He tells his people that most of the people in the prison are thieves and murderers that don't deserve to have peace. He blames them for killing his daughter, taking his eye, and destroying Woodbury. He doesn't want to die and he doesn't want his own group to die. They need to surprise those at the prison and scare them. They all say there are in. He tells them to pack up and get ready. They will go over the plan in a half hour. Lily tells him they don't have to fight for another place. He says they are killing killers. That they are with bad people. She asks if she is with bad people. He says he will keep her and Megan alive. He tells her he loves her. She says she doesn't know who he is. He says that she told him she thought there had to be someplace better to live and the prison is that better place.
Michonne and Hershel are tied up in one of the camper in the Governor's camp. The Governor gives them food. He tells them no one is going to get hurt. Hershel says he doesn't believe that and wants to know what is going on. The Guv says it is not personal. He wants the prison to protect his people, no one needs to die. Michonne says she is going to kill him. Hershel tells her to shut up. Hershel tells him they can find a way to live together. The Guv says Hershel is a better man than Rick. Hershel says the Guv has changed and they will find a way to live together. Hershel tells him he would be willing to hurt people like his daughter. How can he threaten to kill someone else's daughter? The Guv's response, "Because they are not mine." The Guv's camp is getting ready. He has some campers by the water for the kids to stay behind. The walkers can't make it across the water. He tells Lily to think about Megan. She asks what is Megan going to be in this world. He says she will be alive. Megan is making mud peanut butter sandwiches. He asks her for a hug before he leaves. He picks her up and hugs.
Back at the prison Maggie is by Glenn's bedside. He tells her their anniversary is coming up. She asks if he has ever been to the tallest waterfalls in Georgia and says when she went she felt like she was flying. She goes to get him some water. Daryl is angry at Rick for leaving Carol. He wished Rick had waited until they got back. Rick tells him that Carol is a survivor. That she admitted killing Karen and David and that she wasn't sorry about it. Daryl says that wasn't Carol. What are they going to do about the Lizzie and Mika? What are they going to tell them? Rick hasn't told Tyreese and doesn't know how he is going to take it. Daryl says they will find out. Bob has a shoe box with who knows what inside. Sasha comes in and tells him thank you. She wouldn't be there if it wasn't for him and Hershel. Rick and Daryl go to look for Tyreese. Tyreese tells them they have to see something. He shows them a rat that has been dissected and nailed on a board. He says there is a psycho living with them and that the psycho is responsible for killing Karen and David. Rick says it is not the same person. But before he can explain there is an explosion. They run outside and there is the Guv with a tank and several cars with his group. He tells Rick they have to talk. Rick says it is not up to him but to the council. The Guv asks if Hershel and Michonne are on the council. He pulls them out of the car and makes them kneel in front of him. Rick says he doesn't make decisions anymore. The Guv says Rick is making the decisions today and for Rick to come down and talk to him.
Rick turns to Daryl and Daryl gives him the okay nod. Then Rick says something to Carl that we can't hear and Carl nods. Rick walks out to the Guv. Daryl tells Sasha that they can't take them on. They don't have enough people. Daryl tells them that if things go bad everyone should head to the bus where they have a few rations. Rick tells the Guv to let Michonne and Hershel go. The Guv tells them they have until sundown to leave or everyone in the prison dies. He has more people and more firepower. It is not about the past it is about now. Rick says they have children and some of them are sick. The Guv says he has a tank and he is willing to let them walk away; there is nothing else to talk about. Daryl stars grabbing guns from their stash. He gives one to Bob and asks if he is good. He hands another gun to Maggie, then to Beth.
Megan is still playing in the mud. Lily is on the top of the camper looking out for zombies. She is looking out across the water and sees a zombie making its way across the water. Megan calls Lily and starts pulling something from the mud. Lily pulls out her gun but the zombie gets washed away by the water. Megan pulls out some sign that reads "warning flash flood area." A zombie's hand comes up out of the mud followed by a face. Megan screams as the zombie grabs her. It bites her arm. Lily shoots but it's too late, Lily has already been bitten. The Guv should have left a few trained people behind. Not to mention children shouldn't be playing that far away and alone from adults.
