Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 13 "The Same Boat"

Kill floor

The alarm sounds. Carol tells Maggie she is staying there. A man comes out of the woods. Carol shoots the man in the arm and he falls to the ground. Maggie goes to finish him off. Three women come out of the woods pointing their guns at them. They give up their arms. View through some binoculars. The woman we heard at the end of the last episode is telling Rick and the others to lower their weapons. She doesn't want to take them on since her group outnumbered. We see Daryl point his gun at the Savior's head. Rick wants to trade the Savior for Maggie and Carol. She doesn't see it as a fair trade so she declines. The man is complaining that he wants Primo (Rick's hostage) back but none of the women agree. One of the women covers Maggie and Carol's faces with their own jackets.

We see the ground from Carol's point of view. One of the women is giving them orders on where to walk. Paula (Ginger Savior) is communicating with other Saviors over the walkie. They are now in a "safe house." Maggie and Carol are gagged and have their hands and arms tied. Zombies are heard and one of the women calls for backup.Maggie and Carol are left alone in the room. Maggie looks around for a way out. She rubs her tied hands on the wall. Carol grabs a crucifix from the floor and tucks it away. She starts to hyperventilate when their captors come back. Maggie looks confused and concerned. Donnie is still complaining about his arm. Maggie tells them to take the gag out of Carol's mouth. I think Carol is still playing the part of weak woman. She reaches for the crucifix and the older woman pulls it out. Maggie kind of gives her a weird look but I think she is figuring out what Carol is doing. Carol says it doesn't matter what happens to her just don't hurt Maggie or the baby. Maggie tells them that she is two months pregnant and that's why she isn't showing yet. Paula says it was stupid for Maggie to get knocked up. Maggie replies, "When was it ever smart to get knocked up? Women used to just die in childbirth.  And they always thought the world was gonna end. Living through it, why would you just give up?" Paula, "The point is to stay standing." Maggie, "No. The walkers do that. I'm choosing something." 'Chelle (the young Savior) seems moved by what Maggie said. The older of the three women starts to smoke and Carol tells her to stop for the baby. The woman laughs over Carol's concern of second hand smoke but 'Chelle tells her to put it out. Molls (the older woman) coughs up blood. The cigarettes are already killing her.

Donnie says his arm feels like it's on fire. Paula tells him another crew is coming and will be there in under 30 minutes. Maggie tells her Donnie's nerves are dying if he doesn't get medical help he will lose his arm or even his life. She tells them to talk to Rick if they think their friend Primo can help. Paula tells Donnie 30 minutes. Donnie gets mad at Carol for shooting him and wants to kill both of them now. Paula wants to use them as insurance. Donnie wants to shoot Carol in the arm for revenge. Paula just tells him to shut up. He hits her upside the head and Maggie trips him and starts to fight with him but Carol intervenes and he kicks her. Paula calls Maggie stupid and tells 'Chelle to take her to another room to question her. Carol looks up at the window on the door and sees zombies staring back.

'Chelle sits across from Maggie and says that she must have a nice place to live if she has nice clothes and time to make a baby. She asks Maggie where it is. Maggie pukes. 'Chelle says, "The way you stay alive is you produce for us. You're not the good guys. You should know that." Paula makes the excuse for Donnie's behavior that he is in pain and men can't handle pain. Carol thanks her for helping her and Maggie when Donnie attacked them. She starts to tell them that Ed used to beat her. Paula interrupts and calls Carol pathetic. They are nothing alike. Donnie is just a warm body for her bed. She could kill him in his sleep. Carol tucks the crucifix up in her hands. Paula asks her if she really believes. Carol tells her, "Faith got me through the death of my daughter." 'Chelle wraps her hand that is missing part of her little finger. She tells Maggie she got caught stealing gas from this place to look for her boyfriend's body and that was the price for her crime. Her boyfriend was blown up. Maggie seems to think he was probably part of the gang Daryl blew up. She has the name Frankie tattooed on her arm. She was going to name her baby Frank after her father. Maggie says she's sorry. "Chelle replies, "No, you aren't." One of them will die today.

A voice can be heard over the walkie. It is Rick. He wants to make the trade. Paula doesn't want to trade; it isn't worth the risk. Carol tells them they don't have to fight. Paula wants to know why. Carol lies and says the Saviors ambushed them on the road. Molls assumes it was the group of Saviors that Daryl blew up. Paula asks why they didn't stop the killing with the motorcycle gang. Carol says that Negan sounded like a maniac. Molls replies, "We are all Negan." Carol keeps asking "What does that mean?" to the comment about Negan but gets no reply. Carol asks for a cigarette from the Molls. She gives her one. Paula says, "You are weak. What are you so afraid of? So scared you can't even stick to your own principles," Carol replies, "You don't want me to stick to my own principles." If only the Saviors knew what a real threat that statement is. Paula says she was a secretary. She used to read inspirational emails to feel better about herself. She was at work when the army took over DC. The important government people were evacuated first and she was stuck with her boss. She had a husband and four daughters. The first person she killed was her boss. She stopped counting her kills when she hit double digits. "I am not like you. I'm still me but better." Carol, "You're the one whose afraid to die and you're going to. You will die. It's what's going to happen if you don't work this out." Paula, "Are you going to kill me?" Carol, "I hope not."

