daryl really needed to hear that it wasn't his fault that Glenn died. Maggie doesn't blame him. I don't think anyone in the group blames him. It was all Negan. 
- It seemed to me that the Hilltop doctor knew the doctor from Sanctuary. Old colleague perhaps?
- Gregory should be very careful about threatening Jesus. Jesus is now ready to stand up to him. Maggie showed him that he could and should. I'm pretty sure that the majority of people at Hilltop would prefer Maggie and Jesus as leaders over Gregory.
- Is the person with the crossbow Daryl or Dwight?

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