Monday, March 25, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 15: This Sorrowful Life

Rick, Daryl, and Hershel discuss giving Michonne to the Governor.  Daryl and Hershel don't think it is honest to keep it from the others.  Rick says it is so the others won't die.  Rick wants to bring in someone else, Merle presumably, Daryl says he'll talk to him but Rick says he will.  Merle is looking for drugs in a mattress.   Rick says they need his help and Merle just laughs.  Rick asks Merle if he knows why he does the things he does.  The only ones that know about the plan are Hershel, Daryl, Merle, and Rick.  Merle says the Governor won't kill Michonne just do things to her like take out her eyes.  Merle says Rick is as cold as ice and calls him "Officer Friendly."  He'll need wire and not rope or she'll chew through them.  Merle says he doesn't know why he does the thing he does.  He is a mystery, but he knows Rick.  Rick doesn't have the spine for it. 

Carl and Maggie are making noise to distract the zombies while Glenn, Daryl, and Michonne bring a car up to the prison.  Michonne had the idea to set barbed wire by the fence so if the Governor attacks it will blow out the tires.  She says they don't have to win, just make sure the Governor thinks it is too much trouble.  Daryl gives Rick a look that says she is useful and this isn't right.  Merle and Carol are talking.  He wants to know if there is any liquor and she tells him to go to hell.  She wants to know if he is with them.  Not just living with them but on their side.  Merle says he is here for Daryl and Daryl is here for them.  Carol says it's time for Merle to pick a side.  Merle notices the difference in Carol.  She is not scared of anything anymore.  She's a late bloomer, maybe he is too. 

Daryl asks Glenn if he has seen Merle.  Daryl asks if Merle has apologized to Glenn.  Merle is sorry and Daryl will make Merle  make it alright.  Glenn tells Daryl what Merle did to him and Maggie.  He can forgive Merle for what he did to himself but not what happened to Maggie.  Glenn cares more about Maggie than himself.  Daryl goes looking for Merle in the prison.  He finds him in the engine room.  Merle says he is looking for crystal meth.  Merle says he is in with the plan to give Michonne.  But Merle says Rick won't go through with it.  He asks what Daryl thinks and Daryl says he will do whatever Rick says.  Merle says Daryl has lost his balls and used to make fun of people like that.  Merle says Daryl needs to grow up.   Things are different now.  He calls them out for doing to Michonne what he did to Glenn and Maggie.  Merle says you do what you gotta do to survive.  He says they need people like him.  A bad guy to do the dirty work.  Daryl says he just wants his brother back.  It seems to get too emotional for Merle and he tells Daryl to leave.  Merle grabs a phone and puts it in a bag with other things.  I assume wires to tie up Michonne.

Hershel is reading the Bible out loud to Maggie and Beth.  We see Rick gathering up wire.  He looks up and sees pregnant Lori.  He says to himself she's not there.  Hershel tells his girls he would do anything to keep them safe.  Rick tells Hershel he can't give Michonne to the Governor.  Merle is leading Michonne into the prison to "help clear out an area."  Zombies come down the hall and she stars killing them.  Merle then hits her on the back of the head.  He kills some zombies.  Then he takes her sword, drags her away, ties her up with wire and puts a pillowcase over her head.

Merle walks with Michonne down a street and then tells her the plan to give her to the Governor.  He says he did what Rick couldn't do.  Rick tells Daryl the whole thing is off.  He can't find Merle and Michonne.  Daryl goes back to the engine room with Rick.  Daryl figures out that Merle took Michonne and he goes after Merle.  He tells Rick to stay because he is family too.  Merle tells Michonne that he just wants to be with Daryl and that he is doing this to keep his place there and hopefully this will keep the prison safe.  She says he is not truly bad since he feels the weight of his actions.  A bad man would feel light as a feather.

