RIP Otis
At a funeral service for Otis, Shane is asked to recount Otis's last moment. He makes up Otis's last word,s conveniently leaving out the fact that he shot Otis and left him to be zombie meat.
Daryl looks for Sophia: Day Three
The group decides if they find Sophia and she has been bitten they will kill her. Since Rick is too weak from giving blood and Shane is hurt, Daryl goes off on his own to look for Sophia. He stumbles upon an abandoned farm house. While searching inside he finds a recently opened can of sardines and a closet with a pillow and blanket inside. It looks like the perfect hiding spot for a small 12 year old girl. He calls out but gets no response. When he gets back he tells Carol the story of how the Cherokee rose got its name. Oh Daryl, you have a heart of gold.
Maggie and Glenn go to the pharmacy: Trip #1
Glenn gets sent to help Maggie since he's "fast on his feet and good with the in and out." You can just feel the sexual tension. Lori asks Glenn to get something for her from the pharmacy and keep it a secret. They go on horseback, which I personally think is a bad choice. I don't understand why they didn't clean out the pharmacy. If it were up to me I would have taken everything a long time ago. I love that Glenn grabs a basket when they go in. I also love how awkward Glenn is around Maggie. Even after she says she will have sex with him. The pharmacy is also not the best choice of places to have sex. A walker could just walk through the door. They didn't even check to see if they were alone. When sex is an option people's brains go out the window. This episode is when Glenn becomes the secret keeper of the group.
I wouldn't drink that if I were you
As Dale and T-Dog are pumping water from a well Dale notices the well cover is broken. Upon looking down he sees a walker in the well. A bloated, growling walker. Glenn becomes bait once again. Glenn is awesome. He is given a lot of dangerous tasks to do and doesn't complain. The well walker is one of the grossest walkers. When he splits apart it is awesomely disgusting. Way to go Greg Nicotero and team.
Let's talk about God
Every time God is brought up on the show it feels really forced. The conversation should come naturally on a show where people are dieing all of the time and trying to decided if life is worth living. Hershel also tells Rick that they can't stay on the farm. Once they find Sophia they have to leave. Rick begs Hershel to reconsider for the sake of Carl and Sophia.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 3 "Save the last one"
Daryl looks for Sophia: Day Two
Daryl can't stand the sound of Carol crying over missing Sophia so he decides to take off at night with Andrea to walk down the freeway and see if he can spot her. Daryl believes that Sophia can be found alive. He shares with Andrea that he got lost once in the woods for days when he was younger than Sophia and found his way back. Unlike Sophia, he had no one looking for him. Of course he didn't have to deal with zombies. They stumble upon a zombie hanging from a tree. A man that had been bitten decided to hang himself but that didn't stop him from turning into one. This prompts Daryl to ask Andrea whether or not she wants to live. She says she's not sure. She might be doing it just out of habit.
School's back in session
Otis and Shane split up to improve their chances of escaping. Shane goes out a small window high above the gym and Otis makes a run for the locker room. Shane is almost eaten by a zombie as he is lowering himself out of the window. He twists his ankle and limps into an area filled with zombies. Just when we think Shane is going to be eaten Otis comes and kills a bunch of zombies. They are now both out of ammo for the shotguns. Shane is ready to give up and give Otis the bags with the equipment but Otis won't let him. They both get up and starting walking again when a large group of zombies come up behind them. Then Shane shoots Otis in the leg. He grabs the bag and lets the zombies eat Otis alive so he can get away. He gets the equipment back to the farm right before they are about to operate so they are able to save Carl. But he sacrificed Otis to do so. The question is whether or not that was necessary. He makes up some story about Otis sacrificing himself to save Carl. Shane shaves his head to get rid of the evidence that Otis pulled his hair while trying to escape from the zombies. He is turning to the dark side. Lori asks him to stay which only complicates things for him more.
To live or die
Lori is considering letting Carl die. She is not sure what kind of life he will have in this world. Never feeling safe, just striving to survive. That is the question all of these survivors would be asking themselves. Is it worth living in the zombie apocalypse? What kind of a life can you have in a world filled with zombies? That question is particularly hard when it comes to children. You can't have much of a childhood in a zombipocalypse.
Daryl can't stand the sound of Carol crying over missing Sophia so he decides to take off at night with Andrea to walk down the freeway and see if he can spot her. Daryl believes that Sophia can be found alive. He shares with Andrea that he got lost once in the woods for days when he was younger than Sophia and found his way back. Unlike Sophia, he had no one looking for him. Of course he didn't have to deal with zombies. They stumble upon a zombie hanging from a tree. A man that had been bitten decided to hang himself but that didn't stop him from turning into one. This prompts Daryl to ask Andrea whether or not she wants to live. She says she's not sure. She might be doing it just out of habit.
School's back in session
Otis and Shane split up to improve their chances of escaping. Shane goes out a small window high above the gym and Otis makes a run for the locker room. Shane is almost eaten by a zombie as he is lowering himself out of the window. He twists his ankle and limps into an area filled with zombies. Just when we think Shane is going to be eaten Otis comes and kills a bunch of zombies. They are now both out of ammo for the shotguns. Shane is ready to give up and give Otis the bags with the equipment but Otis won't let him. They both get up and starting walking again when a large group of zombies come up behind them. Then Shane shoots Otis in the leg. He grabs the bag and lets the zombies eat Otis alive so he can get away. He gets the equipment back to the farm right before they are about to operate so they are able to save Carl. But he sacrificed Otis to do so. The question is whether or not that was necessary. He makes up some story about Otis sacrificing himself to save Carl. Shane shaves his head to get rid of the evidence that Otis pulled his hair while trying to escape from the zombies. He is turning to the dark side. Lori asks him to stay which only complicates things for him more.
To live or die
Lori is considering letting Carl die. She is not sure what kind of life he will have in this world. Never feeling safe, just striving to survive. That is the question all of these survivors would be asking themselves. Is it worth living in the zombie apocalypse? What kind of a life can you have in a world filled with zombies? That question is particularly hard when it comes to children. You can't have much of a childhood in a zombipocalypse.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2 "Bloodletting"
The dangers of hunting
If you go hunting there is a chance you will get shot. If you are in the woods looking for a little girl that might have been eaten by zombies, there's an even greater chance you will get shot. All Carl wanted to do was pet Bambie and he gets a bullet to the gut. Out of nowhere comes a man with a gun in hand. It turns out he is the one that shot the deer. He didn't see Carl from where he was shooting. He leads Rick (who is carrying Carl) and Shane to the farm where he lives where they have a doctor. This doctor is named Hershel. He owns the farm and lives there with his family and some friends (this includes Otis who shot Carl). He dresses the wound but tells Rick he will have to operate on Carl in order to get the bullet fragments out. This is a risky surgery which requires special equipment not found at the farm. By the way, Hershel is a veterinarian. Otis and Shane volunteer to go to the local high school to find the equipment needed. The high school had been turned into an emergency medical center during the epidemic. Hershel's daughter is sent to get Lori.
T-Dog goes a little nuts, or does he?
