Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 7 "Crossed"

Glenn stands looking down the road. Tara has filled the water bottles with the last bit of water from the fire engine. Tara refers to the group as GREATM (it's all of their initials). Abraham is still kneeling on the road and Eugene is passed out in front of the truck. Glenn asks the rest of the group if they should take Eugene back to the church but Maggie says moving him would make him worse. He needs to wake up. Rosita tries to get Abraham to drink some water. He won't, he doesn't even want to look at her. He stands up and looks at her menacingly. Maggie pulls her gun out and tells him to "Sit down or I'll put you down." He sits back down.

Glenn, Rosita, and Tara go to a nearby creek to get water. Maggie stays behind to take care of Eugene and keep an eye on Abraham. At the creek they encounter some zombies trapped under a collapsed pole. Tara defends Eugene to the rest of them. His only skill was his ability to lie and he used it to survive. They can't get mad at him for that. Glenn disagrees. Maggie uses a ladder and a blanket from the fire engine to create a kind of tent over Eugene to protect him from the sun. She tells Abraham to get over himself. "It's never going to get any better than this." The water in the creek is really dirty. Rosita makes a water filter out of her shirt. Eugene taught her how to do it. She was with other people during the apocalypse. One day her group was fighting off zombies and Abraham jumped out of his truck and helped them. Eugene was already with him. He asked for her help to save the world. Glenn notices some ripples in the water. There are fish in the creek. Glenn, Tara, and Rosita kill the trapped zombies and take their jackets. They rip the netting off of the jackets. Tara grabs a bag found near the zombies. Glenn and Rosita catch fish using the netting. He asks Rosita if she is in with the group. She is in. Maggie offers Abraham some water. She asks if he wanted her to shoot him. He thought he did, but he didn't. They hear groaning. It's Eugene. He is awake. Abraham grabs the bottle of water.  Glenn and the rest return.

The church group
Sasha (wearing Bob's jacket) is chopping up a pew in Gabriel's church. Tyreese and Daryl take down the organ pipes and place them outside of the front of the church as a fence against the zombies. The rest are outside hammering boards over the windows. Rick tells Michonne that Noah wants to go back to Atlanta but he can't have that, but he says he owes it to Carol. He owes her more than anybody (she did forgive him for kicking her out of the group and told no one about it).  Rick says goodbye to baby Judith and Carl. He hands Judith to Michonne and leaves with the rest of the group to rescue Beth and Carol. Judith cries. Carl and Michonne hammer a piece of wood over the front door to keep the zombies out. Gabriel walks over to the spot where Gareth was killed and scratches at the blood stains with his hands.

Gabriel is scrubbing the church floor. Carl puts down a bunch of weapons on the floor. He tells Gabriel to pick one. He will teach him how to use it so he can defend himself. He replies that the Terminus group said they would go. Carl tells him they were liars and his group was just defending themselves. He tells Gabriel he is lucky his church has lasted this long. "You can't stay in one place anymore. Not for too long." Gabriel picks up a machete. Gabriel changes his mind as Carl explains to him how to hold the machete properly to drive it into a zombie skull. He goes to lie down. Michonne checks in on Gabriel. She knows all of this is new for him. She wanted him to know that the things they do are worth it. She doesn't want anything from him. She is just trying to help. He closes the door, takes the machete and cuts the floor boards. He pulls them up one by one.Gabriel makes a hole big enough to fit in and crawls out from under the church. He steps on a nail as he is leaving. He limps away from the church and into the woods. Gabriel encounters a female zombie in the woods. He fights her off and she gets staked through the middle. As he is about to hit her with a big rock he sees her crucifix and walks away.

