Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 "JSS"

Just Survive Somehow

Enid stands half out of a car while her parents look for a fuse so they can start their car.  Zombies approach the car.  In the next scene we see Enid alone in the car covered with blood.  She looks out the window and we see a zombie eating her parents.  She walks by herself in the rain.  We hear zombie growls as she hides behind a sign.  She writes on the ground "JSS" with her finger.  Enid finds an abandoned car on the side of the road.  She tries to pull the dead body away and it wakes up.  We see her in the car as we hear a storm rolling in.  She writes "JSS" on the window of the car. As she walks down the road she comes upon a large tortoise.  In the next scene we see her eating the raw tortoise.  At this moment she looks like a zombie.  She uses the tortoise bones to write "JSS."  We see her approach the burnt house outside the walls of Alexandria. She slowly makes her way to the gate. You can hear people on the other side of the wall.  Her back is to Alexandria and she writes on her hand "JSS." The gate opens and she walks in.

Carol is grabbing food from the pantry.  Talking about cooking with some of the other women.  Shelly complains about not having a pasta machine and Carol offers to teach her to make pasta herself.  But only if she quits smoking because it is a dirty habit that will kill you and there enough things trying to kill you already. The other women suppress smiles and agree with her.  Carol finds Jessie's youngest son Sam sitting on her porch steps.  "You're dad used to beat you and he got himself killed.  It happened and now it's done. You live with it or it eats you up."

Jessie looks at her hair cutting scissors.  She calls for Ron. He refuses to get a haircut. He says this is her way to get him to talk to her. She asks if he blames her. She asks him to raise his left arm above his head but he can't.  His father is to blame. His father was dangerous.  He counters with "Rick is dangerous." He then asks if Rick is her friend and she says yes.  He stalks off.

Maggie talks to Deanna about planting crops. She gives Deanna a packet of seeds they found.  She says they need to finish the expansion and put the wall up.  Just like Reg wanted. "Everyone that's here is here because of you.  You need to show them that you're still here." She hands Deanna a shovel.

Eugene and Tara walk into the hospital. Eugene is complaining about supplies being used to build a  church. Tara suggests they share the building and use it for different things during the week.  We are introduced to the new doctor Denise (now that Pete is dead). She is a psychiatrist, she was going to be a surgeon but had panic attacks so she changed to psychiatry.  She is really nervous. Eugene asks her if she can do this and Tara says that Denise can do it. Pete didn't want Denise here. She asks Tara why she wants aspirin. Tara got dizzy and Denise tells her that she will check her out.

Carl pushes Judith in a stroller down the street.  He sees Enid and Ron sitting on the grass. Father Gabriel calls out to him and Carl rudely replies "What?" Gabriel tells Carl that what he said to Deanna about the group was about him and not the group.  He is ready to learn now.  Carl says Gabriel needs to tell everybody. Carl tells him to come by his house at three; he will start teaching Gabriel how to use a machete. Ron hugs Enid.  She sees Carl and they make eye contact but he continues down the street.

Carol is cooking in her nice kitchen. She looks out the window and sees Shelly smoking. A crazy guy with a machete comes up and attacks Shelly.

Deanna calls out to a man named Richard asking him what is going on. A molotov cocktail hits him and he falls from the fence.  Maggie runs with her gun ready. Carl comes down the stairs with a gun and Carol tells him to stay behind to protect Judith.  Crazy people are running all over the streets of Alexandria killing people. Jessie tries to leave her Sam to look for Ron but he won't let go of her hand.  They hear someone come into their house so they hide in a closet they can lock from the inside.

Carl walks slowly through his house. He hears the door open and is ready to shoot when Enid comes in. She has keys to all of the houses in Alexandria. She came to say goodbye.  He tells her she is staying. She is going to help him protect Judith. They sit back to back on the floor. He asks if she saw the attackers.  She says, "They are just people." She says this place is too big to protect, too many blind spots. Carl says those people are all going to die. He tells her, "Don't tell me goodbye." She says she won't.

The killing continues. Carol is outside. She sees one of the Alexandrians chained up being led by another man.  One of the crazy's stabs a man and uses the man's blood to write a W on his forehead. The wolves are here. Carol kills one of the men attacking one of the women she was chatting with earlier.  Carol holds her in her arms covering her mouth so she won't scream.  The woman dies in her arms. Spencer is up in the tower shooting at the intruders but he isn't doing a very good job.  He looks out another window and sees a giant truck coming towards him.  It runs into the wall outside the tower and the horn blares. The same horn that attracted the zombies at the end of the last episode.

The horn blares and the camera shows us all of the destruction. Spencer is stuck inside the tower. Aaron and Rosita bring in an injured woman to Denise. Rosita, and Aaron leave to help. Spencer gets out and opens the truck to find a zombie inside. He hesitates killing it when Morgan opens the other door and kills it and turns off the horn. Morgan asks what happened. Spencer explains. Morgan asks if he is coming. Spencer says nothing. Morgan tells him to hide. Morgan comes inside and faces off with a man with an ax. The mans says "Quick or slow." Morgan asks him to leave. The  man says gonna be slow. A masked individual kills the man.  It is Carol. She uses the man's blood to write a W on her forehead.  She tells Morgan they need to get to the armory. He says they don't have to kill people. She says they do. She is going to get to the armory and they need help. Deanna and Maggie run into Spencer. Deanna says she can't go in she in unarmed and untrained so she will be a liability. Maggie tells Spencer to keep her safe and runs towards the gate. Deanna hides in the truck that hit the tower. She closes her eyes and listens to the screams.

