Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 2: Infected

Nighttime at the prison.  Someone is shining a flashlight on the zombies at the fence and feeding them with rats.  This must be why so many zombies are at the fence in the morning.  Tyreese and Karen are making out in the library and then she brings up Zach.  Talk about a mood killer.  Tyreese talks about how there are very few people in their lives.  Then he starts singing "I've got you under my skin."  I'm thinking Karen might be the next to die.  He wants to sleep with her but she says not yet.  Karen is walking in the bathroom filling up a sink with water, she hears a noise and turns around.  Is it Patrick?  Her flashlight goes out, of course.  She makes her way out of the bathroom just as Patrick gets up from the floor.  She enters cell block D.  That must stand for death since Patrick is making his way in now.  He is about to go into Karen's room when he hears someone snoring and he chomps down on that guy's neck instead (for now).  The man is unable to scream and the rest of the cell block is unaware that a zombie is inside. 

Patrick is really digging into his first victim's chest.  Rick is up with Judith and turns off an alarm clock.  He wakes Carl up.  Patrick hears other people coughing.  He leaves the room and the dead guy is now a zombie and moving.  His guts fall off as he stands up.  Zombies are milling by the fence.  Glenn and Maggie are up at a watch tower.  Maggie is asleep and Glenn grabs a camera and takes a picture of her.  The noise wakes her up.  It's her turn to keep watch and he promises to bring her breakfast.  Rick and Carl are outside and see Michonne on her way out.  She asks for any requests for things to bring back.  She asks Carl why he never wears his hat.  His reply is that the hat is not a farmer's hat.  The zombies are pushing on a fence and it is leaning forward.  Carl wants to kill the zombies at the fence but Rick says they have other plans.  As they are feeding the pigs Carl apologizes.  He says he has been trying and wants to know when he can have his gun back.  It seems that it's not just Rick that has been working on their relationship.  Carl is trying to be a better son.  The question is how much of this is he doing because he wants to change versus how much is Rick forcing him to do.  Rick took his gun away, is making him do farm work, and won't let him even kill zombies through the fence using a sharp stick.

The sound of gunshots come from the prison.  Rick and Michonne head back.  Glenn shouts that there are walkers in D.  Daryl, Rick, and the others arrive at cell block D.  Daryl saves a little boy and the killing of zombies begin.  Rick is handed a gun but he gives it to someone else.  Karen and Tyreese meet up.  Carol goes to amputate the arm of a man that has been bitten but sees that the back of his neck has also been bitten.  Daryl shoots Patrick with an arrow.  Each cell is being inspected.  Rick pulls out his knife and enters one of the cells.  He looks shell shocked when he comes back out.  The man Carol is with, Ryan, realizes that he is going to turn into a zombie.  He asks Carol to look after his kids as if they were her own.  Rick finds a zombie in a closed cell who is also bleeding from the eyes and kills him.  They discuss the new disease.  Some dude that sounds like a doctor is discussing the symptoms.  I guess the dead guy sleep walked and would lock himself in.  Rick mentions Violet the pig and how she was sick and died.  Hershel suggest they kill all of the pigs.  He mentions that they were all exposed to the new virus.  Carol brings in Ryan's two daughters (Lizzie and Mika) so they can say goodbye.  He tells Lizzie to take care of her younger sister.  Carol ushers them out and tells them she is going to do what has to be done.  Lizzie says they should be the ones.  Mika can't do it.  Carol gives Lizzie the knife but she can't do it either.  Carol does it instead.

Carl lets Michonne back in but some zombies follow her in.  But Michonne is injured.  Zombies start coming toward the prison and pushing on the fence.  Carl grabs a gun from somewhere and shoots one of the zombies and Maggie runs out and shoots the other one.  Carl runs to Rick and hugs him crying.  He apologizes for using a gun to help Michonne.  Maggie asks what happened.  Rick tells them that Patrick was sick, died, and attacked the cell block.  Rick tells them to avoid contact with those that might have been exposed.  The council (Carol, Daryl, Sasha, Glenn, and Hershel) discuss separating those that were exposed.  What to do with them?  Glenn suggest moving them to cell block A.  Karen is coughing and the council won't let Tyreese take her back to his cell.  Glenn says they think it is the flu.  They don't want her in the same cell block as baby Judith.  She mentions that David from another cell block is also sick.  Glenn goes to fetch him.  Daryl goes to bury the dead.  Hershel tells him to wear gloves and a mask.  Daryl and Carol ask each other if they are okay.  Carol is worried about the little girls that were near Patrick the previous day.  Daryl says he has to be okay.  They don't really have the option to be anything other than accepting of their circumstances in a zombiepocalypse.

