Should we stay or should we go?
We begin with the Grimes gang arguing about whether they should leave or fight for the prison. Rick doesn't want to leave. Merle wants to leave to fight another day. He says they should be afraid of the Governor who has the guns and the manpower. Rick starts to walk off and Hershel yells at him to get back here. He quotes Rick about this not being a democracy and tells Rick to do something. Rick walks out to check on what things look like outside. A lot of walkers are around the only gate left. The prison has reverted to its episode 1 state: zombies everywhere. Carl comes up beside him. Carl tells Rick that he should stop being the leader. Good point kiddo. Hershel and Daryl should handle things and Rick should rest. No one needs a leader that is cray cray when you have to survive a zombiepocalypse.
Glenn is still upset about Merle. Daryl says he is one of them now and Glenn needs to learn to live with it. Glenn wants to use Merle as a bargaining chip with the Governor. I don't think that would work. The Governor doesn't care about Merle. He might even consider Merle as a threat. He knows everything about Woodbury and can handle himself armed or not. Hershel goes to talk with Merle to find out what kind of a man he is. Hershel tells Merle that Rick cut his leg after he was bitten. Hershel quotes the Bible about cutting off the hand that offends you. Matthew 5:29-30 replies Merle. Woodbury had a good library. When the Governor returns he is going to kill Merle, followed by Michonne and the rest of the group, Rick will be last so he can watch everyone die. That statement sums up the kind of man the Governor is, he holds a grudge and likes to be in control of everyone. Carol goes to Daryl to say she is glad he came back. She calls the prison a home but he calls it a tomb. She tells him that Merle is not good for him. He has come so far. They laugh (ah, love). When are those two crazy kids going to finally get together?
Woodbury's army = Star Trek red shirts
Milton and the Governor are discussing the population of Woodbury that
can be trained to use weapons. That includes kids 12 and older. Andrea
walks in and gets mad at him for retaliating at the prison. She says
she is sick of the lies. She doesn't want to see the prison group and
Woodbury kill each other. He says it is too late. She wants to save
her friends and work this out. She wants a car to go to the prison.
The Governor says if she goes to the prison she stays there. The Governor is surveying the new recruits to his army. He asks a kid with asthma if he can shoot a gun. Child soldiers (especially asthmatic child soldiers) are not a good idea. The Governor says that adolescence is a 20th Century invention. In a way he is right. They no longer have the luxury to treat kids as kids. This world is not safe and the only way to survive is to fight. Andrea asks Milton if he knew about the fight at the prison. She wants him to cover for her while she goes to the prison. He doesn't want to be put in this situation. She wants to take the risk to avoid a war with child soldiers. She is trying to do something good for once. With so few living people in a world run by zombies war seems even more ridiculous and pointless than ever before. The Governor now has an eye patch. For a moment there I thought he was going to use the match to cauterize his wound. Milton comes to report on Andrea to the Governor. The Governor tells Milton to help her. Milton thinks this is a test, but the Governor insists Milton should help her. I'm not sure what his end game is concerning Andrea.
Making zombie pets is fun!
Zombie walking through the woods alone Andrea and Milton knock it took the ground. Milton holds it down while Andrea cuts off its arms. The next scene is both the grosses and kind of the most awesome zombie mutilation on the show. They use push the zombie's head down on a rock in order to break its jaw. They are making a zombie pet a la Michonne. A zombie comes out from behind and Tyreese kills it. He gives Andrea and Milton a weird look. Milton explains how the zombie pet keeps the other zombies away. They tell Tyreese about Woodbury. Milton offers to take them back. Just say no Tyreese! But I understand, after thinking they found safety in the prison they would be desperate to find a safe place.
Welcome back Andrea! Well, not really.