T-Dog and Dale are having a little heart-to-heart on the freeway while they wait for everyone to come back from looking for Sophia. He starts going off on how he's the only black guy and will be the first to go when everyone comes back. He says that Shane, Rick, and Daryl are out to get him and he thinks he is going to get lynched. T-Dog asks Dale to run away with him because they are the outsiders and considered the least useful. It turns out T-Dog is running a fever due to the cut on his arm. Fever is usually the first sign of infection which isn't good during a zombie apocalypse. Luckily for him Merle got the clap on occasion so Daryl has antibiotics for T-Dog to take. Daryl to the rescue.
High School sucks even more in a zombie apocalypse
And you thought high school was bad when you went, try adding zombies to the mix. This is a little expedition that really needed Glenn and his planning skills. Otis and Shane find the trailer with the medical supplies but it is surrounded by zombies so they throw flares they found in a police vehicle to draw their attention away. Unfortunately, they didn't plan their return trip. Once they leave the trailer they are surrounded and end up running around the school and trapped between doors.
If you go hunting there is a chance you will get shot. If you are in the woods looking for a little girl that might have been eaten by zombies, there's an even greater chance you will get shot. All Carl wanted to do was pet Bambie and he gets a bullet to the gut. Out of nowhere comes a man with a gun in hand. It turns out he is the one that shot the deer. He didn't see Carl from where he was shooting. He leads Rick (who is carrying Carl) and Shane to the farm where he lives where they have a doctor. This doctor is named Hershel. He owns the farm and lives there with his family and some friends (this includes Otis who shot Carl). He dresses the wound but tells Rick he will have to operate on Carl in order to get the bullet fragments out. This is a risky surgery which requires special equipment not found at the farm. By the way, Hershel is a veterinarian. Otis and Shane volunteer to go to the local high school to find the equipment needed. The high school had been turned into an emergency medical center during the epidemic. Hershel's daughter is sent to get Lori.
T-Dog goes a little nuts, or does he?
T-Dog and Dale are having a little heart-to-heart on the freeway while they wait for everyone to come back from looking for Sophia. He starts going off on how he's the only black guy and will be the first to go when everyone comes back. He says that Shane, Rick, and Daryl are out to get him and he thinks he is going to get lynched. T-Dog asks Dale to run away with him because they are the outsiders and considered the least useful. It turns out T-Dog is running a fever due to the cut on his arm. Fever is usually the first sign of infection which isn't good during a zombie apocalypse. Luckily for him Merle got the clap on occasion so Daryl has antibiotics for T-Dog to take. Daryl to the rescue.
High School sucks even more in a zombie apocalypse
And you thought high school was bad when you went, try adding zombies to the mix. This is a little expedition that really needed Glenn and his planning skills. Otis and Shane find the trailer with the medical supplies but it is surrounded by zombies so they throw flares they found in a police vehicle to draw their attention away. Unfortunately, they didn't plan their return trip. Once they leave the trailer they are surrounded and end up running around the school and trapped between doors.
Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 "What Lies Ahead"
Make way for the herd
Season 2 began where season 1 ended, the survivor's caravan leaving the now imploded CDC on their way to Fort Benning. We see Rick calling Morgan on the walkie-talkie, warning him that Atlanta is not a haven but Deadlanta. The caravan goes driving down the highway (Daryl on a motorcycle looking like he belongs in "Easy Rider") when they run into a traffic jam of abandoned vehicles. As Daryl tries to lead the group through the maze of cars the RV breaks down. Everyone gets out and starts to scavenge for supplies. Dale looks for replacement car parts, Shane finds a truck filled with water bottles, and Carol finds a pretty dress (who wife beating husband never let her have nice things, tear). While the rest of the group is looking for supplies Rick keeps an eye out for walkers. He spots one, then another and another. It's a freaking zombie herd! Rick calls for everyone to hide. Everyone crawls under cars trying to remain quiet so the herd will just pass them by.
Andrea was the only one who didn't get the warning about the herd because she was inside the RV taking her gun apart. When she notices the herd she quickly runs to the bathroom and tries to put the gun back together.
Unfortunately, she has no idea what she is doing and a zombie has decided to explore the RV. It starts pushing on the door and Andrea has nothing but pieces of a gun to fight with. Dale, who was on the roof of the RV tosses her a screwdriver. Andrea opens the door and proceeds to stab the zombie in the eye with her screwdriver. Awesome zombie kill. Meanwhile, T-Dog cut his arm and starts bleeding all over the place. Daryl appears out of nowhere, kills a zombie and then covers himself and T-Dog with dead bodies just as the herd begins to come their way. The herd slowly passes and the survivors begin to relax and leave their hiding spots. Sophia comes out first (not knowing that there are always a few stragglers in a herd you should wait for) and is seen by a couple of zombies at the back of the pack. They chase after her and she runs into the woods.
You better run for your life if you can little girl
Rick chases after her. He finds her before the zombies do and hides her in a river bank telling her that he will lure the zombies after him and she is to go back to the highway by keeping the sun on her left shoulder. He lures the zombies and kills one by bashing its head in with a rock. Awesome kill number two of the episode. Rick returns to the highway to find that Sophia never made it back. He and Daryl go back in the woods to look for her. Daryl uses his awesome tracking skills to find Sophia's trail. On the way to finding her they stumble upon another walker and kill it using Daryl's crossbow. Just to make sure this walker didn't eat Sophia, Daryl performs an autopsy and guts the sucker. They only find chunks of woodchuck and none of little girl. So Sophia is safe for the moment, maybe.
Second amendment, schmecond amendment
Andrea, Shane, and Dale begin to argue about whether or not Andrea should keep her gun. Shane wants to take it away from her since she doesn't know how to put it together or fire it. Dale want to take it away because he's worried that Andrea will try to kill herself again. He is right in thinking that because she is still upset that he guilted her into leaving the CDC and choosing a life in the zombipocalypse. I agree with both men. You shouldn't bear arms if you don't know how to bear arms. Nor should you carry a gun if you are suicidal.
Daryl looks for Sophia: Day 1
The gang join Daryl and Rick in the search for Sophia in the wood. Out of nowhere church bells ring out. The gang follows the sound to a church that appears to be in the middle of a clearing in the woods. They open the church and find three zombies sitting quietly. They are quickly killed. No Sophia in site. Then comes the first religious conversation of the show. Carol apologizes to God for praying that her abusive husband would die (and really who could blame her). Rick asks God for a sign. The group splits up. Rick, Shane, and Carl go in one direction and the rest of the gang go in another. Carol starts to grumble that the reason Sophia is lost in the first place is because of Rick. I think the real reason she is lost is because zombies were chasing her and she took the wrong path back to the highway after Rick saved her. Lori gets upset and stands up for her man. Everyone turns to Rick for help and leadership and the minute something goes wrong they blame him. I agree with Lori. Rick didn't choose to be the leader. The role of leader was thrust upon him and he is doing his best in a zombiepocalypse. He will make mistakes, but he doesn't have a manual on how to be a leader during a freaking zombie apocalypse. Cut the guy some slack.
It's Bambie!
