Don't worry about what's gone wrong. Figure out how to make it right.
The horn blares. Glenn runs through the woods. He tells Rick to try again. Rick calls to Tobin over the walkie but he can't get through. Daryl asks what is happening. Rick tells him about the horn. Daryl wants to turn around and go back to help but Rick wants him to stick to the plan and keep the herd going or it will make things worse. Nicholas stops running as he hears a high pitched whining sound. Glenn calls him to attention. A woman, Annie, falls and injures her ankle. Glenn helps her up and supports her. Some dude blames Rick. Says Rick brought them out there to die. Michonne tells him to shut up and move. Rick says the new plan is for Rick to get to the RV so he can lead the zombies away. The rest of the group goes back home to help. Glenn tries to go with Rick. Rick tells them the others need Glenn because they all won't make it. Heath overhears this. Complaining dude gets bitten by a zombie. Michonne kills him. The group stares on. The horn stops. Rick takes the dude's weapons and takes off.
Glenn mentions that they are maybe 10 to 20 minutes ahead of the herd (remember that they can run while the zombies just walk slowly). Michonne says they will all get back home. Heath replies, "So if we don't that's it, huh?" Don't be an ass Heath. Sturgess starts to freak out that there might not be an Alexandria to return to. Dave tells him they have walls for a reason. His wife is back there. Glenn says his wife is too. "Don't worry about what's gone wrong. Figure out how to make it right." They hears zombies ahead. Glenn, Michonne, and Heath go ahead and start killing them. Scott and Dave go to kill some other approaching zombies. Sturgess fumbles with his gun and accidentally shoots Scott in the leg which causes him to fall down and a zombie to attack him. Nicholas and Annie shoot at some more approaching zombies. Sturgess runs off and leaves the group behind. Dave and Heath kill the two zombies attacking Scott. A zombie comes up behind Dave and bites him on his back. He says, "I know what it means. We gotta keep moving, right?"
Daryl asks if they have gone five miles yet. Daryl wants to turn around. But Abraham and Sasha say they have to go 15 more miles. He is free to go but the zombies could stop Abraham and Sasha. Daryl sees a sign for Alexandria and looks like he is about to cry. He tells them, "I have faith in you." and drives off.
The group makes it to the road. Dave fumbles with his shirt. Michonne asks if she can look. It doesn't look good. She asks him how long he has been married. Three months. They met when Aaron found him. He tells her how he was alone, "I just gave up on being someone, an actual person. You know what I mean?" Michonne definitely understands. They found his wife, Betsy, on the way back to Alexandria. She still saw him after he thought he was dead and gone. She was his first friend. She made him more, better than how he used to be. He wants to make it back to Alexandria to tell his wife, "Finding her in all this, that was everything." He wants to make it back to say goodbye. Annie wants to bandage up Scott's leg but he wants to go on. Glenn says they will stop when they find a place.
They walk into the main street of a town. Michonne tells everyone to look for a car they can use to get back home. Glenn tells her, "I need to get home but I can't leave these people behind." Michonne says they must he a half hour ahead of the herd. They can make it. Glenn nods but doesn't quite seem to believe her. Heath asks Nicholas if this is the place where Aiden's crew died. Nicholas says the crew wasn't afraid but Aiden and Nicholas were. Since Nicholas was here last he will lead them home. Glenn and Heath go help the injured people walk. They stumble upon a group of zombies eating Sturgess. The zombies are starting to surround them. Nicholas hears that high-pitched noise and freezes but Glenn gets him to focus. They hide inside a pet store. Michonne and Heath discuss the situation. She says they have to lead the zombies away she is not giving up. Glenn says they need to distract the zombies so they won't go to Alexandria. He suggests they burn one or more of the buildings. Michonne volunteers to do it. Glenn says he will to it. She is the one who will be able to get everybody back."We all have a job to do." Isn't that what Hershel used to say? Nicholas says he should burn the feed store. He volunteers to go with Glenn. Glenn looks uncertain so he offers to draw a map. Glenn says he can come with him. Glenn takes a moment to himself. He pulls out Hershel's pocket watch.