Michonne is doing her workout. Merle comes to talk to her. He wants to clear the air. Hunting her down was just business. He wants to get past it. Andrea walks up to the prison with her zombie pet. Carl is on lookout duty. He tells Maggie there is something weird out there. She looks through her gun and tells Carl it is Andrea and to go get Rick and the others. Andrea is making her way past the walkers to the gate. Rick and the others come out armed. Rick asks if she is alone. Andrea yells at him to open the gate. He frisks her for weapons and puts her on her knees. She seems surprised by how they are treating her but she really shouldn't be. They take her inside and she hugs Carol. Carol explains that they thought she had died. She asks where Shane is and everyone looks down. Then she asks about Lori. Rick tells her that Lori and T-Dog died. She says she is so sorry. Rick won't let her in the cell block because he doesn't trust since the Governor attacked them. Even after finding out what really happened during the attack on the prison she is still on team Woodbury. She tells them that she came as soon as she could that she didn't know that they were at Woodbury. She gets mad about how they are treating her but they accept Merle. Rick says they are going to kill the Governor. She says there is room at Woodbury for all of them. Hershel asks if the Governor is willing to negotiate. Daryl says he is going to take the Governor's other eye (yes, please). She tells them that they are gearing up for war and that they can't win against the Woodbury army.
Andrea tells Michonne that she poisoned them against her. Michonne said that she could see Andrea was under the Governor's spell. She tells Andrea that he sent Merle to kill her. She chose a warm bed over a friend and that is why Michonne went back to Woodbury. To expose the Governor's true self even if it hurt Andrea. Michonne was the true friend. Andrea is going to have to choose.
The Governor is giving Tyreese the spiel about Woodbury. He lies about Rick rescuing the Maggie and Glenn and tells them they were attacked by a group of crazy people. Tyreese tells them they ran into Rick. That Rick was crazy but everyone else was cool. They volunteer to help out in the fight against Rick. Tyreese wants to help earn his keep. Milton wants them to describe the layout of the prison. Ruh roh!
Carol hatches a plan
Andrea holds Lil' Asskicker aka Judith. She asks what happens to Lori and Carol tells her about Lori, T-Dog and Shane. Carol tells her about how and why Rick killed Shane. Andrea says Rick has become cold and unsteady. Carol says he has his reasons. Carol says Andrea needs to sleep with the Governor, give him the best night of his life, and end this (kill the Governor). Rick gives Andrea a car. We are assuming she is following Carol's plan to earn her place back with Rick and the gang. Rick gives her a gun and tells her to be careful. Andrea drives away and the group looks weak with all those zombies and just a handful of people.
Andrea drives up to Woodbury the group guarding the entry point their guns at her. She walks into the Governor's house and tells him that she went to the prison. She admits that Michonne and Merle are there. He asks if Rick sent her back she says it was her call. He asks why and says that she belongs at Woodbury.
Hold On
The gang is sitting silently in the prison. Beth starts to sing. "You gotta hold on, hold on." Rick, Hershel, and Daryl discuss the situation. Rick says he is going on a run tomorrow and Daryl wants to go with him. Rick wants Daryl to stay and keep an eye on Merle. He will take Michonne and Carl with him. Daryl will stay and keep the fort. The scene ends with Carl looking out on the yard full of zombies and Andrea in bed with the Governor while the song that Beth was singing plays (but this time it is the original Tom Waits version). She grabs a knife and walks over to a sleeping Governor. She can't do it.
Some Thoughts
- I think Michonne was hurt by Andrea because they were more than friends during those months together.
- Carl is gearing up to become the group's leader. He has already proven himself to be better able to deal with death than any of the adults (see his conversation with Daryl about their mothers from episode 6). He sees the weakness in Rick and is trying to ease him out of the role of leadership. This is definitely going to affect the father-son relationship. I think that makes for an interesting story line that I hope the writers continue.
- Carol is turning into a really interesting character. First, she became the gangs new sharpshooter and now she is creating plans to get rid of the Governor.
- Milton is really growing on me. I know he creepy and weird but there is something about him. He's kind of like Peter Saarsgard. He's creepy yet you feel drawn to him for some inexplicable reason.
- Andrea could easily create her own plan to take over Woodbury. After her speech some of the townspeople are turning to her. The people of Woodbury have been kept ignorant of what the Governor does but they are still questioning his authority. He abandoned them after the attack and now he is creating an army out of teens and old ladies (aka the first people to die when war breaks out).
- I'm not sure what the writers are doing with Merle. It feels like he is suffering from multiple personalities.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 10: Home
I spy with my little eye . . .