As Rick, Shane, and Carl are looking for any sign of Sophia they hear something up ahead. They get their guns ready and out jumps a deer. The deer looks beautiful in its natural surroundings. For a brief moment you forget there are zombies in the woods. It was nice to see something untouched by the zombiepocalypse. Carl extends his hand to touch the deer (much like any child would do). Bang! Out of nowhere comes the sound of a gunshot. The deer and Carl fall to the ground. The bullet went through the deer into Carl's stomach.
Season 2 began where season 1 ended, the survivor's caravan leaving the now imploded CDC on their way to Fort Benning. We see Rick calling Morgan on the walkie-talkie, warning him that Atlanta is not a haven but Deadlanta. The caravan goes driving down the highway (Daryl on a motorcycle looking like he belongs in "Easy Rider") when they run into a traffic jam of abandoned vehicles. As Daryl tries to lead the group through the maze of cars the RV breaks down. Everyone gets out and starts to scavenge for supplies. Dale looks for replacement car parts, Shane finds a truck filled with water bottles, and Carol finds a pretty dress (who wife beating husband never let her have nice things, tear). While the rest of the group is looking for supplies Rick keeps an eye out for walkers. He spots one, then another and another. It's a freaking zombie herd! Rick calls for everyone to hide. Everyone crawls under cars trying to remain quiet so the herd will just pass them by.
Andrea was the only one who didn't get the warning about the herd because she was inside the RV taking her gun apart. When she notices the herd she quickly runs to the bathroom and tries to put the gun back together.

You better run for your life if you can little girl
Rick chases after her. He finds her before the zombies do and hides her in a river bank telling her that he will lure the zombies after him and she is to go back to the highway by keeping the sun on her left shoulder. He lures the zombies and kills one by bashing its head in with a rock. Awesome kill number two of the episode. Rick returns to the highway to find that Sophia never made it back. He and Daryl go back in the woods to look for her. Daryl uses his awesome tracking skills to find Sophia's trail. On the way to finding her they stumble upon another walker and kill it using Daryl's crossbow. Just to make sure this walker didn't eat Sophia, Daryl performs an autopsy and guts the sucker. They only find chunks of woodchuck and none of little girl. So Sophia is safe for the moment, maybe.
Second amendment, schmecond amendment
Andrea, Shane, and Dale begin to argue about whether or not Andrea should keep her gun. Shane wants to take it away from her since she doesn't know how to put it together or fire it. Dale want to take it away because he's worried that Andrea will try to kill herself again. He is right in thinking that because she is still upset that he guilted her into leaving the CDC and choosing a life in the zombipocalypse. I agree with both men. You shouldn't bear arms if you don't know how to bear arms. Nor should you carry a gun if you are suicidal.
Daryl looks for Sophia: Day 1
The gang join Daryl and Rick in the search for Sophia in the wood. Out of nowhere church bells ring out. The gang follows the sound to a church that appears to be in the middle of a clearing in the woods. They open the church and find three zombies sitting quietly. They are quickly killed. No Sophia in site. Then comes the first religious conversation of the show. Carol apologizes to God for praying that her abusive husband would die (and really who could blame her). Rick asks God for a sign. The group splits up. Rick, Shane, and Carl go in one direction and the rest of the gang go in another. Carol starts to grumble that the reason Sophia is lost in the first place is because of Rick. I think the real reason she is lost is because zombies were chasing her and she took the wrong path back to the highway after Rick saved her. Lori gets upset and stands up for her man. Everyone turns to Rick for help and leadership and the minute something goes wrong they blame him. I agree with Lori. Rick didn't choose to be the leader. The role of leader was thrust upon him and he is doing his best in a zombiepocalypse. He will make mistakes, but he doesn't have a manual on how to be a leader during a freaking zombie apocalypse. Cut the guy some slack.
It's Bambie!
As Rick, Shane, and Carl are looking for any sign of Sophia they hear something up ahead. They get their guns ready and out jumps a deer. The deer looks beautiful in its natural surroundings. For a brief moment you forget there are zombies in the woods. It was nice to see something untouched by the zombiepocalypse. Carl extends his hand to touch the deer (much like any child would do). Bang! Out of nowhere comes the sound of a gunshot. The deer and Carl fall to the ground. The bullet went through the deer into Carl's stomach.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 6 "TS-19"
What happened in the hospital, stays in the hospital
We get a flashback of the last time Shane saw Rick in the hospital. It is utter chaos. The military is shooting everybody in site and zombies are roaming the halls. He pulls a gurney to Rick's room and tries to take Rick out. A soldier peeks in the room and Shane hides. He unplugs Rick from his machine and listens to Rick's heart. It appears that he doesn't hear anything (the machine showed Rick was still alive and his heart beating) and he leaves pulling the gurney in front of the door so the zombies won't get in.
We just want a chance
For a minute there it seemed like the doors to the CDC wouldn't open and they were going to have to fight to the death to get back to their cars. Jenner allows them in with the condition that they all submit to blood tests. They agree and the door closes behind them.
Test Subject 19
Test subject 19 is the sample Jenner was working on to find a cure to the disease. He shows the group a video of the infected test subject in an MRI. We see the patient die and then part of the brain come back to life a couple of hours after death. Jenner shot the patient in the head when it became a zombie. That patient was Jenner's wife. We learn that revival times vary from person to person. They don't know what the disease is or how to stop it. The French were the last hold outs that Jenner heard from. So we now know the epidemic is global and not just the US.
Oh, Shane
Shane attacks Lori in the rec room. He tells her he loves her and that they are a couple. She pushes him off and scratches him. He was drunk, but I believe him when he says that he loves her. I think he has loved her for a long time. He has seen Lori and Carl as family for years. Then Rick gets shot, the epidemic begins, he thinks (or wishes) Rick is dead and he finally gets to be with Lori. Once Rick comes back Lori completely cuts him out due to her own guilt. Lori is also mad at Shane for telling her that Rick was dead. This only adds to her guilt. Shane tells Lori that he didn't hear a heartbeat but he says it was because of the gunshots. The question is whether or not that is true. It could have been wishful thinking on his part that Rick's heart wasn't beating. Either way, Shane has lost everything and he is starting to unravel.
It's the final countdown
There is a clock counting down in the big room at the CDC. It turns out that the CDC has been running on generators for a while now and there is no more fuel left for them. The fail safe kicks in. This means the CDC will self-destruct in order to prevent the spread of disease. The CDC stores all kinds of deadly and contagious diseases. The last thing the world needs is another epidemic on top of the current zombie inducing epidemic. Jenner is ready to go down with the ship. He refuses to let the group out. Daryl tries to open the door by hitting it repeatedly with an axe. Eventually, Rick convinces Jenner to let them go. He lets them out of the big room. Jenner stays as well as Jackie and Andrea. Dale decides that if Andrea is going to stay then he is going to stay. Once they leave the big room they run into the problem that the outer doors won't open because their is no more power left to open them. They end up blowing up a window with the grenade that Rick grabbed while trapped in the tank (which Carol kept). As they turn to leave Jenner whispers something into Rick's ear. (The answer to what he whispered is revealed in the season 2 finale.) At the last minute Andrea and Dale run out of the building. Andrea did not want to be responsible for Dale's death.