Back in the hospital Beth walks into Carol's room. Dawn gets mad at an officer who is still looking for Noah. The officer asks if they are going keep wasting their limited resources on Carol. Beth gets mad and says he wastes electricity charging his DVD player. Dawn says that they will take Carol off life support. Then she tells Beth is her fault if Carol dies. She has to side with the officers.  She tells Beth it is up to her to save Carol. She gives her the key to the medicine locker (not even Dr. Edwards has access to it). Over the radio a police officer can be heard notifying Dawn that shots have been heard. She tells the officer to take another cop with her and investigate. Beth asks why she is doing this? Dawn tells her that Beth has proven she is not weak. Beth knocks on Dr. Edwards's door. She asks him what medicine he would give Carol. He realizes she has the key to the medicine cabinet. He tells her if Dawn gave it to her it was not out of kindness. Then he tells her what medicine to give Carol. Beth walks down the hall with some strawberries in her hand that she gives to another ward. He creates a diversion while she grabs the medicine for Carol out of the cabinet. She walks over to Carol's room and puts the medicine in an IV for her. She grabs Carol's hand and lets her know that she is there.

Rick's Army
Tyreese and Sasha sit in the back of the truck on the way to Atlanta. Tyreese tells her he knows what she is going through (he dealt with Karen's death). She cuts him off. She doesn't want to hear it this moment. Rick tells the group his rescue plan. They will wait until dark and fire two shots to bring out the cops on patrol. Then they will sneak in and kill any guards they encounter so they can keep the upper hand. They are not expected. He wants to do this quietly and efficiently. He assigns everyone a spot in the hospital and tells them to kill whoever is there. He will take care of Dawn. He says the rest will hopefully give up once they see what is going on. Noah says the wards will help them. Tyreese asks what is the worst case scenario? He suggests they kidnap two cops and do an even trade. Rick says Tyreese's plan might work but his plan will work. Daryl backs Tyreese up. Dawn is barely keeping it together.

Two cops drive down Atlanta chasing after Noah. They corner him and he surrenders to them. One of the cops asks where are the zombie he was shooting at? Out comes Rick and the gang. Rick tells them to put their guns on the ground and kneel. One of the cops asks Rick if he used to be a cop. He noticed how Rick talked and carried himself. Noah says that cop (Lamson) is one of the good ones. Out of nowhere another cop car comes. The cop shoot at the group and rescue the two officers. Rick and the gang follow the car to a site where the napalm bombs fell. Half melted zombies lie stuck to the floor. They see the abandoned cop car and the cops running away. Daryl sticks around to investigate while the rest chase after the cops. He is tackled to the ground by one of the officers. Zombies crawl towards him. One of the zombies almost bites his head. Daryl grabs at the head of one of the zombies, grabs it by the eyeballs and uses it to hit the cop. Rick comes up and points a gun at the cop. The cop stands up and Rick looks like he is about to shoot the man when Daryl calls to him and says that three is better than two.

Rick and the gang march the police officers to an abandoned building. The female officer says there plan would work if they had different cops to trade. She says that a bunch of the cops want Dawn out and want to replace her with Lamson. Dawn might know about their plan. She suggests they let them go then they will take care of Dawn and release their friends (Beth and Carol) and they can go their separate ways. Lamson says they are not going to do that. Their plan will work if they are able to talk to Dawn. He says he knows Dawn and he is interested in peaceful resolution and offers to help. Daryl calls Rick over to talk to Lamson. Tyreese and Sasha pack up their car. Sasha rips Bob's jacket. She gets angry. Tyreese tells her that she got to say goodbye to Bob. She is angry with herself for not being able to kill Bob after he died. Tyreese said that she allowed him to help her. They hug.

Lamson tells Rick that Dawn will say that she won't make a deal or compromise but she will. She always does. Rick asks if Lamson needs anything. He needs water. Rick offers to get him one and thanks him. Lamson says his name is Bob and that all the real cops are gone. Lamson tells Sasha that he knew one of the zombies they walked passed in the parking lot. The zombie was Tyler. They were sent down to deal with the evacuation. Dawn switched Lamson for Tyler and the napalm bomb hit Tyler instead. Sasha offers to help him by shooting Tyler. If he tells here where he is she will shoot him from the building. Lamson and Sasha walk to the side of the building where zombie Tyler is outside. He tells her where Tyler is. She puts her rifle to the window and he attacks her from behind and runs away.