Rick runs down the street and finds a group of zombies eating someone. We hear Glenn over the walking updating Rick on their location and his plan to distract the zombies. Rick kills the zombies. If Rick doesn't see smoke than the zombies are still headed his way. He ends the by saying, "Good luck, dumbass." I nice little call back to the pilot. It appears that Rick might have injured his hand. He pulls weapons found on the dead body and keeps running.
Michonne wraps Scott's leg. Heath is going to find a crutch for Annie. She tells them to leave her. She is slowing them down. Scott says they should leave both of them. He says they will eventually do it. He orders them to run. Heath says they don't leave people behind. "Not us." says Heath as he looks at Michonne. Michonne says, "No one is leaving anyone behind." Michonne confronts Heath. He says he is looking out for his people. He tells her he heard what Rick said how they would not all make it and they should leave the Alexandrians behind. She points out how Glenn is out there trying to save their lives. She explains that Rick said what he said because sometimes you don't have a choice. She tells Heath he has never had to do it any other way. He has not been through the apocalypse the same way Rick has. Rick and Michonne were out there. They know what it is like and he doesn't. If he doesn't learn from them he will die. Heath says he has been on runs since the beginning. She asks if he has ever had to kill people because they were going to kill your friends and come after you next. "Have you ever done things that have made you feel afraid of yourself afterwards? . . . Then you don't know." She drops the mic.
The group open the doors and kill the few zombies there. They run out but the herd is on their heels. Annie falls. Michonne turns to go back but she tells them to run. The zombies eat her alive. They keep running and the zombies follow. Nicholas and Glenn come to find the feed store has already burned down. They turn around and see the herd headed their way. Glenn asks Nicholas which way should they go and Nicholas panics for a moment before he decides on the direction they should go. Michonne tells Heath to go over the fence first he tries to argue but she gets him over. Then Scott goes over. She and Dave struggle to get over it as zombies grab their legs. Nicholas and Glenn are trapped in an alley. They start to shoot the zombies. When they run out of bullets they start to stab them. Heath shoots at the zombies but Dave falls and gets grabbed by the zombies. Michonne makes it over. The zombies eat Dave alive. His note to Betsy gets trampled under the zombies' feet. They watch him get eaten until Heath gets them to move again. Glenn and Nicholas climb on top of a dumpster but they are surrounded. Zombies grab at their legs. Nicholas hears that high pitched sound again. He looks out at the hoards of zombies and cries. Glenn tries to get his attention. Nicholas turns to Glenn, says "Thank You" and then shoots himself in the head. The fall of his body pushes Glenn to the ground and the zombies pull out intestines and start eating them. NOOOOOO! Not Glenn!!! Please don't let it be Glenn!!!
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Alive or Dead? |
Michonne, Heath, and Scott walk through the woods. Scott falls to the ground. They pick him up. They come to a creek. Michonne looks at the sky. No smoke. Heath tells her that doesn't mean they didn't make it. She looks down at her arm where she wrote the note for Dave. She rubs the note off. As they cross the creek Heath stops and looks down at his reflection.
Rick stops the RV. He calls to Glenn to let him know he is at his location and asks if Glenn made it back home. No answer. Then he calls to Tobin. No answer. He calls Daryl. Daryl answers he is there. Rick hears gunfire coming from home. He says those back home can handle it, they have to handle it. They can't be afraid. This is for them. Going back now would be for us. The heard is almost to his location. Daryl drives alone. Out of nowhere one of the wolves busts into the RV and shoots at Rick just as he was going to say something on the walkie. Daryl hears it and calls to Rick. Now there are two wolves attacking Rick. Daryl stops and calls to Rick again. Rick fights off the wolves and shoots both of them. Daryl rides at full speed. Rick looks in the pocket of one of the wolves and pulls out a jar of baby food. He knows they came from Alexandria. He sees some more wolves coming towards him in the side view mirror. He grabs a gun and shoots the side of the RV and kills all of the wolves. Daryl drives on. Heath, Michonne, and Scott make it back to Alexandria. Sasha and Abraham are still in the car leading the herd. Daryl joins them on the road. The zombies follow them. Rick tries to start the car. The car won't start and he starts to look desperate. Even scared. Zombies start to gather around the RV.