We get a flashback of the last time Shane saw Rick in the hospital. It is utter chaos. The military is shooting everybody in site and zombies are roaming the halls. He pulls a gurney to Rick's room and tries to take Rick out. A soldier peeks in the room and Shane hides. He unplugs Rick from his machine and listens to Rick's heart. It appears that he doesn't hear anything (the machine showed Rick was still alive and his heart beating) and he leaves pulling the gurney in front of the door so the zombies won't get in.
We just want a chance
For a minute there it seemed like the doors to the CDC wouldn't open and they were going to have to fight to the death to get back to their cars. Jenner allows them in with the condition that they all submit to blood tests. They agree and the door closes behind them.
Test Subject 19
Test subject 19 is the sample Jenner was working on to find a cure to the disease. He shows the group a video of the infected test subject in an MRI. We see the patient die and then part of the brain come back to life a couple of hours after death. Jenner shot the patient in the head when it became a zombie. That patient was Jenner's wife. We learn that revival times vary from person to person. They don't know what the disease is or how to stop it. The French were the last hold outs that Jenner heard from. So we now know the epidemic is global and not just the US.
Oh, Shane
Shane attacks Lori in the rec room. He tells her he loves her and that they are a couple. She pushes him off and scratches him. He was drunk, but I believe him when he says that he loves her. I think he has loved her for a long time. He has seen Lori and Carl as family for years. Then Rick gets shot, the epidemic begins, he thinks (or wishes) Rick is dead and he finally gets to be with Lori. Once Rick comes back Lori completely cuts him out due to her own guilt. Lori is also mad at Shane for telling her that Rick was dead. This only adds to her guilt. Shane tells Lori that he didn't hear a heartbeat but he says it was because of the gunshots. The question is whether or not that is true. It could have been wishful thinking on his part that Rick's heart wasn't beating. Either way, Shane has lost everything and he is starting to unravel.
It's the final countdown
There is a clock counting down in the big room at the CDC. It turns out that the CDC has been running on generators for a while now and there is no more fuel left for them. The fail safe kicks in. This means the CDC will self-destruct in order to prevent the spread of disease. The CDC stores all kinds of deadly and contagious diseases. The last thing the world needs is another epidemic on top of the current zombie inducing epidemic. Jenner is ready to go down with the ship. He refuses to let the group out. Daryl tries to open the door by hitting it repeatedly with an axe. Eventually, Rick convinces Jenner to let them go. He lets them out of the big room. Jenner stays as well as Jackie and Andrea. Dale decides that if Andrea is going to stay then he is going to stay. Once they leave the big room they run into the problem that the outer doors won't open because their is no more power left to open them. They end up blowing up a window with the grenade that Rick grabbed while trapped in the tank (which Carol kept). As they turn to leave Jenner whispers something into Rick's ear. (The answer to what he whispered is revealed in the season 2 finale.) At the last minute Andrea and Dale run out of the building. Andrea did not want to be responsible for Dale's death.
Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 "Wildfire"
Let's see how long it takes for Amy to become a zombie
The answer to that is . . . way too long. I'm with Daryl on this one. Kill her before she turns and get outta dodge as fast as you can. You can mourn later. When Jim went half crazy they hit him and tied him to a tree, but nobody does anything to Andrea. A few people try to talk to her but that's it. Of course she does pull a gun on Rick, which in my book deserves a smack to the head and the gun taken away. I would prefer to kill Amy before she turns and possibly kills someone.
Dale talks about his dead wife to Andrea. She died of cancer. This was the first of many bonding moments with Andrea. Dale met Amy and Andrea some time during the outbreak. He thinks of them as his family. Amy is the first person we see go through the zombie transformation. It took all night for her to undergo the change. It's creepy and sad at the same time. At times it looks like she is going to hug Andrea but she is really trying to eat her sister. It was also stupid of Andrea to let Amy get so close before shooting her in the head.
Disposing of the dead
Glenn is very adamant that the walkers get burned and the campers that died are buried after their heads get bashed in. I love the look on Daryl's face when Carol bashes in dead Ed's head. You can see all of the anger she has felt towards him over the years come out as she shoves the pick axe over and over again into his head.
We don't kill the living
Jim was bitten by a zombie. This is one of those "oh crap" moments. What do you do with Jim? Daryl and Dale agree that Jim should be shot in the head. He is a threat to the group. Rick wants to find a cure at the CDC in Atlanta and Shane wants to go to Fort Benning. I agree with Daryl (surprised? didn't think so). Jim is infected and can spread the disease throughout the camp. If I were Jim I would choose a bullet to the head over the possibility of turning into a zombie. While Jim is sitting in the RV he has flashes of zombies. Is this the fever or a foreshadowing of things to come? Jim already saw the attack on the camp. The group splits. One of the families decides to go to Birmingham while the rest of the group heads back to Atlanta to find answers at the CDC. Jim decides he can't take it anymore and asks to be left by the side of the road. He declines the gun that Rick offers him. Daryl gives him a nod of respect as they all clamber back into their cars. Off to the CDC.
The beginning of crazy Shane
Shane almost shoots Rick in the forest. Rick asserts himself as the leader and forces Shane to back up his plan to go to the CDC. It's hard to know if he would have followed through with it because Dale interrupts him.
Is anyone out there?
We are introduced to Jenner, a CDC employee, transmitting to someone about his work (while drunk, because well, it's the end of the world so why not). While working on a sample he knocks some chemical into the sample and the alarms go off. The lab he was in blows up to contain the contamination. We see that he appears to be all alone. He is shocked when Rick and the gang start banging on the door to be let in. They start to head back to the cars when Rick notices that the camera moved. He begins to beg for a chance to survive. Jenner is reluctant, but then the door opens.
The answer to that is . . . way too long. I'm with Daryl on this one. Kill her before she turns and get outta dodge as fast as you can. You can mourn later. When Jim went half crazy they hit him and tied him to a tree, but nobody does anything to Andrea. A few people try to talk to her but that's it. Of course she does pull a gun on Rick, which in my book deserves a smack to the head and the gun taken away. I would prefer to kill Amy before she turns and possibly kills someone.
Dale talks about his dead wife to Andrea. She died of cancer. This was the first of many bonding moments with Andrea. Dale met Amy and Andrea some time during the outbreak. He thinks of them as his family. Amy is the first person we see go through the zombie transformation. It took all night for her to undergo the change. It's creepy and sad at the same time. At times it looks like she is going to hug Andrea but she is really trying to eat her sister. It was also stupid of Andrea to let Amy get so close before shooting her in the head.
Disposing of the dead
Glenn is very adamant that the walkers get burned and the campers that died are buried after their heads get bashed in. I love the look on Daryl's face when Carol bashes in dead Ed's head. You can see all of the anger she has felt towards him over the years come out as she shoves the pick axe over and over again into his head.