Glenn and Hershel are talking about the Governor.  Hershel says there will be more men like him, there always have been.  Glenn holds the pocket watch and says he now knows what it means and what it takes.  He wants to marry Maggie before anything happens.  Hershel gives him his blessing.  Glenn walks up to the fence where the zombies are and cuts the fingers off a female zombie.  Wedding ring for Maggie? 

Merle ties Michonne to the post of what looks like a motel while he breaks into a car.  He hot wires the car but the alarm starts to go off.  The alarm is now attracting a boat load of zombies.  Michonne calls out to Merle so he will untie her and kill the zombies. He can't hear her over the alarm.  She kills two zombies on her own (awesomely of course).  Then Merle gets attacked and starts killing zombies.  He cuts her free and they get into the car and drive away. She asks if his job is to clean up the trash.  She says things are different for Daryl.  Rick needs him and respects him.  She tells him this could have been a new beginning for Merle but he chose to stay on the outside.  No one is going to mourn him, not even Daryl because he has a new family.  He tells her she is just as much on the outside as he is.  She agrees but at least when the Governor is through with her she won't have to live with herself.  She asks Merle if he had killed anyone before Woodbury.  Why would he kill for the Governor who is a liar?  She tells them they can just go back.  He says he can't go back.  She asks why.  He stops the car and cuts her hands free.  He tells her to go back to Rick and get ready for what's next he has something he has to deal with on his own.  He gives her back her sword and drives away.  Even Merle has a heart.  Those Dixon brothers.  Just a bunch of softies.

Daryl finds Michonne and asks if she killed Merle.  She tells him that he let her go.  Daryl says don't anyone go after him.  Merle sits in the car blasting music and drinking booze while zombies surround it.  He drives just slow enough so the zombies can keep up with him.  He jumps out of the car and lets it go.  It is the meeting place for the Michonne exchange.  The Woodbury people hear the music.  Martinez sends a few men to deal with it.  They start shooting at the zombies.  Merle take the opportunity to shoot a few of the Woodbury men.  They are eaten by the zombies.  Sneaky, sneaky, Merle.  Martinez sees Merle.  Merle tries to shoot the Governor but Ben (douche bag Allen's son) steps in the way.  Then a zombie attacks Merle and Martinez and his men find him.  The Governor starts to beat him up and bites off two of Merle's fingers.  Gross.  Merle isn't going to beg.  The Governor says no and shoots Merle. 

Glen approaches Maggie, he takes her by the hand and puts a ring in it.  She says yes.  Rick has everyone gathered together.  He tells them about the deal to leave them alone if they gave the Governor Michonne.  He admits he was going to do it to keep them safe.  But he changed his mind but Merle went through with it and Daryl went to stop him.   He was wrong not to tell them and he apologizes.  He mentions the Ricktatorship speech he gave them.  He says he was wrong and it can't be.  He can't sacrifice one life for the greater good.  All of them together are the greater good.  He is not their governor.  We choose to go or stay.  We stick together.  They vote it is their choice.  He walks off and goes to the watchtower.  He spies Michonne through the scope.

Daryl finds the meeting place.  He sees dead zombies and dead Woodbury posse being eaten by zombies.  He finds zombie Merle eating Ben and he starts to cry.  Poor Daryl.  Zombie Merle approaches him and he backs away crying.  He pushes Merle away a few times then stabs Merle over and over again with tears streaming down his face.  Somebody give Norman Reedus an Emmy and a Golden Globe now.  

Some thoughts
- This was such a great episode.  The conversation that Merle and Michonne had in the car reminded me of the one that Rick had with Morgan a few episodes back.  It seemed to be the push that Merle needed to officially decide he was on Rick's side and sever all ties with the Governor.
- It seems that whenever we get to know a minor character well or a main character makes a stand they die.  See Axel a few episodes back and Dale in season two.
- I wish we had learned a little more about Merle's childhood.  We know there was abuse and that he joined the army to get away from it but we don't know why he did drugs or why he ever went back.
- The Governor is very vengeful because not only did he bite off Merle's fingers and shoot him but he left him to become a zombie so he could live on in a form of punishment Merle would have hated. 
- If they could get ghost Lori's wedding dress they would be all set for a prison wedding.
- Someone needs to give Daryl a hug.  Here's hoping it's Carol.