So Many Thoughts
- I believe that Glenn is dead. On "The Talking Dead" Chris Hardwick read a note from the producers where they stated that Glenn would still be a part of the show in some capacity. I translate that to mean we will see him flashbacks, dreams, or even ghost Glenn (which I hope doesn't happen since we already had to deal with ghost Lori). Having said that, Nicholas did fall on top of Glenn. So those could be Nicholas's organs that we saw the zombies eating. They were pulling out intestines from an awfully high part of the chest. Although, that could just be the camera angle used to shoot that scene. Even if it is Nicolas that is being eaten that still leaves Glenn in a precarious situation. Please don't let Glenn be dead.
- This is the message from the producers that Chris Hardwick read: “Dear fans of The Walking Dead, this is a hard story to tell and when we were planning to tell we knew our friends at the Talking Dead would be talking to you about it and knowing you’d all be talking, and feeling and commiserating, I knew we should say something about it lest our silence say something we didn’t mean to say or not say. So I’ll say this: In some way, we will see Glenn, some version of Glenn or parts of Glenn again, either in flashback or in the current story to help complete the story.”
- I knew that Nicholas would somehow be responsible for something bad happening to Glenn. Glenn likes to give people the benefit of the doubt. It worked well with Tara but not so much with Nicholas. Nicholas already showed himself to be selfish. He puts himself before others. He is the antithesis of Glenn. Glenn always helps. He won't leave anyone behind even if that means he puts his own life at risk.
- On "The Talking Dead" Ivette Nicole Brown mentioned that when the group first entered Father Gabriel's church Glenn looks at a scripture that describes the kind of person that he is. I agree with her. That scripture is Galatians 6: 9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
- I've loved Glenn as a character since the beginning. He is smart without being cocky and he cares. He has been the moral compass for the show since the beginning. That is part of the reason he was part of the council they had back at the prison when crazy Rick stopped being the leader.
- I also should have seen that they were going to kill Glenn when Glenn called Rick a dumbass. That was our first introduction to Glenn. There he was saving the show's hero (in the pilot at least).
- The show used Dave to parallel what was going to happen to Glenn. I should have been more suspicious when Glenn mentioned his wife at the beginning of the episode.
- Another hint that death was coming for Glenn. He pulled out Hershel's pocket watch before he left with Nicolas the harbinger of death.
- While I am glad Daryl rejoined Abraham and Sasha I understand why he left. He is a fighter and protector of the group and I don't think he liked sitting back hearing the danger his family was encountering.
- Will they save Glenn but kill Rick? The zombies are approaching and he is by himself with only one good hand. Then again, Rick is the man who lived/survived. In that sense he is like Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Would they really kill Rick?
- Will Rick lose his hand?
- SPOILER ALERT: In the comics Rick loses his hand when he meets the Governor. Could this be a way for the show to bring that aspect of the comic into the series? Also, Glenn does die in the comics after their arrival to Alexandria. That knowledge has made me nervous about Glenn's fate since the characters in the show arrived in Alexandria. That is why I believe him to be dead.
- Is Enid a wolf? This theory was posed by Ivette Nicole Brown. She seemed to believe that Enid was about to confess that to Carl in last week's episode. Did Enid let the wolves in? She does after all have keys to every house. Side Note: How did she get a copy of every house key in Alexandria with no one noticing? I am not sold on this theory but time will tell.
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Greg Nicotero as a zombie |