We don't kill the living
Jim was bitten by a zombie. This is one of those "oh crap" moments. What do you do with Jim? Daryl and Dale agree that Jim should be shot in the head. He is a threat to the group. Rick wants to find a cure at the CDC in Atlanta and Shane wants to go to Fort Benning. I agree with Daryl (surprised? didn't think so). Jim is infected and can spread the disease throughout the camp. If I were Jim I would choose a bullet to the head over the possibility of turning into a zombie. While Jim is sitting in the RV he has flashes of zombies. Is this the fever or a foreshadowing of things to come? Jim already saw the attack on the camp. The group splits. One of the families decides to go to Birmingham while the rest of the group heads back to Atlanta to find answers at the CDC. Jim decides he can't take it anymore and asks to be left by the side of the road. He declines the gun that Rick offers him. Daryl gives him a nod of respect as they all clamber back into their cars. Off to the CDC.
The beginning of crazy Shane
Shane almost shoots Rick in the forest. Rick asserts himself as the leader and forces Shane to back up his plan to go to the CDC. It's hard to know if he would have followed through with it because Dale interrupts him.
Is anyone out there?
We are introduced to Jenner, a CDC employee, transmitting to someone about his work (while drunk, because well, it's the end of the world so why not). While working on a sample he knocks some chemical into the sample and the alarms go off. The lab he was in blows up to contain the contamination. We see that he appears to be all alone. He is shocked when Rick and the gang start banging on the door to be let in. They start to head back to the cars when Rick notices that the camera moved. He begins to beg for a chance to survive. Jenner is reluctant, but then the door opens.
Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4 "Vatos"
The hunt for the one handed man
It seems that Merle was able to escape the roof by cutting off his hand. He killed a few walkers on his way out and even cauterized his wound before busting out of the department store. Glenn sets out a plan for the gang. It is well thought out and logical which prompts Daryl to ask Glenn what he did before zombies took over. Glenn's answer: pizza delivery guy. While Glenn goes to get the bag of guns a Latino gang banger shows up. When Daryl questions him about Merle the kid starts screaming for help. Soon two more guys come up and hit Daryl just as Glenn gets back with the guns. They kidnap Glenn and take the guns with them. Daryl throws Merle's hand at the kid to scare him into telling them where they took Glenn. The boys then have a stand off with the leader of the vatos (vato is a Mexican term for dude or guy), Guillermo. The stand off ends when an old lady walks up to the group and takes Rick by the hand. It turns out that not all of the gang bangers are gang bangers. Some of them are a former nurse and custodian at a retirement home. They stayed behind to take care of the elderly survivors. The gang members go out to get supplies. This shows how you can't judge people by what they look like or what they once were. It also shows how people will react in a state of emergency. Some will abandon others to save themselves and other will help those in need they find along the way. When the boys return to the van they find it gone. Merle has taken it. So now they are stuck walking back to camp.
We see Jim digging holes. We don't know why he's digging them. At first he doesn't seem to know why. He just wants to keep digging and the group wants him to stop because he is freaking everybody out and they want to make sure he is okay and doesn't have heatstroke or has had a nervous breakdown. Eventually, Shane knocks Jim down and they handcuff him. Then he tells us about how he survived. The dead pulled his wife and child out of his arms and were too busy eating them to bother with him. This story is just a quick glimpse into what happened while Rick was in the coma. This also reiterates how Guillermo described the retirement home workers. They left the weak behind to save themselves. How will the survivors react? Jim is then tied to a tree and given water. Then we find out why he as digging. It was because of a dream. He dreamt Carl was worried about Rick. He then freaks Lori out about by telling her to keep an eye on Carl.
The hills have eyes, and mouths, and hands to rip your flesh apart
As the boys are arriving at the camp they hear screaming. The walkers have stumbled upon the camp and started attacking people. The first walker showed up last week. It was mentioned that they would continue coming. As food runs out in Atlanta the walkers would move away from the city in search of food. They hit the jackpot when they found the camp and the campers eating their fried fish dinner. This was one the most frightening scenes from the season. It was really unexpected. Much like the characters, we had allowed ourselves to be lulled into thinking it was safe. Rick and the boys arrive and kill the remaining walkers. It turns out Jim's dream was of the zombies attacking the camp. He was digging graves for all the dead from their camp. This was an interesting bit of foreshadowing for the group. Was this a glimpse into the future or just the inevitable coming true?
Ed - we are not so sorry to see you go since you beat your wife and possibly your child.
Amy - Andrea will surely miss you. At the end of the world family is important.
Other people in the camp whose names we never learned because they were going to die anyway.
It seems that Merle was able to escape the roof by cutting off his hand. He killed a few walkers on his way out and even cauterized his wound before busting out of the department store. Glenn sets out a plan for the gang. It is well thought out and logical which prompts Daryl to ask Glenn what he did before zombies took over. Glenn's answer: pizza delivery guy. While Glenn goes to get the bag of guns a Latino gang banger shows up. When Daryl questions him about Merle the kid starts screaming for help. Soon two more guys come up and hit Daryl just as Glenn gets back with the guns. They kidnap Glenn and take the guns with them. Daryl throws Merle's hand at the kid to scare him into telling them where they took Glenn. The boys then have a stand off with the leader of the vatos (vato is a Mexican term for dude or guy), Guillermo. The stand off ends when an old lady walks up to the group and takes Rick by the hand. It turns out that not all of the gang bangers are gang bangers. Some of them are a former nurse and custodian at a retirement home. They stayed behind to take care of the elderly survivors. The gang members go out to get supplies. This shows how you can't judge people by what they look like or what they once were. It also shows how people will react in a state of emergency. Some will abandon others to save themselves and other will help those in need they find along the way. When the boys return to the van they find it gone. Merle has taken it. So now they are stuck walking back to camp.
We see Jim digging holes. We don't know why he's digging them. At first he doesn't seem to know why. He just wants to keep digging and the group wants him to stop because he is freaking everybody out and they want to make sure he is okay and doesn't have heatstroke or has had a nervous breakdown. Eventually, Shane knocks Jim down and they handcuff him. Then he tells us about how he survived. The dead pulled his wife and child out of his arms and were too busy eating them to bother with him. This story is just a quick glimpse into what happened while Rick was in the coma. This also reiterates how Guillermo described the retirement home workers. They left the weak behind to save themselves. How will the survivors react? Jim is then tied to a tree and given water. Then we find out why he as digging. It was because of a dream. He dreamt Carl was worried about Rick. He then freaks Lori out about by telling her to keep an eye on Carl.
The hills have eyes, and mouths, and hands to rip your flesh apart
As the boys are arriving at the camp they hear screaming. The walkers have stumbled upon the camp and started attacking people. The first walker showed up last week. It was mentioned that they would continue coming. As food runs out in Atlanta the walkers would move away from the city in search of food. They hit the jackpot when they found the camp and the campers eating their fried fish dinner. This was one the most frightening scenes from the season. It was really unexpected. Much like the characters, we had allowed ourselves to be lulled into thinking it was safe. Rick and the boys arrive and kill the remaining walkers. It turns out Jim's dream was of the zombies attacking the camp. He was digging graves for all the dead from their camp. This was an interesting bit of foreshadowing for the group. Was this a glimpse into the future or just the inevitable coming true?
