Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9 "No Way Out"

 We do it together.
Daryl drives down a road with Sasha and Abraham. A motorcycle gang blocks their path. The leader tells them to step out of the truck or they will kill them. The trio cautiously step out of the truck. The man orders them to hand over their weapons. Everything they own now belongs to Negan. He says, "And if you can get your hands on a tanker, you're people our person wants to know." He walks over to Daryl and Daryl hands him his gun. Then Sasha hands over her weapon, Abraham glares and then gives him his gun. The man tells Abraham, "If you have to eat shit, best not to nibble. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat." Sasha asks who they are. He won't say. He tells them they are going to follow them back to their home (Alexandria). But first he wants all of their stuff. Daryl says they gave him everything. He replies, "There's more. There's always more." He forces Daryl to show one of the men to the back of the truck. Abraham asks "Who's Negan?" The man points his gun at Abraham and tells him he will kill him for asking questions. He cocks his gun but Sasha tells him to wait. He pulls out a second gun and then puts them down. He says he won't kill them. Then he says he will. And all of the motorcycles explode. Daryl comes out from behind the truck carrying the grenade launcher. He calls the gang a bunch of assholes. Abraham tells the charred bodies to "nibble on that." Then the three get into the truck.

Back at Alexandria, Rick and his group make their way through the zombie hoard towards the armory. Rick announces a new plan. Flares from a few guns are not enough for the amount of walkers. They need to get their cars from the quarry so they can lead the zombies out. Gabriel offers to take Judith and keep her safe in the church until the others lead the walkers away. Gabriel says he can do this, he has to do this, he will do this. Carl hands Judith over to Gabriel. Jessie wants Sam to go with Gabriel but he says he can keep going.  Carl grabs Ron's hand and they continue on.

Tara and Rosita argue about going out to rescue Denise. Rosita wants to make sure Carol and Morgan are okay and then make a plan. Morgan lies on the floor. Carol wants Rosita's gun so she can make a sweep of the brownstone. Morgan asks where the wolf is. Carol says that the wolf took Tara.

Glenn and Enid make it into a church. They look for bullets and ammo. Enid looks at a scripture written above the doorway James 2:26 "Faith without works is dead." "When I wanted to run. You said that's how you lose people even after they're gone. What the hell does that mean?" Glenn, "People you love they made you who you are.  They're still part of you. If you stop being you, that last bit of them that's still around inside, who you are, is gone." Enid asks, "Who are those people to you?" Glen replies, "My parents, a man named Dale, Maggie's father Hershel. A woman named Andrea. A man named Tyreese." He asks her, "Who are they to you?" Enid replies, "My parents." Glenn, "Then they're still here, 'cause you're still here." Glenn wants Enid to stay back at the church but she protests. He tells her, "I didn't want you to give up on this place, on these people, to be afraid." She tells him he was right and she is here now to help. They need to get Maggie off the platform. Enid volunteers to climb up and help Maggie while Glenn creates a distraction to lure the walkers away.  "We do it together." Glenn agrees. Enid finds a gun hidden in a box.

The wolf tells Denise that they will make a run for it when there is an opening. He tells her he needs her. "I liked what you said before. That I wasn't born this way. You're right I changed. And now I want to help you change. You have a gift, Denise. You will see that some day. Or maybe you won't."

Nighttime in Alexandria. Rick is still leading his group towards the quarry. Sam stares at the zombies and remembers the threat that Carol made (the monsters will come and eat him alive). He sees a zombie child walk down the street. Sam just stands frozen. Everyone tries to egg him on. He says he wants to and then zombies start eating him. Jessie cries and still holds his hand. Jessie starts to scream, drawing attention to the group. Carl tells her they have to go. Zombies start to eat Jessie. Rick cries and we see flashbacks of Jessie. Carl calls to Rick. Jessie is still holding Carl's hand. Rick cuts off Jessie's hand. Carl falls back and drops his gun. Ron stands there pointing a gun at Rick. He says, "You" Michonne runs her katana through Ron. The gun goes off. Carl has been shot through the eye (thanks a lot Ron, I always knew that you being a douche would end up hurting somebody). Rick picks up Carl while Michonne slays zombies and they make their way through the crowd.

Eugene, "Sooner or later we're fighting our way out." Rosita says he won't be. The wolf tells Denise that the zombies are going towards the gunfire. Someone tried to put up a fight. She says that they did put up a fight. And that's why his friends are dead. He tells her when they find a gap they will climb up the guard tower and over the wall. "It is safer out there than in here." He pushes her towards the tower and goes back to kill a zombie that almost killed her. He gets bitten.  She tells him she will save his life if he takes her to the infirmary. Carol cautiously walks thought the brownstone. She looks out the window at the zombies covering the streets. She sits down with her head in her hand. She stands when she hears Morgan come up. He says, "You had a child right? A husband? I didn't want to hurt you. I just had to stop you." Carol, "You saved him for you, not us. If it was for us you would've . . . I should've killed you. I should've." Morgan,  "You can't." Denise and the wolf are in a house. She grabs his belt and ties a tourniquet on his arm. She says he came back for her because he changed. As they run towards the infirmary Carol shoots the wolf and tells Denise to go. Denise makes it into the infirmary where Spencer, Aaron, and Heath are hiding. They see Rick carrying Carl. She gives orders to the others for supplies. She opens the door and Carl, Rick and Michonne enter. Rick says, "Please save him. Please." Rick looks out the window at the zombies, grabs his hatchet and walks out the door.