Paula calls to Rick over the walkie. She wants to make the trade. She gives him a meet up spot. They will meet in ten minutes. She thinks Rick is already there since there is no static and it was all too easy. Carol says Rick is a man of his word. Paula calls to another Savior group. They are getting ready to move. She will kill Maggie and Carol if they leave. They leave Carol alone in the room. She takes a deep breathe then uses the cross to cut the tape off her hands. She makes it out of the room and looks for Maggie. She finds Maggie trying to cut her hands free. She cuts her free and they hug. Carol wants to go but Maggie says they have to finish this (aka kill the Saviors). They inspect Donnie. He is dead and turning into a zombie. Maggie ties a rope around his waist. They tie him to a pipe in the room. When Molls walks in he bites her. Maggie comes up behind her, takes her weapon, and bashes her head in. Paula comes back to find Carol gone. She looks pissed as she cocks her gun.

Maggie and Carol walks down a hallway filled with zombies impaled on poles. Paula shoots at them. Carol tells Paula to run. Maggie tells Carol to shoot. Paula says, "The things I've done. What I've given up. What I had to do." A zombie breaks free and goes for Carol. Maggie kills it and tells Carol to run. Maggie walks down the hall and finds 'Chelle. They fight and she slices Maggie across the belly. Carol shoots "Chelle in the head. Paula laughs and tells Carol she was good at pretending. Carol, "I told you to run." If you could do all this, what were you so afraid of, Carol? "I was afraid of this." she replies. She and Paula fight. Paula gets impaled on one of the poles and a zombie eats her face.

One of the Saviors calls over the walkie. Carol tells the man to meet them on the kill floor. She confesses to Maggie that she's killed 18 maybe 20 people. She should have killed Donnie when she had the chance. She shot him in the arm on purpose. None of this would have happened if she had just killed him. Maggie tells her not to think about it, they are almost done. We hear several people come in. It is the other Saviors. Carol lights a cigarette. She throws the cigarette on the floor of the kill room and closes the door. The Saviors are consumed by fire. They scream as they burn. Maggie and Carol walk down the hall. Maggie kills the zombie Paula as she walks by. As she opens the door we see Glen and Rosita weapons at the ready. The others follow. Daryl asks Carol if she is okay. She says no and he hugs her. Glenn asks Maggie if she is okay and she says, "They're all dead . . . I can't anymore." Rick tells Primo to talk. How did he get the bike? He found it. Was Negan in the building or here? Both. "I'm Negan, shithead." Rick shoots Primo in the head. Carol looks stunned. She clings to the crucifix until her hand bleeds.

Final Thoughts
- Paula and Carol are the same despite Paula's protestations that they are not. They are both women that became strong due to the zombiepocalypse. They both kill to protect themselves and do what they believe to be the right thing for their group. They have even killed enough people to be in the double digits. The difference is that Paula let that destroy her humanity while Carol is feeling guilty about those deaths and it is causing her to question her actions. If they had met before the zombiepocalypse they would probably have been friends.
- What is Carol so afraid of? Becoming like Paula. Where each life you take is just a number. People become expendable.
- The fight between Donnie and the women was really telling of the type of people that each of these women are. Maggie and Carol quickly come to Paula's defense even though they are her captors. They care about people. Carol has a history with spousal abuse so seeing a man hit a woman would really affect her. But Paula just calls them stupid and Donnie as just a body to keep her bed warm. He is not human therefore not worth it. Helping your "enemy" is a stupid thing to do in her mind.
- I thought it was very interesting that 'Chelle referred to Rick's group as the bad guys. As viewers we have always seen the situation through their eyes. But from an outsiders point of view Rick's group is the bad guys. They attacked the Saviors and planned to kill them all. Sure, some of the Saviors tried to steal some of their belongings but Daryl blew them up and they had no idea of Alexandria's location. This new proactive approach that Rick is leading his group on has already seen some negative repercussions. It could easily lead them to lose their humanity and become like the Saviors. Even Andy from Hilltop mentioned that they seemed scarier than the Saviors.
- Religion played a role throughout this episode. Carol tells Paula that her faith is what got her through her daughter's death but that is exactly when she started to lose her faith. I think part of the time she was pretending to be religious to seem weak. Many people seem to see religion as a weakness. But I believe that Carol might be trying to regain her faith. Her guilt and struggle to kill seem to be bringing her back to that place of faith.
- This is the prayer Catholics say using the crucifix ( I have emphasized the words that struck me as the most pertinent for Carol):
Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus,
while before Thy face I humbly kneel and,
with burning soul,
pray and beseech Thee
to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments
of faith, hope and charity;
true contrition for my sins,
and a firm purpose of amendment.
While I contemplate,
with great love and tender pity,
Thy five most precious wounds,
pondering over them within me
and calling to mind the words which David,
Thy prophet, said of Thee, my Jesus:
They have pierced My hands and My feet,
they have numbered all My bones." Amen.
- How great was it that Carol was so honest with Daryl about how she felt. She was not alright and he knew she needed a hug.
- I really do think they will kill Carol by the end of the season. Her need to amend for her sins and any possible redemption she attains by the end of the season will seal her fate. I hope I am wrong.
- This whole we are all Negan thing is really bothering me. That would be fine if they hadn't announced that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was hired to play Negan. It seems like an unnecessary red herring.

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