Ed - we are not so sorry to see you go since you beat your wife and possibly your child.
Amy - Andrea will surely miss you. At the end of the world family is important.
Other people in the camp whose names we never learned because they were going to die anyway.
Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 3 "Tell It To The Frogs"
Enter Daryl Dixon, The Most Awesome Character on TV
Our introduction to Daryl comes right as the gang finishes killing the first zombie to enter their camp. He comes bearing squirrels for stew and a crossbow which he had used to kill a deer for the group. He is the epitome of white trash. Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't show up wearing a wife beater.
Lending a helping hand
Rick and T-Dog feel guilty about leaving Merle behind. So Rick, T-Dog, Glenn, and Daryl go back for him. Glenn is recruited since he is the one with the most knowledge of the area and experience getting in and out. When they arrive at the rooftop they find the chain on the door still intact but no Merle, only Merle's hand.
Shane gets frustrated
Lori tells Shane that he is supposed to stay away from her and her family. Now that Rick is back their relationship is over. She cuts him off after all he has done for them. She is mostly mad because he told her that Rick was dead. It's easy to understand Shane's frustration. He thought Rick was dead and did all he could for his best friend's family. But, he did sleep with Lori. That tends to not make someone a very good best friend, but Rick was dead and the world was ending. Now he has to deal with all of his feelings for Lori and guilt for what he did with Lori. Unfortunately for Ed, Shane decides to take his frustration out on him. Now I understand Shane intervening when Ed hits Carol, but he nearly beats him to death.
Our introduction to Daryl comes right as the gang finishes killing the first zombie to enter their camp. He comes bearing squirrels for stew and a crossbow which he had used to kill a deer for the group. He is the epitome of white trash. Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't show up wearing a wife beater.
Lending a helping hand
Rick and T-Dog feel guilty about leaving Merle behind. So Rick, T-Dog, Glenn, and Daryl go back for him. Glenn is recruited since he is the one with the most knowledge of the area and experience getting in and out. When they arrive at the rooftop they find the chain on the door still intact but no Merle, only Merle's hand.
Shane gets frustrated
Lori tells Shane that he is supposed to stay away from her and her family. Now that Rick is back their relationship is over. She cuts him off after all he has done for them. She is mostly mad because he told her that Rick was dead. It's easy to understand Shane's frustration. He thought Rick was dead and did all he could for his best friend's family. But, he did sleep with Lori. That tends to not make someone a very good best friend, but Rick was dead and the world was ending. Now he has to deal with all of his feelings for Lori and guilt for what he did with Lori. Unfortunately for Ed, Shane decides to take his frustration out on him. Now I understand Shane intervening when Ed hits Carol, but he nearly beats him to death.
Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 2 "Guts"
Is there any good news? . . . No.
We last left off with Rick trapped in a tank surrounded by zombies. His trusty steed has been turned into a zombie buffet. The last thing that Rick hears is a voice over the radio calling him a dumb ass. That voice offers to help Risk escape the tank. He wants Rick to make a run for it. He tells him when to leave and where to go. Rick follows the voice's instructions and runs into Glenn. A twenty-something Korean kid who leads him out of imminent danger to a department store where his group of survivors are currently looking for a safe way back to their camp. The department store entrance is surrounded by zombies trying to push their way in to eat the survivors.
Lets meet the gang
We are now introduced to part of the Glenn's group. We have Merle Dixon. The archetype southern, racist, sexist redneck. T-Dog, an African-American man who is at odds with Merle (not to mention getting beat up by Merle). Andrea, a blonde woman in her 40s who doesn't appreciate Merle calling her Sugar Tits and has a younger sister waiting for her back at camp. Jackie, a middle-aged African-American woman that used to work for city planning in Atlanta. A Latino man whose name I have already forgotten. Merle is causing a ruckus. He has beat up T-Dog and made himself the leader. That lasted all of two minutes. Rick gets there and handcuffs him to a pipe for being a douche (and a racist).
Lets make like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Glenn comes up with an escape plan. They will travel under the zombies by escaping through the sewers. Jackie mentions that a building that old will have a tunnel to the sewers. Glenn takes charge (for the moment) and goes down the tunnel with another guy whose name I have already forgotten. They get down there and find that the tunnel is barred. It will take a blow torch and half a day to get through and the zombies will have made it past the glass store doors before then. To make the decision final they also find a zombie in the sewage tunnel behind the barred entrance. So much for a zombie free zone. Nice try Glenn.
No guts, no glory
Rick takes the reigns back from Glenn and creates a new plan. This plan involves hacking up a dead zombie and covering himself and Glenn with its insides. But before the dismemberment can begin Rick gives a little farewell to the fallen zombie. We find out his name is Wayne and he had a picture of a pretty girl in his wallet. He was also an organ donor.
Congratulations Wayne, your organs will now get to help some people survive one more day in a zombiepocalypse. I bet you weren't thinking of that situation when you signed up to be an organ donor. Rick and Glenn step outside all decked out in guts, feet, hands and blood. The plan seems to work. They slowly make their way to a parking lot for escape vehicles. (Aside: I had to laugh when Glenn stopped talking when a zombie starting giving him a closer look. He started moaning like a zombie. It reminded me of the scene in "Shaun of the Dead" when they pretend to be zombies to get past a horde of them.) Unfortunately, it starts to rain before they can get to the lot and the zombie smell starts to wash off. This sets the zombies on the two who start running and shooting. They make it to the cars. They find Glenn another car and set off the alarm so he can attract the zombies' attention away from the department store so that Rick can swing by and pick up the others. This could not come any sooner since the zombies have made their way into the department store. The gang sees the truck coming and book it. However, Merle is still handcuffed to the pipe. Everyone starts to leave but T-Dog turns back to unlock Merle. As he is pulling out the key he trips and the key falls down the drainpipe. He can't do anything so he leaves Merle behind. Before he leaves he chains up and locks the door to the roof so the zombies can't get to Merle. T-Dog has shown that the zombiepocalypse is no place to hold a grudge. The group escapes and makes it safely to camp.
Camp zombiepocalypse
Earlier in the episode we learn that Shane and Rick's wife and son are part of the group. They all think Rick is dead and have no idea he was the person on the radio in the pilot episode. We come to find that Shane and Lori (Rick's wife) are having themselves a little fling. Lori must feel a sense of guilt for what she is doing because she removes her wedding ring before getting nasty. This will cause quite the ordeal when Rick arrives at the camp with the others.
Reunited and it feels so good
When the survivors arrive at the camp everyone is happy to see them alive. Family and friends hug and welcome them home.
They all say that they are back safe and sound because of the new guy, a cop just like Shane. Enter Rick, his son turns around and runs for him screaming Dad. This reunion scene was very touching. It reminded me of the scenes they show on the news of soldiers returning home from war being greeted by their families. Lori joins in the family reunion and looks shocked to see that Rick is alive. Shane is also very surprised to see his "best friend" back from the dead and reunited with his family. Shane is back to being on the outside looking in. Maybe he should've waited a little longer before starting to screw his best friend's widow.
