Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 13 "Bury Me Here"

 To injure an opponent is to injure oneself.

The knights of Kingdom prepare their offering for the Saviors. It is just one cantaloupe. Someone cries out in the dark. It is Carol. She lights a lamp beside her bed. She lights a cigarette and smokes for a minute before she gets out of bed. Morgan teaches a child Aikido early in the morning. It is Benjamin's brother. He is learning Aikido because he wants to be like his brother. Carol leaves her cabin. She walks down a street knocking down a zombie as she goes her way. She grabs a street sign and uses it to kill several walkers outside of the gates to Kingdom. Some knights come out and look surprised to see her. She asks Benjamin for Morgan's location. She asks Morgan why Jesus brought Daryl and the others to Kingdom. He tells her that they wanted to see if Kingdom would work with them. Carol wants to know if what Daryl told her was true about Alexandria making a deal with the Saviors. She wants to know if everyone is okay. Morgan tells her that is between her and Daryl. He kept her secret for her. But if she wants to go to Alexandria he will go with her. "You shouldn't go alone. You found what you wanted, right? You got away from everyone. Is it what you wanted? Was it just too late to get away?" She just stands there crying. He will leave with her right now to Alexandria. She walks away. Benjamin asks if he can walk back to the cabin with her. He wants to learn from her. She killed five zombies by herself. She tells him no. On her way back she notices the zombie she injured has been killed. Someone watches her from the shadows. We see Richard walk around the back of a building. He looks down at a child's backpack that has "Katy" written on it. He begins to dig.

Ezekiel looks out at Kingdom. A woman walks out to him. She tells him most of the plants have weevils. They have to cut and burn the infected plants before they get to the main crop. He tells her to do what must be done. She responds, "Here's the beautiful thing, your majesty. You can tear it out and cut it down. You can burn it and throw it all away. But if you want. It can all grow back." One of the knights pushes a wheelbarrow of cantaloupes. Benjamin walks into Morgan's room and thanks him for the book on Aikido. "To injure an opponent is to injure oneself. Get injured no matter what." He brought a painting for Morgan's new place. It's of a matador. Morgan hangs it on the wall. Morgan and Richard look at Benjamin and his brother. Richard says Benjamin is too young to be a father. Morgan asks if he was a father. Richard says his life was perfect. He is sorry that they don't agree on how to deal with the Saviors. He knows Morgan is a good man. "The day's coming where you can't be that good. When that happens, don't beat yourself up about it." Ezekiel orders everyone to the truck and tells Jerry to leave the cobbler he's eating behind. Jerry looks at him with puppy dog eyes and Ezekiel relents.

As they drive down the road they have to stop because someone has blocked the road with shopping carts. They all get out of the truck with their weapons at the ready. Richard orders the knights into position. The carts are in the shape of an arrow. As they walk around a building they come upon a grave that has a sign that says "Bury Me Here." The grave is what Richard was digging earlier. Ezekiel says, "This world drives one mad. . . It is mere luck we are not all insane." Benjamin says it is not luck that they are not crazy. Ezekiel made them another world. The Saviors wait at the rendezvous point. Jerry tells Gavin not to interrupt the king and gets hit in the head by a Savior. Gavin tells him kings don't exist anymore. He asks for the day's offering. It is just a few cantaloupes. Gavin wants their guns. "You can give up your guns or you can try to use them. What's it gonna be?" Richard says they should give the Saviors the gun. Ezekiel wants the Savior to give Morgan his stick back and then they will give them their guns. Gavin says he gave Ezekiel a choice. Ezekiel orders his people to give them their guns. Gavin says they are short on their offering. Ezekiel goes to count and now he is missing one when earlier he had the correct amount. Gavin is going to teach them a lesson since they haven't held up their end of the bargain. One of the Savior's points a gun at Richards head. All of the knights look tense except for Richard. He says, "Just do it." The Savior says okay and points his gun at someone else and shoots.

Benjamin has been shot in the leg. Ezekiel tells Gavin they need to get back to the Kingdom. Gavin orders his man to give Morgan his stick. They will then need to get them their last cantaloupe. He then tells them they can go. They rush to get Benjamin in the truck. They are going to take him to Carol's cabin since he gave her a lot of medical supplies. Richard looks shocked. He just stands there. Carol plants tomato seeds in her garden. The knights pull up with Benjamin. They put him on the kitchen table. He is losing a lot of blood. She holds his hands. Benjamin says "To injure an opponent is to injure oneself." Richard looks like he is about to cry. Blood drips on the floor. Benjamin is dead and covered with a sheet. Ezekiel apologizes for coming to Carol's cabin. Morgan walks out. Carol tells him to wait. Morgan walks to the grave with the sign. He is losing his mind. He is having flashbacks to his "clear" days. He yells and looks like he is about to slit his wrists. He kicks a box and finds a cantaloupe underneath. He remembers Richard walking away from the box when they got out of the truck to move investigate the cart barricade.