Rick is clearing out crates from the prison. He starts looking out of binoculars. He spots Michonne living in a van down by the river! Just kidding, she is living in an overturned prison bus. As he continues to look over the perimeter he sees ghost Lori standing in front of her "grave." He walks up to her and she disappears. She then reappears by one of the guard towers. He follows her there, running past Michonne like a madman, unlocking gates without thinking. Michonne closes the gates. Lori is now out on a bridge over the water (outside of the gates of the prison). She puts her hands on his face. Michonne just stares at Rick standing by himself on the bridge.
The manipulation continues
The guards are back up on the gate at Woodbury. The Governor knocks on Andrea's door. He admires the speech she gave. He says as long as Rick leaves them alone there won't be a problem (I smell a giant lie). He says he's done terrible things and is not fit to lead the people, but Andrea is. He says he kept his daughter alive in hope that Milton would succeed in finding her in her zombie self. "I, we need you." he says. He is trying to make up for calling her a visitor in the previous episode. Can you say manipulation?
The Dixon brothers go camping
Daryl and Merle are out in the woods. They argue over which direction to go. Daryl says they should look for Yellow Jacket creek. Daryl can't find any game to kill. Merle is optimistic in finding squirrels in the woods. Daryl wants to scavenge the houses they passed. Merle makes fun of Daryl for scavenging houses with Rick and the gang. He is clearly jealous of the relationship that Rick and Daryl have and how that has changed Daryl (Daryl has some self-esteem). Merle doesn't want to go to the prison but Daryl does (food, protection, etc.). Merle says there is no point in going back because the Governor will have killed everyone at the prison by now. Daryl and Merle are discussing where to go. Merle is putting down Daryl telling him he doesn't know anything. They hear a sound that Merle says is animals doing it but Daryl says it's a baby. It turns out it is a group of survivors that is surrounded by zombies. Daryl goes to help. Merle doesn't want to help. Zombies are closing in. Daryl to the rescue doing what he does best, killing zombies with his crossbow. Merle just watches. Awesome zombie kill from Daryl by closing the trunk on a zombie head. Merle shoots one of the zombies saying that he has Daryl's back. The man is yelling at Merle in Spanish telling him to get away from his car. Merle wants to ransack the car but Daryl tells him not to. Merle does it anyway. Daryl points his crossbow at Merle. He tells the people to get in their car and go. Merle is not happy. This is probably the only time Daryl has stood up to Merle. We see a sign for the Yellow Jacket creek as the brothers walk back into the woods. Daryl was right all along. Merle said they owed them. Daryl went to help because there was a baby. He tells Merle that he went back for him and did not cut off his hand. Merle mentions that their original plan was to rob the original camp group. They fight and Daryl's shirt rips. Merle sees the scars on Daryl's back and realizes that their dad beat Daryl too. That was the reason Merle left. Daryl decides to go back to the prison. Merle says he can't go back because he almost killed Michonne and the Chinese kid (aka Glenn who is Korean as Daryl corrects Merle). Merle follows Daryl back to the prison.
Who's Martinez?
The Governor is in Milton's lab. Milton is listening to alpha waves trying to get into a meditative state. He asks if Milton is going to stay because he is invaluable and the Governor counts on him and considers him a friend. He mentions he also counted on Merle. He says that Martinez would take a bullet for him. Would Milton take a bullet for him? Where do Andrea's loyalties lie? Would Milton keep an eye on her? Andrea is looking for Martinez. The lady on guard won't tell her where Martinez went or with whom. She asks Milton where the Governor is. He's not sure. On a supply run? She wants a specific answer to a specific question but he still doesn't give her a satisfying answer.
How about we close that giant hole in the back of the prison?
Glenn is trying to figure out where the hole in the prison is that Tyreese and his gang used to get in. Glenn wants to prepare for the Governor's attack. He wants to sneak in tonight and put a bullet in the Governor's brain with the help of Michonne. Hershel brings up the point that the Governor did not expect them last time and many people died and were hurt. Hershel doesn't think they can stay there and Glenn doesn't think they can run (he points out that now Hershel is on crutches and they have crying baby). Glenn agrees to stay and defend the prison. Glenn is going off with Carl leaving Michonne to help the rest. He asks who's on watch and realizes nobody is. When Glenn comes back with Carl he tells the group that the walkers have invaded in an area that was previously secure. The group discusses leaving. Glenn wants to take Maggie with him to check out the hole. She is lying on a bunk. He wants to talk about what happened. She doesn't, but she still tells him what happened. No, he didn't rape her. She asks if he feels better? She was given a choice, take off her shirt or Glenn loses his hand. He says he's sorry but she pushes him away and tells him to leave. I hope they are able to overcome this in their relationship. They both have to deal with being tortured and sexually assaulted (even though she wasn't raped I would still consider what the Governor did to her as sexual assault). The problem is they don't really have the time do deal with this issue. They have zombies coming in through the back of the prison and the Governor plotting his revenge. In the meantime, Carol and Axel are outside reinforcing the fence. Axel tells her that he robbed a convenience store with a water pistol. He was arrested because they found him at his brother's house and found his brother's gun. Carol shows him how to use the gun he was given. He flirts with her and she seems to enjoy it.