We last left off with Rick trapped in a tank surrounded by zombies. His trusty steed has been turned into a zombie buffet. The last thing that Rick hears is a voice over the radio calling him a dumb ass. That voice offers to help Risk escape the tank. He wants Rick to make a run for it. He tells him when to leave and where to go. Rick follows the voice's instructions and runs into Glenn. A twenty-something Korean kid who leads him out of imminent danger to a department store where his group of survivors are currently looking for a safe way back to their camp. The department store entrance is surrounded by zombies trying to push their way in to eat the survivors.
Lets meet the gang
We are now introduced to part of the Glenn's group. We have Merle Dixon. The archetype southern, racist, sexist redneck. T-Dog, an African-American man who is at odds with Merle (not to mention getting beat up by Merle). Andrea, a blonde woman in her 40s who doesn't appreciate Merle calling her Sugar Tits and has a younger sister waiting for her back at camp. Jackie, a middle-aged African-American woman that used to work for city planning in Atlanta. A Latino man whose name I have already forgotten. Merle is causing a ruckus. He has beat up T-Dog and made himself the leader. That lasted all of two minutes. Rick gets there and handcuffs him to a pipe for being a douche (and a racist).
Lets make like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Glenn comes up with an escape plan. They will travel under the zombies by escaping through the sewers. Jackie mentions that a building that old will have a tunnel to the sewers. Glenn takes charge (for the moment) and goes down the tunnel with another guy whose name I have already forgotten. They get down there and find that the tunnel is barred. It will take a blow torch and half a day to get through and the zombies will have made it past the glass store doors before then. To make the decision final they also find a zombie in the sewage tunnel behind the barred entrance. So much for a zombie free zone. Nice try Glenn.
No guts, no glory
Rick takes the reigns back from Glenn and creates a new plan. This plan involves hacking up a dead zombie and covering himself and Glenn with its insides. But before the dismemberment can begin Rick gives a little farewell to the fallen zombie. We find out his name is Wayne and he had a picture of a pretty girl in his wallet. He was also an organ donor.

Camp zombiepocalypse
Earlier in the episode we learn that Shane and Rick's wife and son are part of the group. They all think Rick is dead and have no idea he was the person on the radio in the pilot episode. We come to find that Shane and Lori (Rick's wife) are having themselves a little fling. Lori must feel a sense of guilt for what she is doing because she removes her wedding ring before getting nasty. This will cause quite the ordeal when Rick arrives at the camp with the others.
Reunited and it feels so good
When the survivors arrive at the camp everyone is happy to see them alive. Family and friends hug and welcome them home.

They all say that they are back safe and sound because of the new guy, a cop just like Shane. Enter Rick, his son turns around and runs for him screaming Dad. This reunion scene was very touching. It reminded me of the scenes they show on the news of soldiers returning home from war being greeted by their families. Lori joins in the family reunion and looks shocked to see that Rick is alive. Shane is also very surprised to see his "best friend" back from the dead and reunited with his family. Shane is back to being on the outside looking in. Maybe he should've waited a little longer before starting to screw his best friend's widow.
Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"
Beware of little girls
The episode begins with a sheriff's deputy walking through a wasteland of abandoned cars. He is holding a gas can in one hand walking toward a gas station. He slowly makes his way through the cars as the camera zooms in on corpses lying still as flies buzz over them. He finds the gas station but a sign says there is no more gas. He hears something and throws himself to the ground. As the footsteps get closer you see they are a child's feet.
The child bends over to pick up a teddy bear from the floor and continues walking. Rick stands up and calls after her offering her his help. As she turns we see that half of her face is decomposed, she is a zombie. As she runs toward him, Rick pulls out his gun and shoots her in the head. All is quiet. Cue presentation.
Two cops, a car, and some burgers
The episode then goes back to a few weeks before the incident that opened up the show. Rick and his fellow officer Shane are sitting in a patrol car eating and sharing their women problems. Shane goes off on how all the women he know turn all the lights on and seem incapable of learning that the light switch works both ways. Rick shares the latest fight he had with his wife. She accused him of not caring about his family. He is really upset that she said this in front of their son. Their conversation gets interrupted when they get a call about two armed suspects being chased by other officers. They rush to the road to set up a spike strip to stop the car. As the car approaches they get behind their patrol cars with guns drawn. The car hits the spike strip and goes flying to the field on the side of the road. Both men come out guns blazing. They are shot down but not before Rick gets shot. When Shane rushes over to Rick he sees Rick is okay since he was wearing a bullet proof vest. He begs Shane not to tell Rick's wife he's been shot. As Rick stands up a third man emerges from the vehicle and shoots Rick. This time Rick is injured because the bullet went to a part of his side not covered by the vest. We then see Shane visiting Rick in the hospital. He leaves a giant bouquet in a flowered vase by his bed.
Is this real?
Rick makes a comment about the vase to Shane. He turns to speak to him and realizes he is alone. He looks over at the vase of flowers and sees that the flowers are dead and have been for some time. He struggles to get up and falls on the floor. He calls for a nurse but nobody comes. He stumbles to the bathroom and drinks some water and looks at his face and the beard that has grown on it since he was shot. He walks out to the hall and it looks like a disaster area. No one is around. The lights and phones aren't working. He grabs a matchbook and keeps walking down the hall. He sees a dead body in a hallway that looks like it's been torn to shreds.
He quickly walks down another hallway when he sees a couple of doors that have been chained shut with a sign saying Don't Open Dead Inside. As he walks closer he can hear someone on the other side. The door is pushed open an inch or two and long dead looking fingers reach out towards Rick. He walks as quickly as he can and makes his way to the stairwell where he is met by pitch black darkness and the smell of the dead. He uses the matches he has to light his way down and finds an exit. He is blinded by the light of the sun when he opens the door.
What Rick finds outside is terrifying. Bodies laid out on a parking lot and stacked up on the back of a truck. These bodies are covered with sheets and appear to have been shot in the head.
We also see abandoned military vehicles and a helicopter. This shows the extend of the zombie pandemic on this small city. We are left to imagine the damage done to the rest of the world. Rick stumbles slowly out to the street on his way home. He sees a discarded bicycle and picks it up. As he does so he sees his first zombie (the hands don't count since you couldn't technically see that they were zombies). It is half the body of a woman that is slowly crawling her way towards Rick. He quickly rides home and starts calling for his wife and child. The house is empty. He keeps calling out Lori and Carl until he crumbles to the floor crying. After a while he walks out of the house and sits on his front steps. He sees a man walking slowly down the street. He waves to the man and as he calls out to him we see someone coming up behind him. Another man walks up to the zombie walking down the street and shoots it in the head while the person behind Rick, a young boy, hits him over the head with a shovel. The man who killed the zombie is the boy's father and he asks Rick if he was bitten but the shovel to the head has knocked him out.