The woman brought into the hospital is dying. Denise says her femoral artery must have been severed. Tara tells her to try and help the woman. The woman was injured because she was protecting them "That's why we're here, for each other. You're afraid? I don't care, help her." Eugene tells her she doesn't want to be a coward. Denise decides to operate. Ron is outside hiding by a tree when he gets chased by one of the wolves. The wolf falls to the ground when Carl shoots him in the leg. The wolf begs for his life and fights Carl for the gun. Carl shoots the man. He tells Ron to go inside.  He will keep Ron safe.  Ron says no and runs off. Enid calls Carl back inside. Jessie and Sam hide in the closet. They hear Ron calling for them. Jessie leaves the closet and tells her son to lock it.  She goes downstairs with her gun. She is attacked from behind by a woman. They fight and Jessie falls to the ground. She gets up and grabs her scissors. She stabs the woman repeatedly with them. Ron comes in and sees her.

Carol has Morgan chained up.  The wolves walk past her calling her Aphid because they think she is one of them.  She shoots several intruders as she goes towards the armory. Morgan helps Father Gabriel fight off his attacker. Carol makes it to the armory and shoots two people. One gets away. The other she stabs dead. She hears someone in a closet and finds Olivia hiding. Carol grabs a bag and loads it with weapons. She shows Olivia how to use a gun. She has Olivia stay in the armory with orders to shoot anyone who comes in.  Morgan ties up the man who attacked Gabriel. The  man says "You are trapped. People don't belong here anymore." Carol shoots the man. She hands Gabriel and Morgan a gun each.  Then she runs into Maggie. Rosita and Aaron make there way along the house and shoot two intruders. Carol kills another intruder Morgan walks down the street to the sound of gunfire. He encounters another man who seems to recognize him.  He is surrounded by five wolves. He tells them to leave. His people have guns and they don't. He beats the intruders. He tells them they will get shot if they don't leave.  "You keep choosing this life you will die." The man responds we didn't choose and runs away with the others. He steals a gun from one of the dead bodies. Morgan chases after them. He closes the gate.

Carol stands over Shelly's body. She looks down at the pack of cigarettes. We then see Carol sitting on her porch holding the cigarettes. She wipes the W off her forehead. She sees the letter A written on a post by the stairs.  She cries. Aaron walks down the street checking that all of the bodies are dead. He stabs one in the head. He finds his backpack under one of the bodies and sees the photographs of Alexandria he had shown Rick last season. This is the backpack that he left behind when he and Daryl where trapped in the car when Morgan rescued them from the trap set up by the wolves. He knows the attack is partly his fault. He shakes.

Denise keeps trying to revive Holly by doing CPR but it is too late. She didn't survive. Tara tries to comfort her. She days Denise tried. She is a doctor. Denise tells everyone to go. Maggie, Spencer, Deanna, and Rosita walk back to Alexandria. Spencer asks Rosita if what happened today is how the world is outside of Alexandria. How did they survive knowing the world was like this? Rosita says, "This group, Abraham, this place. Make sure you have something to die for." Maggie stabs a zombie in the head. She tells Deanna that they are all still here. Deanna says "Not all of us." Carl looks out the window at the  man he killed. He calls out for Enid but she doesn't respond. He finds a note that says "just survive somehow" (the JSS she was writing at the beginning of the episode). The timer in the kitchen goes off. Carl takes out the dish from the oven that Carol was cooking earlier.

Morgan walks down the street and kills a zombie that looks like a resident from Alexandria. He goes inside a house that has the door wide open. He cautiously makes his way through the house. A man is waiting inside. The man attacks him. It is the same wolf he met in the woods last season who stole all of his stuff. They fight. The man says "You can't can you?  You should've." Morgan beats him and hits him over the head as he says "I'm sorry." Morgan walks down the street and runs into Carol. They walk past each other as Alexandria still burns form the attack.

Final Thoughts
-Did Morgan kill the man at the end of the episode?
-Does he know the wolves from more than just the encounter in the woods? 
- Did we know Enid's parents were dead? I just assumed from last season that she was there with her parents.
- On "The Talking Dead" the actress who plays Enid assumes that Enid was alone for a few weeks. We don't have a real time line though for how long she was alone.
- I thought it was interesting to see the juxtaposition of Enid eating the tortoise she killed and the zombie that ate her parents. The actress said the director did that on purpose. She was supposed to look like a zombie.
- Will everybody blame Aaron for the attack since he left his backpack behind for the wolves to find? Will he tell anyone about the backpack?
-How did Morgan get there so fast?
-The entire attack on Alexandria took 45 minutes. It begins the minute Carol sets her timer for 45 minutes and ends when the timer goes off and Carl takes the casserole out of the oven. It also played out to 45 in real time for the viewers.
- I guess Carol can no longer pretend she is just a homemaker with no skills.
- Eugene was able to admit that he was coward and that it feels bad to be a coward but he still didn't leave with Aaron and Rosita to help. I'm hoping he will continue to look for courage. He did save Tara's life but he needs some training.
-I found it interesting that Enid refers to the wolves as just people but one of the wolves tells Morgan that people don't belong here anymore. By here I think he means the world. There are only wolves and zombies. No people.

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