This means war
Hershel calls out to Glenn who is heading to the car. He wants to make sure that he is not going back to Woodbury. Hershel wants to go with him to check on the gaping whole in the back of the prison. Glenn feels he is responsible for what happened to Maggie. Glenn's rage is going to get him killed. Glenn says he's the next in charge with Daryl gone and Rick all crazy. Rick is wandering around the wooded area around the prison. He hears a man calling him. It was Hershel. For a moment there I thought it was another ghost. He asks Rick if he is coming back soon. Glenn is on the war path and reckless. Rick tells Hershel he can be the leader if he is so worried about Glenn. He doesn't tell Hershel why he is out there. Hershel asks if he can help. Rick tells him he saw something. He is seeing Lori. He says he knows it's not really her but it has to mean something. He saw Shane in the town. He says he is looking for them. He is waiting. Rick says there is an answer and that in time it will make sense. Hershel tells him to come in to rest where it is safe. Rick says he can't and walks off. Axel says its stress that has made Rick crack. He says things made more sense inside because there were rules and life was simple. Bam! Somebody shoots Axel in the head. It was the Governor and his posse. They start to shoot at Rick and Hershel. Carol protects herself with Axel's body. Michonne and Carl shoot back. One of the men is up on an exterior guard tower. Rick shoots at Martinez. The Governor is trying to kill Michonne. He has a big smile on his face. Maggie comes out with some guns. Carl is trying to kill the guard up on the tower. Carol runs to Carl and Beth and grabs one of the guns. They hear a vehicle and everybody stops shooting. It is a van that has plowed through the gates of the prison. The back opens up and zombies come walking out. Hershel is out in the field alone with the zombies. A zombie comes up to the Governor and he shoots it. Maggie kills the guy in the tower. Rick is being chased by zombies that came because of all of the noise. Glenn has just arrived. The rest of the gang starts killing zombie. Rick is fighting off two zombies. Merle and Daryl arrive just in time to help Rick from becoming zombie food. Glenn picks up Hershel and Michonne. They drive up to the only gate left. Merle, Rick, and Daryl are still outside of the prison. Zombies are moving in to the previously secure yard. Rick seems focused for the moment as he stares from the outside of the fence towards the prison. And so it begins.
Rick is clearing out crates from the prison. He starts looking out of binoculars. He spots Michonne living in a van down by the river! Just kidding, she is living in an overturned prison bus. As he continues to look over the perimeter he sees ghost Lori standing in front of her "grave." He walks up to her and she disappears. She then reappears by one of the guard towers. He follows her there, running past Michonne like a madman, unlocking gates without thinking. Michonne closes the gates. Lori is now out on a bridge over the water (outside of the gates of the prison). She puts her hands on his face. Michonne just stares at Rick standing by himself on the bridge.
The manipulation continues
The guards are back up on the gate at Woodbury. The Governor knocks on Andrea's door. He admires the speech she gave. He says as long as Rick leaves them alone there won't be a problem (I smell a giant lie). He says he's done terrible things and is not fit to lead the people, but Andrea is. He says he kept his daughter alive in hope that Milton would succeed in finding her in her zombie self. "I, we need you." he says. He is trying to make up for calling her a visitor in the previous episode. Can you say manipulation?