Rick wakes up in bed with his hands and feet tied to the bedpost. The man now asks him again if he has been bitten. Rick responds that he has been shot. Rick shows no signs of a fever so they cut him free. As they eat dinner the man (named Morgan) explains what has been going on: the fever epidemic, the chaos when the dead started walking, and how light and sounds attracts the dead. He shares how his wife became sick as they were evacuating and the fever turned her into a zombie. He has seen his wife walking around town but hasn't been able to make himself kill her. The next day they went to the sheriff's station to load up on guns. While there they took the time to take a shower and get a moment's respite from the horror. Rick gives Morgan a police walkie talkie and tells him he will call Morgan every morning at six. Before leaving Morgan warns Rick that while one zombie might be easy to kill several are not. They say their goodbyes and each go their own way. Morgan and his son Duane return to the house they have been staying in. Morgan goes upstairs and has target practice on the zombies milling in the street. Soon his zombie wife shows up. For a moment their we think he is going to kill her, but he can't. She is still his wife and he still loves her. He breaks down in tears. They may be zombies but at one point all of them were people who had families. As Rick heads out of town he finds the half zombie woman and shoots her in the head. He tells her he is sorry that this happened to her. It's a sentiment that could be said to Rick also. We are sorry you woke up alone in a world filled with zombies.
As Rick is driving towards Atlanta he tries calling over the radio to find anyone else that might be out there. His transmission is picked up by a group of survivors who try to warn him to stay away from Atlanta but the connection is lost. We have now arrived at the scene where the episode began. Rick is out of gas for his car. He finds a horse at a house where the owners have killed themselves. He mounts his trusty steed and makes his way to Atlanta. On one side of the highway is a pile up of empty cars leaving the city. The other side is empty with the exception of Rick. He finds Atlanta empty. As he rides deeper into the city passing cars and buses with dead people inside. The sound of the horse's hooves stir those dead to wake up and begin following Rick. He doesn't seem to notice this, but he hears and then sees a helicopter overhead.
He sets the horse to a gallop in the direction of the helicopter. All of a sudden he runs into a horde of zombies. The quickly surround him and grab at the horse. He barely escapes them and hides inside a tank. Now he is trapped in the tank while the zombies eat his horse and wait for him to come out. The last thing we hear is a voice over the radio talking to Rick calling him a dumb ass. As the camera pulls away from the tank we see that the city of Atlanta has become Deadlanta. It is filled with zombies.
Final thoughts
This is the best pilot I have seen for a TV show in a long time. It does a great job of setting up the storyline and introducing us to the main character, Rick Grimes. I also love that there is very little music in this episode. The lack of music just accentuates how quiet and still everything is. It adds a new level of eeriness.
The episode begins with a sheriff's deputy walking through a wasteland of abandoned cars. He is holding a gas can in one hand walking toward a gas station. He slowly makes his way through the cars as the camera zooms in on corpses lying still as flies buzz over them. He finds the gas station but a sign says there is no more gas. He hears something and throws himself to the ground. As the footsteps get closer you see they are a child's feet.

The child bends over to pick up a teddy bear from the floor and continues walking. Rick stands up and calls after her offering her his help. As she turns we see that half of her face is decomposed, she is a zombie. As she runs toward him, Rick pulls out his gun and shoots her in the head. All is quiet. Cue presentation.
Two cops, a car, and some burgers
The episode then goes back to a few weeks before the incident that opened up the show. Rick and his fellow officer Shane are sitting in a patrol car eating and sharing their women problems. Shane goes off on how all the women he know turn all the lights on and seem incapable of learning that the light switch works both ways. Rick shares the latest fight he had with his wife. She accused him of not caring about his family. He is really upset that she said this in front of their son. Their conversation gets interrupted when they get a call about two armed suspects being chased by other officers. They rush to the road to set up a spike strip to stop the car. As the car approaches they get behind their patrol cars with guns drawn. The car hits the spike strip and goes flying to the field on the side of the road. Both men come out guns blazing. They are shot down but not before Rick gets shot. When Shane rushes over to Rick he sees Rick is okay since he was wearing a bullet proof vest. He begs Shane not to tell Rick's wife he's been shot. As Rick stands up a third man emerges from the vehicle and shoots Rick. This time Rick is injured because the bullet went to a part of his side not covered by the vest. We then see Shane visiting Rick in the hospital. He leaves a giant bouquet in a flowered vase by his bed.
Is this real?
Rick makes a comment about the vase to Shane. He turns to speak to him and realizes he is alone. He looks over at the vase of flowers and sees that the flowers are dead and have been for some time. He struggles to get up and falls on the floor. He calls for a nurse but nobody comes. He stumbles to the bathroom and drinks some water and looks at his face and the beard that has grown on it since he was shot. He walks out to the hall and it looks like a disaster area. No one is around. The lights and phones aren't working. He grabs a matchbook and keeps walking down the hall. He sees a dead body in a hallway that looks like it's been torn to shreds.

What Rick finds outside is terrifying. Bodies laid out on a parking lot and stacked up on the back of a truck. These bodies are covered with sheets and appear to have been shot in the head.

Rick wakes up in bed with his hands and feet tied to the bedpost. The man now asks him again if he has been bitten. Rick responds that he has been shot. Rick shows no signs of a fever so they cut him free. As they eat dinner the man (named Morgan) explains what has been going on: the fever epidemic, the chaos when the dead started walking, and how light and sounds attracts the dead. He shares how his wife became sick as they were evacuating and the fever turned her into a zombie. He has seen his wife walking around town but hasn't been able to make himself kill her. The next day they went to the sheriff's station to load up on guns. While there they took the time to take a shower and get a moment's respite from the horror. Rick gives Morgan a police walkie talkie and tells him he will call Morgan every morning at six. Before leaving Morgan warns Rick that while one zombie might be easy to kill several are not. They say their goodbyes and each go their own way. Morgan and his son Duane return to the house they have been staying in. Morgan goes upstairs and has target practice on the zombies milling in the street. Soon his zombie wife shows up. For a moment their we think he is going to kill her, but he can't. She is still his wife and he still loves her. He breaks down in tears. They may be zombies but at one point all of them were people who had families. As Rick heads out of town he finds the half zombie woman and shoots her in the head. He tells her he is sorry that this happened to her. It's a sentiment that could be said to Rick also. We are sorry you woke up alone in a world filled with zombies.
As Rick is driving towards Atlanta he tries calling over the radio to find anyone else that might be out there. His transmission is picked up by a group of survivors who try to warn him to stay away from Atlanta but the connection is lost. We have now arrived at the scene where the episode began. Rick is out of gas for his car. He finds a horse at a house where the owners have killed themselves. He mounts his trusty steed and makes his way to Atlanta. On one side of the highway is a pile up of empty cars leaving the city. The other side is empty with the exception of Rick. He finds Atlanta empty. As he rides deeper into the city passing cars and buses with dead people inside. The sound of the horse's hooves stir those dead to wake up and begin following Rick. He doesn't seem to notice this, but he hears and then sees a helicopter overhead.

Final thoughts
This is the best pilot I have seen for a TV show in a long time. It does a great job of setting up the storyline and introducing us to the main character, Rick Grimes. I also love that there is very little music in this episode. The lack of music just accentuates how quiet and still everything is. It adds a new level of eeriness.
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