RIP Merle Dixon

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 14: Prey

Pet zombies!  Flashback to Michonne and Andrea's time together.  Just two gals sitting around a fire cooking food out of tin cans with a couple of zombies.  You know, girls' night.  Pets are getting restless.  Andrea wants to know if Michonne knew her pets or if they attacked her.  Michonne's look says it all, she knew them but doesn't want to talk about it.  Michonne says they deserved what they got, they were never human to begin with.  I want some details.   Hopefully next season we will get to know Michonne better.

The Governor has two chains tied to two posts in some dungeon looking room.  Martinez and some men are getting guns prepared to attack the prison.  Andrea thought there was a deal on the table.  Milton lies and tells her it is just a precaution.  The Governor is prepping what looks like medical instruments for torture in his secret chamber.  Milton watches him.  He asks the Governor what that is and the Governor says it's his "work shop."  Milton thinks this is wrong.  Woodbury was a new start.  The prison has nothing to do with what Michonne did.  Milton says what happened with Penny is done and doesn't matter.  When the Governor says it does he runs and tells Andrea the truth.  The Governor will kill everyone at the prison whether or not they turn over Michonne.  Milton shows Andrea the torture chamber.  Milton tells her to leave and warn those at the prison.  She says she is going to kill the Governor.  They hide in the shadows as the Governor enters with more tools of torture.  He puts a recorder on the chair and whistles.  Andrea points a gun at him but Milton stops her from shooting.  Why, Milton, why?  Milton knew Philip before he became the Governor.  Milton points out that if the Governor dies Martinez will just take over and nothing will change.  Andrea decides to go back to the prison and tries to convince Milton to go with her.  But he says he belongs in Woodbury.  She tells him if he stays he can't look the other way.  Martinez calls to Andrea as she is walking through town and tells her to give him her gun because they need it.  The Governor walks up and tells her he kept this from her to keep her separate and safe.  He will need her tomorrow when they are supposed to meet Rick.  She plays along with this story.  Tyreese and his sister are on guard at the wall as a zombie approaches.  Tyreese is trying to shoot it but missing.  His sister taunts him, it takes him several tries to kill it.  Andrea tells them that that Martinez wants their help.  They don't believe her so she tells them the truth.  She is leaving.  She tells them the Governor is not what he seems.  She tells them they should leave too.  They let her go.  She only has her knife.  They feel bad about letting her go. 

Tyreese and his sister tell the Governor about Andrea.  Martinez says they should have stopped her.  The Governor lies and tells them that Andrea was out alone all winter and that she is unstable.  He asks what she said.  What panicked her.  Tyreese and his sister lie.  They want to make sure that they are still welcome in Woodbury since they let her go.  He tells them they are still welcome in Woodbury, but to go help Martinez.  I smell murder.  Milton asks if they are going after her, the Governor says he is going.  Milton tells the Governor to let her go and be with her people.  The Governor asks Milton if he spoke to her.  He wants to know if Milton told her about Michonne.  The Governor realizes Andrea knows about Michonne and possibly the torture chamber.  I hope that doesn't mean Milton is next on the list.  We see Andrea running down a road with zombies all around.  Martinez won't tell Tyreese where they are going.  The man in Tyreese's group  (Allen) believes the stuff in Woodbury have been saying about her.  He doesn't want to get kicked out because of Tyreese.  Tyreese is starting to believe Andrea.  Allen is accusing Tyreese of shaming him in front of his son because Tyreese saved Allen's wife.  He is jealous of how his wife thought of Tyreese and attached herself to him.  I see Allen trying to kill Tyreese and getting killed himself.  Andrea hears a car coming and hides in the woods.   A zombie comes up behind the tree she is leaning on and puts his arm around her neck as two more zombies approach.  She grabs her knife and stabs one in the eye then breaks the arm of the one behind her.  She stabs zombie number three and stabs the one that was behind her.