Morgan bursts into Richard's room and throws the box that had the missing cantaloupe at him. Richard says, "It was supposed to be me. That's what Gavin said that I'd be first. I was going to give my life to show you. Then something else happened. We have done nothing to stop them. Nothing." Morgan just stares at him. Richard tells him about how it was during the zombiepocalypse. There were always babies crying at the camp he lived in. He did nothing to help others. Then there was a fight and a fire and he lost his wife. After three days of horror and terror he lost his daughter because he didn't do something. He waited. He asks Morgan to listen to him. They can use what happened. They need to convince the Saviors that they understand how things work. When they gain the Saviors' trust they will kill them and then join Alexandria to destroy them. He tells Morgan he will have to kill. "Someone had to die. I tried to be the one. That didn't happen. So I'll be the one to lead our army. To crush the Saviors, destroy them." He will come clean to Ezekiel and spend the rest of his life trying to make up for what he did. Morgan sits in his room. He sees Ezekiel comforting Benjamin's brother.

The next morning Ezekiel watches as several workers throw away the weevil infested crops. He loads the truck with the one cantaloupe (the first scene of the episode) and waits at the rendezvous. Morgan asks Richard if he told Ezekiel. Richard wants to wait until they get back. Ezekiel says they will talk about it now. Morgan walks over to the spot where Benjamin was shot and picks up his stick and Benjamin's stick. The Saviors arrive. Gavin asks how Benjamin is doing. Silence. He looks upset and realizes Benjamin is dead. He orders the Savior who shot Benjamin to walk back to Sanctuary. He asks if they have the cantaloupe. Richard carries it out to him. Richard tells Gavin that they get it. Morgan comes up behind Richard and hits him with his stick. When Richard falls to the ground Morgan begins to choke him and hit his head against the ground. No one stops him. After he kills him he tells them that Richard set the whole thing up. He blocked the road and hid the cantaloupe. He wanted to get something started between the Kingdom and the Saviors. Morgan tells Gavin he wanted to show him that they get it. "We understand what it is we need to do. That we know how to go on." Gavin says, "Good. Next week, same time." Morgan replies, "We understand." The Saviors drive away. Ezekiel is upset about Richard's betrayal. Morgan tells him that Richard wanted to die. "Thought he could choose and that's why Duane had to die." Morgan slips and says Duane instead of Benjamin. Ezekiel tells Morgan he should not be alone in that spot. Morgan yells, "Go. Not now, Man, I said not now! You all just go." The knights get in their truck. Morgan kneels by Richard's body.

Morgan drags Richard's body down the street. He buries Richard. He pulls up the backpack with "Katy" written on it. He covers the backpack up with dirt. A group of zombies walk towards him. He kills all of them with his stick. He knocks on Carol's door with a blood-soaked stick. He asks her if she wants to know what happened in Alexandria. She asks what happened to him. He tells her he strangled Richard because he got Benjamin killed. He asks her again if she wants to know what happened in Alexandria. He tells her that Negan beat Glenn and Abraham to death with a baseball bat and that everything that Alexandria does is for the Saviors now. The Saviors also killed Spencer and Olivia. Jesus brought Rick and the others to Kingdom because Rick wants to fight them. He walks away. He says he is going to kill zombies one by one. She tells him to wait. "You can go and not go. Please, please." Carol walks down a street with two bags. The doors to Kingdom open. She finds Ezekiel planting with Benjamin's brother. She tells him she is sorry. She is going to be there now. They have to get ready. They have to fight. "We do, but not today." He continues to plant. She joins him. Morgan sits on the porch of the cabin sharpening the end of his stick into a point.

Final Thoughts
- Benjamin, we hardly knew ye.
- Will Benjamin's death be the impetus Ezekiel needs to join Rick in his fight against Negan? Will it be enough?
- Richard foreshadowed (prophesied?) his own death when he told Morgan he was going to have to kill.
- Gavin seemed upset at Benjamin's death and he punished the Savior that killed him. Will he turn against Negan when the battle begins? He and Dwight both seem to have some conscience left.
- I understand Richard's desire to push Ezekiel into action but his plan was flawed. He let himself be lead by his own hubris and paid for it with his life. He assumed the Saviors would react in a certain way but some Saviors are unstable (see the Savior that shot Benjamin). Like many of life's plans things rarely go how we expect. Not to  mention that anytime someone tries to act against the Saviors on their own it rarely works out (see Spencer and Rosita's failed plans).
- Morgan is now ready to kill. I guess he has Richard to thank for that. He wanted to make him into a killer. And he succeeded. Sharpening his stick into a spear shows his change.
- Will Morgan be able to come back from this? He lost his mind twice in this episode. First, when he killed Richard. Second, when he had flashbacks to his clear days. He is lucky that Carol gave him another option besides going off on his own to clear. He can go and not go. Will he join the fight or stay in isolation?

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