The Dixon brothers go camping
Daryl and Merle are out in the woods. They argue over which direction to go. Daryl says they should look for Yellow Jacket creek. Daryl can't find any game to kill. Merle is optimistic in finding squirrels in the woods. Daryl wants to scavenge the houses they passed. Merle makes fun of Daryl for scavenging houses with Rick and the gang. He is clearly jealous of the relationship that Rick and Daryl have and how that has changed Daryl (Daryl has some self-esteem). Merle doesn't want to go to the prison but Daryl does (food, protection, etc.). Merle says there is no point in going back because the Governor will have killed everyone at the prison by now. Daryl and Merle are discussing where to go. Merle is putting down Daryl telling him he doesn't know anything. They hear a sound that Merle says is animals doing it but Daryl says it's a baby. It turns out it is a group of survivors that is surrounded by zombies. Daryl goes to help. Merle doesn't want to help. Zombies are closing in. Daryl to the rescue doing what he does best, killing zombies with his crossbow. Merle just watches. Awesome zombie kill from Daryl by closing the trunk on a zombie head. Merle shoots one of the zombies saying that he has Daryl's back. The man is yelling at Merle in Spanish telling him to get away from his car. Merle wants to ransack the car but Daryl tells him not to. Merle does it anyway. Daryl points his crossbow at Merle. He tells the people to get in their car and go. Merle is not happy. This is probably the only time Daryl has stood up to Merle. We see a sign for the Yellow Jacket creek as the brothers walk back into the woods. Daryl was right all along. Merle said they owed them. Daryl went to help because there was a baby. He tells Merle that he went back for him and did not cut off his hand. Merle mentions that their original plan was to rob the original camp group. They fight and Daryl's shirt rips. Merle sees the scars on Daryl's back and realizes that their dad beat Daryl too. That was the reason Merle left. Daryl decides to go back to the prison. Merle says he can't go back because he almost killed Michonne and the Chinese kid (aka Glenn who is Korean as Daryl corrects Merle). Merle follows Daryl back to the prison.
Who's Martinez?
The Governor is in Milton's lab. Milton is listening to alpha waves trying to get into a meditative state. He asks if Milton is going to stay because he is invaluable and the Governor counts on him and considers him a friend. He mentions he also counted on Merle. He says that Martinez would take a bullet for him. Would Milton take a bullet for him? Where do Andrea's loyalties lie? Would Milton keep an eye on her? Andrea is looking for Martinez. The lady on guard won't tell her where Martinez went or with whom. She asks Milton where the Governor is. He's not sure. On a supply run? She wants a specific answer to a specific question but he still doesn't give her a satisfying answer.
How about we close that giant hole in the back of the prison?

This means war

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 9: The Suicide King
Blood is thicker than water
The episode began where the mid-season finale ended. Daryl is brought to the arena to face Merle and the residents of Woodbury. The Governor pits brother against brother in a fight to the death. The Governor at his manipulating best. Merle starts hitting Daryl saying that he chooses Woodbury over his brother. The Governor's posse bring out the zombies to eat the loser. Merle knocks Daryl down to the ground but Daryl tries to choke Merle. That is when Merle tells him he is only pretending and that Daryl has to play along so that they can make their escape.
While at first it seemed that Merle had chosen Woodbury we always knew that Merle wanted to find Daryl and that his loyalty lies with his family. Blood is thicker than Woodbury. Maggie starts shooting zombies and townspeople (she kills the girl that was "training" Andrea to use the bow and arrow) as Rick throws smoke bombs and shoots out the lights. Smoke everywhere and the zombies are now loose. Andrea grabs a gun left by a girl that was killed. Daryl and Merle escape with Rick and the gang. As Daryl makes his way out he grabs his crossbow. It is officially just an extension of his body. While the citizens of Woodbury scream and run in terror the Governor strolls coolly through the smoke and shoots a zombie. He is way more cray cray than he was before. Watch out Rick and the gang. War is coming.
Rick doesn't want Merle to come with them but Daryl says let's go and they follow Merle who pulled out a part of the barrier to Woodbury that is now open to the zombies outside. The foursome arrive at the rendezvous where Glenn and Michonne were waiting with the car. Glenn and Michonne want to kill Merle and I don't blame them. Merle tells them that Andrea and the Governor have been sleeping together. Rick is surprised to find out that Michonne knew Andrea. Merle tells them all about Michonne and Andrea. Rick hits Merle in the back. They are all through listening to Merle. Daryl is making the argument for Merle to join the group. Daryl gets mad that they will accept Michonne (aka that last samurai) who is a stranger but not his own brother. They don't know who she is and Merle is Daryl's blood. Glenn calls the group his family. Rick tells Daryl he is part of that family. Daryl is willing to leave with Merle. The others want him to stay. He says Carol will understand. Daryl won't leave Merle again. Daryl tells Rick to take care of Carl and the baby then he walks off with Merle. Rick tells Michonne that after they patch her up she is gone.