Martinez and his crew arrive at the zombie pit they built earlier in the season.  Tyreese asks if the zombies are for the meeting tomorrow.  Martinez calls the people in the prison rats.  Tyreese says they can't do it.  Martinez tells them the Governor will kick them out.  Allen wants to stay in Woodbury but Tyreese wants to leave.  They start to fight and Tyreese holds Allen over the pit.  He pulls him back up.

Andrea is walking across some field on her way to the prison.  She really should have the knife in her hand.  She hears a car engine and hits the ground.  It is the Governor.  He starts to follow her honking his horn.  She just runs.  Run, Andrea, run!  He does not look happy.  Andrea makes it to some buildings but the Governor finds her there.  Andrea hides inside the building.  Now she has to watch for zombies and the Governor, she better be ready for anything.  She trips over something and makes noise.  Come on Andrea, get your act together.  The Governor conveniently enters the same building she is in.  He begins to whistle, you know, what crazy people do.  A zombie comes up behind Andrea and she kills it.  Just what the Governor wanted.  For Andrea to make noise so he could find her.  She hides and he follows.  He whispers her name and tells her to come back with him, he needs her.  Come back to her home, her people, her town.  She can't leave them all behind.  He says suit yourself and starts smashing windows with a shovel so he can hear her walking on the broken glass.  She hides with her knife.  He whistles again.  He gets closer, dragging the shovel across the floor.  A noise comes from the opposite direction, a walker probably, and he follows it in case it is Andrea.  It is a walker and he kills it.  Andrea gets up and walks in a different direction while the Governor is distracted killing zombies.  He hears her bump up against something.  A walker comes up next to her and she pushes it against a hook.  She opens a door and finds a stairway filled with zombies.  The Governor finds her.  He tells her it is time to go home.  She opens the door where the zombies were and walks away leaving the Governor to fight them all.  She hears the Governor fighting off the zombies and walks away.

A car approaches the zombie pit.  A horse trailer is filled with zombies and someone is pouring gasoline on it and the zombies in the pit and then setting them on fire.  We don't see who it it.  I think it might be Milton.  Andrea finally makes it to the prison.  I don't know why she didn't steal the Governor's truck.  She tries to wave at Rick but the Governor comes up behind her and pulls her to the ground.  Rick looks through the scope but doesn't see anything.  One of the posse pulls up to the zombie pit and sees the burnt bodies.  They are still moving.  The Governor returns to Woodbury.  He tells Martinez that he didn't find Andrea.  Martinez tells him about the zombie pit and blames it on Tyreese and his sister.  The Governor lies to Tyreese and his group about finding Andrea.  He tells them the pit zombies are just for show to scare Rick and his group.  Tyreese wants to know why no one explained that to them yesterday.  The Governor says they don't share tactics with people they don't know.  Tyreese says they want to stay.  They won't fight again.  The Governor asks them where they got the gasoline.  He thinks they burnt the zombies but I'm sure it was Milton.  Milton asks the Governor is Andrea is dead.  The Governor says he hopes not and that he has never been better.  Milton says it is a shame about the pits.  The Governor says he already knows who did it.  He now knows it was Milton and not Tyreese.  Andrea is being held in the torture chamber meant for Michonne.

Some thoughts
- I noticed that among the torture implements the Governor pulled out a needle and thread.  I can only assume that will be used to suture any cuts he makes so his victim won't die and he can keep torturing them.
- I want to know more about what happened between Tyreese and Allen's wife.  I would like some background on that group.  This was the first episode where I felt actual interest in them.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 13: Arrow on the Doorpost