Rick walks out to the crowd and starts killing zombies with his hatchet. Michonne wants to go out to help Rick but Denise needs her a minute longer while she sutures Carl's wound. Heath says they have to help him. Michonne kisses Carl on the forehead and then runs out the door. Heath, Spencer and Aaron join her. As the others join Rick he yells, "We can beat them." They naturally form into the circle formation. We see Olivia and Eric. They also walk out and start killing zombies. Gabriel looks out the window of his church. He hands Judith to a woman inside the church. He grabs his machete. Tobin asks what he is doing. Gabriel says, "We've been praying that God will save our town.  . . God will save Alexandria because God has given us the courage to save it ourselves." Carol tells the other that Rick is making a stand and it is time for them to join them. She tells them that Denise is safe. Eugene says he will go too. "No one gets to clock out today. And hell, this is a story people are gonna tell." They join the others in the fight. Morgan knocks over a zombie and it is the wolf. He says I am sorry and finally kills the wolf. Glenn and Enid make it to Maggie. He tells Enid to get Maggie then he starts distracting the zombies by shooting them. Maggie calls out to him. Enid makes it to Maggie. Glenn is surrounded by zombies. Maggie grabs her gun and starts shooting but she is out of bullets. It looks for a moment like Glenn is not long for this world and then bullets start flying. It is Abraham and Sasha. They made it back and are using their rifles to gun down zombies from one of the towers.

Abraham and Sasha help Maggie and Enid down from the tower. Glenn gets in the truck. Daryl asks what happened. Glenn doesn't know. Daryl says they will have to lead the zombies away. Daryl lets the fuel out of the truck as the others kill the zombies. The Alexandrians keep getting pushed back by the zombies. They are almost to the wall. Abraham drives the truck out of town and Daryl shoots a grenade to the fuel. The fire draws the zombies attention and they start to walk towards it.  Rick calls for everyone to move forward and attack. Alexandria is in flames. Daryl watches the zombies catch on fire. They all join in killing zombies. We see quick shots of everyone killing zombies. The next morning the streets are littered with dead zombies. Our group stands outside the infirmary. Inside the infirmary Denise patches of Daryl. Rick talks to Carl. "I was wrong. I thought after living behind these walls for so long that . .  maybe they couldn't learn. But today I saw what they could do. What we could do, if we work together. We'll rebuild the walls, Expand the walls. There will be more. There's gotta be more. Everything Deanna was talking about is possible. It's all possible. I see that now. When I was out there with them, when it was over, when I knew we had this place again, I had this feeling it took me a while to remember what it was. Because I haven't felt it since I woke up in that hospital. I want to show you the new world, Carl. I want to make it a reality for you. Please, Carl. Let me show you." Pan down to Carl's hand. He closes his fingers around Rick's hand. Rick looks over at Carl.

Final Thoughts
- The theme of this episode seemed to be we can do this together. We can take Alexandria back if we join as one. They all need each other and they are all responsible for keeping Alexandria safe and in existence. See Glenn's speech to Enid and Gabriel's speech to the Alexandrians in the church. Like Rick said, everything Deanna had planned for this community is possible.
- I did not expect for Daryl to blow up Negan's gang. Just when I thought he couldn't get more bad ass the writers throw in a gem like that. How will Negan retaliate? Whatever it is it will be bad for our gang.
- I wasn't surprised that Jessie and her sons died or that Carl got shot. That happens in the comic with just a small difference. Ron doesn't shoot Carl. In the comic Carl and the other boys are really young.
- The scripture that Enid looks at is James 2:26 "Faith without works is dead." That reinforces what Glenn has been telling her all along. That if you want to make this new world succeed you have to work at. It won't survive on its own. But it is worth the effort. For those you have in your life now and for those that were part of your life and made you the person you are today.
- Will Glenn and Maggie become Enid's adopted parents?
- It looks like the wolf did help Denise realize she has a gift. She didn't hesitate to bandage up the wolf's arm. She was in command the minute she stepped into the infirmary. First, by asking about her patients and then giving everyone orders when Rick brought Carl in. No doubt left about her abilities as a doctor. Thank you, wolf. Too bad you were cray cray.
- I was glad to see Father Gabriel finally man up and help protect Alexandria. He did well with keeping Judith safe and then he got Tobin and some others to fight for their home.
- I was glad to see that Glenn survived the night. But are all of his near misses foreshadowing his imminent death? Or are they a bait and switch by the producers to keep us worried about Glenn when in fact it will be Maggie that dies?  SPOILER ALERT: In the comics Glenn is killed by Negan. Negan won't appear until the finale of this season. Will Glenn die at the end of the season 6 or the beginning of season 7? Will Glenn die at all? They could decide to keep Glenn and kill off another character.

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