They find a truck blocking the road. Glenn opens the door to move the truck and a zombie jumps at him. He kicks the zombie's head over and over again. Glenn is mad that Rick didn't kill the Governor. He wishes he had gone with them and gets mad that Maggie went. He is mad that she was victimized by the Governor and that he was too weak to get his revenge. I think this is something that he and Maggie will be dealing with for the rest of the season. He felt powerless to save Maggie and their tormentor is still alive out there. I don't think Glenn will feel like a man until he gets his revenge.
Live together or die alone
Hershel is fixing the leg of one of the new people. Hershel tells them that he was bitten. They see Beth come out with the baby. They are all surprised to see a baby. They thought they would never see one again. At first they think Beth is her mother but she corrects them and they learn that the baby's mother is dead. Tyreese is telling Hershel their back story. Tyreese and his sister, Sasha, hid out in their neighbor's bunker. They met up with some others. Their camp of 25 was attacked a few weeks back. Hershel is warning Tyreese not to get too comfortable. Tyreese wants to stay. I think Tyreese would be a good addition to their group. He seems to think logically and is respectful the our little gang. Not so sure about the rest of his group. The man in Tyreese's group wants to take over the prison. He says now is their chance since there is only have a kid and a woman on guard. If he only knew what that boy and woman were capable of he would not be so quick to start up a fight. Tyreese still believes in common decency vs survival of the fittest. You either live or you die.
Carol and Carl are talking about how quiet it is. Carol mentions they forget how loud the world used to be. Oh, to hear a jumbo jet. Carol tells Carl that Lori was proud of him. Rick and the rest of the gang are back. Rick tells Carol that Daryl left with Merle.
Carol is not happy to hear that. Rick will not be happy when he sees Tyreese there, especially after losing Daryl. Beth, Hershel, and Maggie hug. Beth gives Rick a kiss on the cheek (is she crushing on Rick? Carl won't be happy about that). Rick and Hershel discuss the problem of the Governor. This world creates sick minds like the Governor. Carl is keeping watch over Tyreese's gang. Tyreese wants to do the talking when it comes time to talk to Rick. Rick walks right past Tyreese and his people without saying a word. Rick finally holds his daughter. He's kind of making a strange face while doing so. He seems to be in some kind of trance.
The woman in white
Carol and Beth have a conversation about babies. Carol talks about Sophia and Beth about how Daryl saved the baby. Carol understands Daryl and the power Merle has over him. Abused people will often return to their abuser. Carol knows all about that. She admits that if her husband were to walk into the prison she would go to him. Beth says they are weak without Daryl. I agree. The world needs men like Daryl. Daryl puts family first. Whether it is looking for Sophia or siding with Merle. Hershel is patching up Glenn. Hershel tells Glenn he is like his own son. Hershel can tell that Maggie and Glenn are holding something back. Michonne is asleep in one of the cells. Rick wants to know how soon she can leave. He locks her jail cell. Axel morns Oscar who always stood up for him. They are worried about the Governor retaliating.
Hershel says they could use some reinforcements. They go to speak to Tyreese. Hershel introduces them. Carl mentions that he brought them to their part of the prison. Tyreese volunteers to help out and work hard. Rick says no. Sasha says it's like ten little indians out there (nice Agatha Christie reference). Rick is hesitant after what happened with Tomas. Rick says he can't be responsible. Tyreese says he will be responsible. Hershel tells Rick they have done everything he asked of them and that they should give Tyreese and his group a chance. This is quite a change for Hershel who only last season was trying to kick Rick and the gang off of his farm. At that time Rick was the one begging for a chance of survival. The last few months have caused Rick to question the motives of other survivors. Rick looks up and sees Lori in her wedding dress. He starts talking to the her in front of everyone. He pulls out his gun and starts yelling at her. The group looks worried. And they should be. First phone calls from the dead, now hallucinations.