The Summit begins

Daryl on his not so subtle bike, Hershel and Rick in their car pull up to what look like water towers.  Rick and Daryl look around while Hershel keeps and eye out in the car.  Hershel has a gun strapped to his leg.  Rick and Daryl make their way to a building and stumble upon a recently killed zombie.  Rick enters a wooden building and cocks his gun.  He cautiously makes his way in toward an area with a table and two chairs.  He hears a noise behind him and turns around.  It is the Governor.  the Governor approaches Rick and puts his hands up as a sign of appeasement and says they have a lot to talk about.  Rick thinks  things are pretty clear, the Governor attacked them.  The Governor says he could have killed them but chose not to.  He will remove his weapon as a sign of good faith and wants Rick to do the same.  Daryl looks in through a window.  Rick holsters his gun but continues to glare at the Governor.  The Governor sits down and we can see there is a gun taped to the table right where he sat down.  Daryl doesn't feel right about the situation.  The Governor was already there.  A car with the Martinez, Milton, and Andrea pulls up.  Andrea is surprised that the Governor is already here.  Andrea walks into the meeting and tells the two leaders she wants to end this feud and save the bullets for the zombies (one of the smartest things Andrea has said all season).  Rick accuses the Governor of all the things he's done including Maggie (even though he says that was Merle, Rick says he knows better).  Daryl calls Milton the Governor's butler.  Milton calls Daryl a henchman.  Hershel puts a kibosh on things.

You have to buy me a drink first

The Governor cuts Andrea's speech short.  Rick sets out a boundary for each group.  The Governor says Andrea is in no position to settle anything.  The Governor wants Rick to surrender.   The Governor kicks Andrea out and she goes off in a huff per usual.  Rick sits down across from the Governor and Martinez shuts the door.  Rick tells the Governor that the Governor is beholden to his people.  The Governor keeps blaming Merle for Maggie and Glenn.  Rick wants the Governor to take responsibility for what happened.  Rick calls him the town drunk who ripped up his fence and his yard.  The Governor brings up the fact that the baby might be Shane's and that Rick failed to see the Devil beside him.  Rick says he sees the Devil alright.  Daryl paces back and forth.  Milton wants to discuss the issues amongst themselves.  Milton called the situation a battle and recorded it as part of their history.  He is interrupted by the sound of zombies.  Daryl says "after you" to Martinez but Martinez insists Daryl go first.  Andrea has had enough and walks past them to kill the fist the zombie.  Martinez and Daryl start to show off as they each kill zombies.  Daryl gives him a nod of respect.  Daryl finds a pack of cigarettes and offers one to Martinez who declines.  They start to talk about how zombies suck.  Martinez says they will not work anything out, they will fight it out some day.  Daryl says he knows. This was a bonding moment between two opposing soldiers.  They know the only way to end this will be an eventual fight to the death.  Neither leader will accept surrender and their good soldiers accept their own possible deaths and they accept that fate.  Hershel reads through the history that Milton wrote.  Milton and Hershel discuss how Hershel lost his leg.  Milton is very interested about the procedure.  Hershel denies that they have a doctor (good call Hershel).  Milton wants to see the stump but Hershel won't until Milton buys him a drink.  They laugh.

Drink with me to days gone by

The Governor doesn't like looking weak after Rick and the group attacked Woodbury.  They are here because of the choices they've made.  The people they love will suffer.  The Governor shares a story about his life before: he got a call about his wife dieing in an accident.  He never go the chance to return her phone call and now he wonders why she called.  What did she want?  Rick seems moved; he's probably thinking about Lori (including his own phone call with his dead wife, what does ghost Lori want?).  They both drink the whiskey that the Governor brought.  I don't think it is good for Rick to be drinking.  He is already cray cray and the Governor is pouring the manipulation on really thick. I'm not sure if this story about his wife is even true.  The Governor knows more about Rick than Rick knows about the Governor (thanks a lot Andrea).