The Guv says he can shoot them all and they would all be dead, it is Rick's choice. Zombies start walking towards them and the Guv shoots them. Noise will only draw more of them. The longer they wait the harder it will be for them to leave. Carl wants to kill the Guv. He says he could end things right now. Daryl says he could star something else. The kids start making their way to the bus according to an already established plan. Lizzie tells them Carol told them they should be strong. The others have guns they should have guns too. Rick tells the Guv they can all live together. There is enough room for all of them. The Guv says he wouldn't feel safe. Rick says they can live in different cell blocks and never see each other. The Guv says it wouldn't work not after Woodbury and Andrea. Rick says it would be hard but they don't have a choice. If the Guv forces them they will fight back. Gunshots will bring more zombies which will take down the fences and make the prison unsafe. The Guv takes out the katana and puts it against Hershel's head. Rick asks the Guv's group if this is what they want. Mitch tells him this is what they want. Rick tells them that people from Woodbury became leaders in his group. If they put down their guns and come in they will be part of the group. They could all live together. No one has to dies. Everyone has done terrible things to survive. No one is too far gone. Everyone can come back. They can change. (Aside: This seems like the question for this season. Are people too far gone? Can you really come back after doing terrible things to survive in this new world? See crazy Clara from the woods and Carol). The Guv looks down at the sword, then at Rick, calls him a liar and slits Hershel's throat. Rick yells no and he and
at him from one direction and zombies coming up from behind. A zombie approaches him. Daryl uses that zombie as body armor and throws a grenade. Tara gets spooked and walks away. Maggie goes to Sasha and Bob but Beth isn't there. Bob gets shot. They turn around and the bus is leaving. They will find another way. Tyreese is alone and Alisha and some other guy start shooting at him. Lizzie and Mika save his butt and he tells them they need to get out of there. The Guv is choking Rick and Rick can barely fight back. The katana slices through the Guv. It is Michonne to the rescue! Rick asks where Carl is. She doesn't know. She turns to the Guv but then walks away. Mitch keeps shooting at the prison with the tank. Daryl throws a grenade into the tank. Daryl shoots Mitch with his crossbow. Beth runs up to him. He tells her they have to go. Rick is calling out for Carl. Two zombies approach him and Carl shoots them. A father and son reunion. He asks where Judith is and Carl says he doesn't know. They find her car seat covered in blood.
Carl over shoots a zombie and starts crying. Rick hugs him and tells him it is over. They stumble away together. Lily approaches the Guv with a gun in her hand. She shoots. The prison is gone. Zombies roam freely. Rick tells Carl not to look back but to keep walking.
So many thoughts
- I'm not sure Judith is dead. I believe an adult would have taken care of her and gotten her on the bus. The blood on the car seat could be anybody's blood. The show has tricked us before. They made us think Carol was dead but she wasn't. Or, this could just be a way of getting rid of the messy issue of a baby on a TV show.
- Let's give a round of applause to Chandler Riggs and Scott Wilson for their great acting in this episode.
- I'm sure Tyreese is glad that Carol taught those kids to be strong and fight. Nice aim girls. Though it is a little scary to think creepy Lizzie has good gun fighting skills.
- I'm so sad that Hershel is dead. Even the Governor seemed to respect him (as much as he can respect anyone).
- Michonne finally got her revenge on the Governor. What will her story arc be for the rest of the season? Will she and Daryl fall in love?
- What is in Bob's box? A headless rat? Booze? Something even creepier?
- When will we find out who was feeding the walkers? They could easily have survived which makes them a huge danger for whoever they are with. My guess is it is either Lizzie or some as yet to be introduced character on the bus with Glenn. Watch your back Glenn.
- Where will the Rick's gang go? I've read that the comic book takes them to Washington, DC. I haven't heard if the show is planning on going there or staying in Georgia.
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RIP Hershel |
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So long Guvna |
We'll see you again on February 9, 2014.