The State of Union or Woodbury address
Andrea and Milton are talking about the Governor. The people of Woodbury are trying to leave. The posse won't let anyone leave. Things are quickly spiraling out of control. People are screaming. Zombies have invaded Woodbury (probably through the hole Merle left). Andrea kills the zombies but the man that was bitten is crying and reaching out to her. She stands there frozen. This seemed a little strange to me. Andrea is quick to react to threats from zombies. The Governor walks out of his apartment and shoots the man and walks away. Andrea follows the Governor inside and starts yelling at him. The people need their leader. The Governor doesn't care if the people leave.
They are at war. He tells her that Daryl came to get Maggie and Glenn. They killed his friends. When Andrea asks why her never told her that he had her friends he replies she is just a visitor here why should he tell her about her friends. Ouch. Milton interrupts them to say the whole town is on the street. Milton is trying to appease the crowd. They want answers from the Governor. Andrea speaks up. They have all suffered, no more funerals because death doesn't stop, they need to carry on, work together and rebuild the community and themselves. The Governor watches her as she makes her impassioned speech. Is she no longer a visitor here but his first lady? Has she chosen Woodbury over her former group? If you think about it she was only with the original group for a couple of months. She spent more time with Michonne than the original group and she dropped her after five minutes in Woodbury.
The episode began where the mid-season finale ended. Daryl is brought to the arena to face Merle and the residents of Woodbury. The Governor pits brother against brother in a fight to the death. The Governor at his manipulating best. Merle starts hitting Daryl saying that he chooses Woodbury over his brother. The Governor's posse bring out the zombies to eat the loser. Merle knocks Daryl down to the ground but Daryl tries to choke Merle. That is when Merle tells him he is only pretending and that Daryl has to play along so that they can make their escape.
While at first it seemed that Merle had chosen Woodbury we always knew that Merle wanted to find Daryl and that his loyalty lies with his family. Blood is thicker than Woodbury. Maggie starts shooting zombies and townspeople (she kills the girl that was "training" Andrea to use the bow and arrow) as Rick throws smoke bombs and shoots out the lights. Smoke everywhere and the zombies are now loose. Andrea grabs a gun left by a girl that was killed. Daryl and Merle escape with Rick and the gang. As Daryl makes his way out he grabs his crossbow. It is officially just an extension of his body. While the citizens of Woodbury scream and run in terror the Governor strolls coolly through the smoke and shoots a zombie. He is way more cray cray than he was before. Watch out Rick and the gang. War is coming.
Rick doesn't want Merle to come with them but Daryl says let's go and they follow Merle who pulled out a part of the barrier to Woodbury that is now open to the zombies outside. The foursome arrive at the rendezvous where Glenn and Michonne were waiting with the car. Glenn and Michonne want to kill Merle and I don't blame them. Merle tells them that Andrea and the Governor have been sleeping together. Rick is surprised to find out that Michonne knew Andrea. Merle tells them all about Michonne and Andrea. Rick hits Merle in the back. They are all through listening to Merle. Daryl is making the argument for Merle to join the group. Daryl gets mad that they will accept Michonne (aka that last samurai) who is a stranger but not his own brother. They don't know who she is and Merle is Daryl's blood. Glenn calls the group his family. Rick tells Daryl he is part of that family. Daryl is willing to leave with Merle. The others want him to stay. He says Carol will understand. Daryl won't leave Merle again. Daryl tells Rick to take care of Carl and the baby then he walks off with Merle. Rick tells Michonne that after they patch her up she is gone.
They find a truck blocking the road. Glenn opens the door to move the truck and a zombie jumps at him. He kicks the zombie's head over and over again. Glenn is mad that Rick didn't kill the Governor. He wishes he had gone with them and gets mad that Maggie went. He is mad that she was victimized by the Governor and that he was too weak to get his revenge. I think this is something that he and Maggie will be dealing with for the rest of the season. He felt powerless to save Maggie and their tormentor is still alive out there. I don't think Glenn will feel like a man until he gets his revenge.