Good thing we found this sex garage

Back at the prison Glenn is arming everyone.  Merle wants to take the weapons and use them on the Governor and kill him.  Carl says his dad can take care of himself but Merle says Rick will be dead soon.  Glenn says this is not the time and his decision is final.  Zombies mill around that fence at the prison.  Glenn is out there with a blow torch fixing part of an outer door.  Merle is packing some things to go be with Daryl.  Glenn won't let him leave.  They begin to fight.  Maggie gets behind Merle and Michonne helps her.  Beth fires a gun into the air and the fighting stops.  Way to be proactive Beth.  Merle tells Michonne she knows he is right.  Rick's group is full of fighters but not killers.  She says Rick, Maggie, and Carl are killers.  Merle invites her to come with him to kill the Governor.  She asks about Andrea.  He says Andrea will have to choose.  She tells him he is on his own.  Glenn stares at the zombies by the gate.  Maggie comes out with a gun to take her turn watching the perimeter.  He tells her it was a hell of a choke hold she had Merle in.  Glenn says that when they got back from Woodbury he didn't give her the space she needed, he made it all about him.  She says she is always with him.  He apologizes and she says she knows and they hug.  He tells her he loves her and they kiss.  Glenn can't make out in front of the audience of zombies.  They go off to a garage to have sex.  Not the time to be having sex with no one watching the gate.

Prepare for war

Hershel goes to talk to Andrea to find out what happened inside.  She asks Hershel what happened to Maggie.  Hershel says the Governor is a sick man.  She doesn't know what to do.  She can't go back there.  Hershel calls her family and invites her back and it's settled (she can never go back to Woodbury).  The Governor says he never wanted to be in charge (liar!).  He says he knows Rick brought back a stash of guns but the Governor has more.  The fight will go down to the last man.  He wants to end it today.  They can walk away.  Rick has something the Governor wants.  Rick won't give up the prison.  The Governor says he doesn't want it.  He wants Michonne (an eye for an eye).  He asks Rick if one woman is worth all the lives of Rick's group.  Rick says he doesn't get it.  The Governor obviously has a plan to bring civilization back why risk it all on a vendetta?  Good point, Rick.  Killing Michonne is beneath him.  The Governor says Rick can save his son, his daughter, and everyone he knows.  It's all up to Rick.  How does Rick know the Governor will keep his word after he gets Michonne?  The Governor says Rick can have whatever he wants because the Governor doesn't care about Rick.  He gives Rick two days to decide then walks away.  Everyone stares at each other as they get into their perspective vehicles.  Hershel looks at Andrea.  Andrea chooses to return with the Governor.  She better slit his throat tonight.  The Governor returns to Woodbury.  The Governor tells Martinez to keep watch.  When Rick returns to the meeting in two days with Michonne he wants Martinez to keep her alive but kill the others to avoid a slaughter.  Milton calls it a slaughter.  The Governor says not on their end.  He says they were going to have to eliminate Rick sooner or later.  He thanks Andrea for setting up the meeting.  He tells her they have come to terms and will meet again in two days.  He doesn't tell her the terms.
Rick tells the group he met the Governor, just the two of them.  Merle thinks he should have killed him when they had a chance.  Rick tells them he wants the prison and all of them dead for what they did in Woodbury.  They are going to war.  It's about freaking time.  Rick is out where he last spoke to Lori.  Hershel comes out.  Merle and Michonne want to hit the Governor first.  Hershel and Carol want to take their chances on the road but they will do whatever Rick decides.  Rick tells Hershel the Governor gave him a way out if he gives them Michonne.  Hershel says the Governor will kill Michonne.  What if this is the answer?  Hershel wants to know why he didn't tell everyone else.  Rick says they need to be scared because that's the only way they'll accept it.  Michonne has earned her place (she saved Hershel and Carl told them about Glenn and Maggie's kidnapping).  Is he willing to sacrifice his daughter's lives for her?  Rick is telling Hershel so that Hershel will talk him out of it. Michonne has definitely earned her place, more so than Andrea.  They even accepted Merle who is a loose cannon.  Rick is going to have to go into stealth mode, invade Woodbury, and kill the Governor.  Maybe make it look like zombies did it.  Slit the Governor's throat but leave a couple of zombies in the room to eat the evidence of murder. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 12: Clear

It's road trip time.