More zombies have accumulated at the fence.  Carol talks to the two girls telling them that they are going to bury their dad.  She wants to discuss what happened.  She tells Lizzie that she is weak and she lost her nerve and that is dangerous.  Lizzie gets upset that they killed Nick the zombie from the last episode.  Mika says that her sister is messed up and not weak. 

Rick approaches Daryl who is digging graves.  Daryl says that Rick earned his time off.  Rick is worried about taking a leading role after all the bad decisions he made.  Maggie yells for Rick and Daryl.  The fence is staring to fall down because of the amount of zombies.  They start killing zombies through the fence.  Rick is back in the zone.  No more hesitation in killing zombies.  Beth is wrapping Michonne's ankle.  She thinks it is stupid for Maggie and Carl to have helped her because they could have gotten hurt.  Beth replies that feeling hurt comes with the territory of caring for people. Beth wonders why nobody came up with a name for someone who has lost a child.  There are widows and orphans but no name for parents who've lost children.   Judith begins to cry and it seems to affect Michonne.  I think she might have lost a child.  Back at the fence, Maggie trips but keeps Glenn away (he was exposed to the virus while she was not).  Sasha finds the rats.  The fence begins to fall.  The group rushes to keep it up but it looks like a lost cause.

They move back as the fence starts to bend.  Rick tells Daryl to get the truck, he knows what to do.  Carl is building a cross for Patrick's grave but Carol tells him Patrick was an atheist.  She asks if Carl told Rick about the knife lesson.  He says no and asks if she got permission from the parents.  She says it is a secret between the two of them.  Beth begins to sing.  Surprise, surprise.  Michonne is working out despite her injury.  Judith spits up and Beth asks Michonne to take her.  At fist she says no but then agrees.  She begins to hold her awkwardly but then starts crying and cradles Judith.  I'm pretty sure Michonne lost a baby.  Daryl and Rick go out of the prison with the truck and a box of pigs.  Zombies start coming towards them and Rick cuts a pig and throws it at the zombies.  They being to eat it.  They drive a little farther and he does the same with another pig.   They continue doing this to lead the zombies away.  Rick does not look happy about it.  Glenn and Sasha repair the fence. 

The little girls are back at the fence.  Carol tells them that they are walkers and that she doesn't feel bad about the walker Nick dieing but about her dad dieing.  Carol pulls out her knife and cuts some flowers and puts them in Lizzie's hair.  Lizzie takes the knife from Carol.  Rick is pulling apart the pig pen.  Rick tells Carl that they should stay away from Judith for awhile. 
Carl tells Rick about Carol's lessons and that the parents don't know.  Carl says that Rick should let her.  Rick thanks Carl for telling him.  Rick says that he won't stop Carol or say anything to the parents then he sets fire to the pig pen.  Rick gives Carl his gun back.  Rick puts on his holster and puts his own gun in it.  The "break"  that Daryl spoke about it over.  Rick throws his own shirt in the fire.  It was covered with possibly infected pig blood.  Tyreese is carrying flowers to Karen's cell and sees blood.  He follows the trail of blood that leads outside.  Two bodies are burning outside.  One of them is Karen.  Someone killed them.   

Final Thoughts
-Who is feeding the zombies?  It could be Lizzy who at the beginning of the episode still saw them as people.  Or some as-yet-to-be-introduced teenage boy.  Because lets face it.  That totally seems like something a teenage boy would do.
-Why isn't clearing the fences part of people's assigned job at the prison?
-Rick is coated in pig's blood and if that is how the infection begins he could definitely get sick.  Of course, we don't know the gestation period of the disease.  They could have all been infected weeks ago.  If it is air borne they could all be sick.  Or, if it is a mutation of the original virus they could all have the potential of getting sick.
-The last pig that Rick killed looked so sad.  You could almost see it looking up at Rick saying, "Why, Rick, why?"  Tear.
-Is Rick ready to be back and help make decisions?  Daryl believes in him but Rick needs to believe in himself or else he will doubt every decision he makes.  The pig truck idea was good and successful that should hopefully help Rick come back.
-Now that Carl has his gun back will we see a return of his hat?
-I think it was either Sasha or Carol that killed and burned Karen and David.

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