Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episdoe 10 "The Lost and the Plunderers"

What we should do when we have a choice.

Michonne stares at Carl's grave. Rick places Carl's gun on the cross marking Carl's grave. Michonne kills walkers wandering around Alexandria. Rick changes his mind and grabs Carl's gun. Michonne looks around at the remains of Alexandria. She closes the front gate as walkers try to make their way in. The door gets stuck so she just begins to kill walkers one by one. Rick grabs a walkie from a dead Savior. He walks past Michonne. They don't say a word. Michonne goes to their house. She notices the hand prints that Carl made with Judith. She places her hand over Carl's hand print. She looks up to see several walkers coming down the street. She walks in the house and tells Rick they have to go. They each carry a bag with them that they load into the back of a van. She stops to look at the gazebo that is on fire and remembers that Carl used to sit on it's roof. She runs towards it carrying a fire extinguisher. Rick joins her and together they put out the fire as walkers begin to surround them. Rick has to call her several times before she stops and runs towards the van with him. The gazebo remains on fire. