Enemies can become friends.
Morgan, Ezekiel, and some of the knights are waiting in a parking lot. The Saviors drive up. One of the Saviors, Gavin, says their tribute looks light. Ezekiel tells him to look again and Gavin agrees it's all there. One of the Saviors, Jared, wants to take Richard's gun. They both pull out their weapons. Gavin asks where do they go from here and Richard asks Ezekiel the same question. Ezekiel orders Richard to give Jared his weapon. Richard makes a rude remark and Jared goes to attack him but is blocked by Morgan. Jared tries to attack Morgan, he is stopped by Benjamin. Gavin tells Ezekiel this is not allowed. Ezekiel says Richard will no longer participate in the drop offs. Gavin says this has to stop or things will get "visceral." When Morgan asks for his stick back from Jared he is rejected.
Back at Kingdom Ezekiel reprimands Benjamin for getting involved. He has to think before he acts. Daryl walks up and asks where they went. Morgan goes to speak to him alone. Daryl figured out they went to give the Saviors their tribute. Daryl says if Carol was here and new about Abraham and Glenn she would be leading everyone to the Saviors and killing all of the Saviors. Morgan says that is why she left. Daryl finds Richard practicing how to shoot a bow and arrow since he no longer has a gun. He hands Daryl a crossbow. He wants Daryl's help.
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Reunited and it feels so good. |
Richard shows Daryl his secret trailer. He hands Daryl a rifle. His plan is to attack the Saviors first. If all three communities work together they can wipe the Saviors from the Earth. They drive towards a cemetery. They stop behind a truck. Richard says any cars coming down the road are Saviors. The will shoot first then throw Molotov cocktails at the Saviors. He set up a trap for the Saviors. He left a trail to a cache of weapons that leads to a cabin where someone that Ezekiel cares for lives. He mentions that the cabin's inhabitant is a woman that has more balls than Richard and Daryl. Daryl asks the woman's name. Richard won't say it at first. He wants the Saviors to attack Carol so Ezekiel will finally make a move against the Saviors. After Daryl keeps asking for the woman's name Richard finally tells him her name is Carol. Daryl tells Richard to stay away from Carol. They hear someone coming down the road. "We can wait for things to go bad, we lose people, or we can do the hard thing choose our fate for ourselves." Daryl says no and attacks Richard. The Saviors drive by unharmed. Richard and Daryl aim their weapons at each other. Richard says they are running out of time. They need to attack the Saviors soon with the help of the Kingdom. "What we have to do requires sacrifice one way or another. Guys like us, we've already lost so much." Daryl responds, "You don't know me." Richard tells him, "I know that Carol living on her own like that, she might as well be dead right now." Daryl responds, "Anything happens to her I'll kill ya." Richard says, "I would die for the Kingdom." To which Daryl replies, "Why don't you?"
Junkyard with statues made out of the junk. Two doors open and the black hoodie group comes out. Rick and the gang are with them. Everyone just walks around in this small open area of the junkyard. They form two circles around our gang. A woman asks if they are a collective or does one of them lead. Another woman pushes Rick forward. The leader says they own their lives and do they want to buy them back. Rick says he knows they have Gabriel. Once he sees him they can talk. Two of the hoodies bring Gabriel to Rick. The woman says they took everything that Rick took from the boat as well as everything they saw in the pantry. Rick tells them about the Saviors. The Saviors own Rick. "And if you kill us you will be taking something from them. And they will come looking. You only have two options when it comes to the Saviors. Either they kill you or they own you. But their is a way out. Join us. Join us in fighting them." The woman simply replies no. She signals to her people. They lead Gabriel away. Then the hoodies start attacking. Rick tells his group to stop fighting. Gabriel grabs a knife and says if they don't stop he will kill a woman. He tells them the Saviors have a lot of stuff. Whatever they want they can take from the Saviors.The leader signals for her people to back off. Gabriel lets the woman, Tamiel, go and drops the knife. Gabriel says if they fight with them they will be rewarded. The woman wants something now. Gabriel says Rick can do anything. He found Gabriel out there in the junkyard. "We'll show you what we can do, now." The leader signals and tells two people to show Rick "up, up, up." Rick follows them but Michonne looks worried. Michonne asks where they took Rick. A woman points and we see Rick and the hoodie leader on top of one of the junk heaps. The junk yard is huge. She says "All of us, here since the change, we take. We don't bother. . . Time's passed. Things are changing. So maybe we change, maybe. Need to know you're real with this. That you're worth it." Then she pushes Rick down the junk hill.
Michonne yells at the woman and goes toward Rick. She sees him through a pipe. He is alright. Rick looks around and a zombie covered in spikes walks towards him. He grabs a keyboard and hits it with it but it breaks on the helmet. Rick puts his hand out to stop the zombie and gets one of it's spikes through his hand. He looks around and begins to climb but slips. The zombie keeps coming after him. Michonne yells at him to use the walls. He knocks over some junk on the zombie. It is trapped under the junk. Rick grabs a knife and repeatedly stabs the zombie. He wants to know what the woman wants so he can get it for her. They drop a rope down to him. When Rick gets to the top the woman says she wants a lot of guns. When he gets them for her they will fight his fight. Rick smiles. He tells her after they win against the Saviors he will give them a third of what they take. She wants half. He keeps saying third. She agrees to a third if they get to keep half of the jars they stole from Alexandria and the guns. He agrees and they shake on it. She was waiting for someone to take the supplies from the boat so they could steal it. He asks what they were going to do with Gabriel and she tells him to go because their deal will expire soon. He asks her name and she responds Jadis. The hoodies leave and give back our gang their weapons. Rick comes back to his group bleeding but smiling. They have a deal.
Carol opens her front door and finds Ezekiel their with Jerry and a couple of other knights. She says she doesn't want anymore visits. Ezekiel explains they were just clearing the area of zombies. She says goodbye and goes to go back in the cabin. Jerry stops her and hands her a giant dish of cobbler. She takes it and tells them to go. Carol sits on her couch trying to read when there is a knock on the door. She opens the door and sees Daryl. They say nothing. She hugs him. He explains that Jesus took them to the Kingdom and Morgan told him she left. He asks her why she left. She says she had to go.
Gabriel tells Rick that one of the hoodies jumped him in Alexandria and made him take all of the supplies. She mentioned something about a boat so he wrote it in the notebook hoping that Rick would know where to find him. He was losing faith but then Rick found him and nodded at him showing he knew Gabriel didn't steal the supplies and leave. He is glad Rick is there and that they now have the numbers to stop the Saviors. He asks what made Rick smile. Rick replies, "Someone showed me enemies can become friends." He smiles at Gabriel then at Michonne. Rosita doesn't want to go back to Alexandria. She wants to get the guns for the hoodies. Tara says they need to regroup and get food back to Alexandria. Rosita says she will go on her own. Tara says they are not looking for a fight but getting ready for a fight. Rosita says she will take from whomever. Two of the hoodies remind them they want guns and soon. Michonne asks where they are going to get guns. He asks Tara where not to look so they can find guns. Rick takes one of the junk statues of a cat. He hands it to Michonne. They won so now he is giving it to her to replace they one she lost.
Carol sits by her fireplace while Daryl sits on her couch. She tells him she couldn't lose anyone, including Daryl. She couldn't kill the Saviors. She could and would but their wouldn't be anything of her left. She asks if the Saviors came. She asks if anyone was hurt. Daryl doesn't answer at first. "They came. We got them all. Made a deal with the rest of 'em, like Ezekiel. Everyone's alright." She cries with happiness. He asks her when are they going to eat. He asks her if Ezekiel is okay. She says she thinks he is. They eat. He gives her a hug before returning to Kingdom.
Daryl sits in front of Shiva's cage. Morgan comes in. He says Ezekiel will be impressed how good Daryl is with Shiva. Daryl says that anyone that Carol thinks is okay is alright by him. He understands why Morgan did what Carol asked. Daryl tells Morgan they need the Kingdom and wants Morgan to help. "Whatever it is you're holding onto is already gone, man. Wake the hell up." Morgan says, "You're the same as me. 'Cause you didn't tell Carol what happened. She'd be here otherwise. See we're all holding on to something." Daryl pets Shiva and tells Morgan he is going back to Hilltop in the morning. The next day Daryl leaves and Richard glares down at Morgan.
Final Thoughts
- In the Talking Dead they mentioned that Tamiel is the one that forced Gabriel to steal the supplies and that the hoodies are called the Scavengers.
- Jadis mentions that the zombie Rick fought is Wilson. Was he one of her group or did someone just name the zombie that?
- Rosita is driving me crazy. She keeps trying to fight the Saviors on her own and it has already led to Eugene being taken to Sanctuary. Does she have to cause someone's death for her to stop? O, is this leading to her death?
- How much longer until Tara mentions the Oceanside group to Rick? They need guns and we know they have a lot of guns. They could also be an advantageous ally in the fight against the Saviors.
- I liked that Jerry brought Carol cobbler. They sure do love cobbler in Kingdom.
- That Daryl and Carol reunion just killed me.
- I understand why Daryl didn't tell Carol about Glenn and the others. Right now she is in not ready to hear it. She needs to find her strength and inner peace before she can deal with that loss so she can fight again without losing herself.
- How long do you think it will be before Richard dies or leaves Kingdom? He definitely wants to fight the Saviors but he is not doing a good job convincing Ezekiel. It was also pretty douchey of him to use Carol as bait for the Saviors.