Live together or die alone
Hershel is fixing the leg of one of the new people. Hershel tells them that he was bitten. They see Beth come out with the baby. They are all surprised to see a baby. They thought they would never see one again. At first they think Beth is her mother but she corrects them and they learn that the baby's mother is dead. Tyreese is telling Hershel their back story. Tyreese and his sister, Sasha, hid out in their neighbor's bunker. They met up with some others. Their camp of 25 was attacked a few weeks back. Hershel is warning Tyreese not to get too comfortable. Tyreese wants to stay. I think Tyreese would be a good addition to their group. He seems to think logically and is respectful the our little gang. Not so sure about the rest of his group. The man in Tyreese's group wants to take over the prison. He says now is their chance since there is only have a kid and a woman on guard. If he only knew what that boy and woman were capable of he would not be so quick to start up a fight. Tyreese still believes in common decency vs survival of the fittest. You either live or you die.
Carol and Carl are talking about how quiet it is. Carol mentions they forget how loud the world used to be. Oh, to hear a jumbo jet. Carol tells Carl that Lori was proud of him. Rick and the rest of the gang are back. Rick tells Carol that Daryl left with Merle.
Carol is not happy to hear that. Rick will not be happy when he sees Tyreese there, especially after losing Daryl. Beth, Hershel, and Maggie hug. Beth gives Rick a kiss on the cheek (is she crushing on Rick? Carl won't be happy about that). Rick and Hershel discuss the problem of the Governor. This world creates sick minds like the Governor. Carl is keeping watch over Tyreese's gang. Tyreese wants to do the talking when it comes time to talk to Rick. Rick walks right past Tyreese and his people without saying a word. Rick finally holds his daughter. He's kind of making a strange face while doing so. He seems to be in some kind of trance.
The woman in white
Carol and Beth have a conversation about babies. Carol talks about Sophia and Beth about how Daryl saved the baby. Carol understands Daryl and the power Merle has over him. Abused people will often return to their abuser. Carol knows all about that. She admits that if her husband were to walk into the prison she would go to him. Beth says they are weak without Daryl. I agree. The world needs men like Daryl. Daryl puts family first. Whether it is looking for Sophia or siding with Merle. Hershel is patching up Glenn. Hershel tells Glenn he is like his own son. Hershel can tell that Maggie and Glenn are holding something back. Michonne is asleep in one of the cells. Rick wants to know how soon she can leave. He locks her jail cell. Axel morns Oscar who always stood up for him. They are worried about the Governor retaliating.
Hershel says they could use some reinforcements. They go to speak to Tyreese. Hershel introduces them. Carl mentions that he brought them to their part of the prison. Tyreese volunteers to help out and work hard. Rick says no. Sasha says it's like ten little indians out there (nice Agatha Christie reference). Rick is hesitant after what happened with Tomas. Rick says he can't be responsible. Tyreese says he will be responsible. Hershel tells Rick they have done everything he asked of them and that they should give Tyreese and his group a chance. This is quite a change for Hershel who only last season was trying to kick Rick and the gang off of his farm. At that time Rick was the one begging for a chance of survival. The last few months have caused Rick to question the motives of other survivors. Rick looks up and sees Lori in her wedding dress. He starts talking to the her in front of everyone. He pulls out his gun and starts yelling at her. The group looks worried. And they should be. First phone calls from the dead, now hallucinations.
The State of Union or Woodbury address
Andrea and Milton are talking about the Governor. The people of Woodbury are trying to leave. The posse won't let anyone leave. Things are quickly spiraling out of control. People are screaming. Zombies have invaded Woodbury (probably through the hole Merle left). Andrea kills the zombies but the man that was bitten is crying and reaching out to her. She stands there frozen. This seemed a little strange to me. Andrea is quick to react to threats from zombies. The Governor walks out of his apartment and shoots the man and walks away. Andrea follows the Governor inside and starts yelling at him. The people need their leader. The Governor doesn't care if the people leave.
They are at war. He tells her that Daryl came to get Maggie and Glenn. They killed his friends. When Andrea asks why her never told her that he had her friends he replies she is just a visitor here why should he tell her about her friends. Ouch. Milton interrupts them to say the whole town is on the street. Milton is trying to appease the crowd. They want answers from the Governor. Andrea speaks up. They have all suffered, no more funerals because death doesn't stop, they need to carry on, work together and rebuild the community and themselves. The Governor watches her as she makes her impassioned speech. Is she no longer a visitor here but his first lady? Has she chosen Woodbury over her former group? If you think about it she was only with the original group for a couple of months. She spent more time with Michonne than the original group and she dropped her after five minutes in Woodbury.
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