Rick, Carl, and Michonne are on their way to get guns and ammo.  They pass a guy on the road without even slowing down.  They get stuck in the mud and zombies surround the car.  Rick tells Carl to cover his ears.  He opens his window a bit and shoots the zombie.  Next scene all the zombies are dead and Rick is teaching Carl how to get the car unstuck.  Carl is questioning why Michonne is with them.  Rick says he didn't want to leave Michonne alone with Merle.  He says they will eventually get rid of her.  Michonne overhears their conversation.  The guy they passed has made it near them and is begging for them to wait for him.  They don't stick around for him to join them.  They arrive in an abandoned town.  There is a green arrow spray painted on a building.  They seem to follow where it leads.  The building has been cleaned out of ammo.  It was Rick's old police station.  Rick wants to ransack bars and other places where he knew the owners had guns.  He asks Michonne if she has a problem with that and she says no.  She wants to stay with them.  They pass a pile of dead bodies that have been burnt.  They continue to follow the green arrows.  Weird signs spray painted everywhere.  "Turn around and live."  It looks like they stumbled upon some kind of barricade/obstacle course.  Michonne is apprehensive because it looks like someone already made the town theirs.  A female zombie starts to follow them.  A man on a roof of a building shoots the zombie dead.  The man wants them to leave but Michonne wants the rifle and tells Rick she can make it up there.  Rick begins to fire and the man fires back.  By the time Michonne gets up there he is gone.  The man reappears on the street and shoots at Rick.  Carl comes out of nowhere and shoots the man.  Rick looks surprised at what Carl did.  He didn't want Carl to have to do that.  Carl has already had to deal with too much death the past few months (in particular the death of Lori not to mention the fact that Carl shot her in the head).  The man is wearing body armor.  He is alive.  It is Morgan from the first episode!  I thought it would be since they showed Rick talking on the walkie-talkie at the beginning of the episode.  That was a bit of a spoiler. 

Watch out for booby traps

Rick tells Michonne to keep an eye out for booby traps.  Michonne wants to leave but Rick doesn't because Morgan saved his life and he had a son.  They carry him inside.  There are a lot of creative booby traps.  He has quite an arsenal.  They have hit the jackpot.  He has been busy.  Not only is it everything from the police station but a ton more stuff.  Michonne and Carl get busy grabbing ammo and weapons.  There is a ton of writing on the walls.  It looks like he went crazy.  Rick finds the walkie-talkie he gave him in season one.  I think he feels guilty.  Written on the walls are words Duane turned.  Sad.  Michonne thinks Morgan is crazy.  Rick insists on waiting for him.  I understand he feels bad but if this guy is cuckoo it could turn out badly for them.  Who knows what hidden booby traps or weapons he could unleash on them.  Carl finds a map of the town drawn on the wall.  It has Rick's house marked on it.  The house was burnt.  Rick asks if the reason Carl wanted to come back is to go to their old house.  Carl avoids the question and says he wants to go on a run.  He says he wants to get a crib.  Michonne points out he is going to need helping carrying a crib.  Michonne goes with him.  Carl tells her he can handle it.  Michonne goes to kill a zombie and Carl goes off on his own just like he planned it.  She follows him.  He wants to do this on his own.  She points out he just passed the baby place.  He says he is getting baby sis something else first.  Rick stands by an unconscious Morgan and says he is sorry this happened to him.  We see that Morgan has a knife by his bed and is reaching for it.  He jumps up and tries to attack Rick.  Morgan does not remember him.  Morgan tries to kill Rick and says he turned and that everybody turns.  He stabs Rick.  Rick points his gun at him.  Morgan asks Rick to kill him. 

The weak inherit the earth

Morgan keeps asking Rick to kill him.  Rick tells him how Morgan found him and saved him.  He reminds him of the walkie.  Morgan remembers him.  Morgan says how he turned the walkie on everyday but all he got was static.  He gets mad at Rick for not being there.  But we know Rick did call out to Morgan.  Rick explains he kept getting pushed farther out and had to keep moving but he didn't have choice.  Morgan gets mad because Rick found his family.  Morgan asks if Lori turned.  No, she just died.  Morgan starts talking about his wife.  He had to see his family turn.  Rick tried to get Morgan to kill his wife but Morgan couldn't.  Morgan and Duane were always looking for food.  Morgan went down to a cellar alone.  When he came up he saw his wife and Duane with his gun.  Duane couldn't kill his mom.  Morgan called to Duane but his wife bit him.  Morgan finally killed his wife but had to lose his son in the process.  All he saw was red.  Morgan says he was selfish and weak.  He asks Rick if his own son is dead.  Morgan says he will be.  Good people always die, bad people die, but people like him, the weak, inherit the earth.  I say if Morgan wants to die Rick should kill him and put him out of his misery.  Then they should load up with guns, ammo, and food.

Sometime you want to go where everybody knows your name

Carl and Michonne make their way to a cafe.  Carl peaks through the door and sees a couple of bodies inside.  Michonne stops him from going inside.  She is out there to help.  He says she is out there for a common interest, same enemy.  She can't stop him but he can't stop her from helping him.  They put the rat cages on skateboards and send them in there to distract the zombies (nice thinking, Michonne).  They make their way to the back.  A zombie they didn't see wakes up.  Carl climbs unto the bar and grabs a photograph and the hidden zombie grabs his leg but Michonne kills it silently.  One of the rats gets loose and all the zombies follow it right to them.  They start to fight off zombies and make their way out the door.  Carl drops the photograph.  It's the only one left!  Michonne agrees to help him get it back but he has to wait for her and do it her way.  Michonne comes back with the photo it is of Rick, Lori, and Carl.  She says she was going to go back anyway to get some cat statue she thinks is gorgeous.  Rick says Morgan is supposed to come back with them.  Rick tells Morgan about the prison.  Isn't that where Rick's wife died?  Morgan asks why they need all the guns.  If they found something good then someone else wants to take it and that is why they need the guns.  But not Morgan, he will not see people he cares about die again.  Rick says they both started out in the same place and bad things happened to both of them.  He can come back from this.  He has to be able to come back from this.  Rick is talking to himself. If he can make Morgan come back from crazy town then Rick can come back from crazy town.  Morgan says he has to clear.  Clear is written on the wall several times.

Morgan is clearing the area of the zombies that got stuck in the barricade.  Carl and Michonne come back carrying a crib.  He's okay, says Michonne.  No he's not says Rick.  Carl calls out to Morgan.  Carl tells him he had to shoot him and that he's sorry.  Morgan tells him to never be sorry.  In this new world apologies are meaningless.  As they are packing up their car Carl tells Rick that Michonne is one of them.  Good because bad things happen to those Rick rejects and they come back to get their revenge on Rick and his group.  Michonne asks Rick if he saw something.  She says she knows he sees people.  She used to talk to her dead boyfriend, it happens.  He asks if she wants to drive, yes she says, good because he sees things.  Zing!  They drive past Morgan getting ready to set fire to the dead bodies he collected by the pile of burnt bodies they saw earlier.  They drive by the eaten body of the guy they saw earlier.  They stop to pick up the guy's backpack.  

Some thoughts
- I really loved this episode.  I usually prefer the action heavy zombie killing episodes best but this was a quiet episode done well.
- We finally learned what became of Morgan and Duane (RIP Duane).
- We got to see another side of Michonne.  She was probably the only adult on the show to actually keep an eye on Carl and to tell him he is being stupid and reckless.
- Rick looks like he is on his way out of crazy town (much like he is leaving his hometown for good).
- What "clear" means according to TWD creator Robert Kirkman: "It means a lot of things. To a certain extent it’s the ravings of a lunatic but it’s also about him trying to clear out his life and clear out any entanglements around him. He’s living by himself so he’s trying to have a clear head. It’s basically about him getting rid of his wife and getting rid of his son and the only way for him to survive is to clear the area around him." (see Entertainment Weekly online for full article).

RIP Duane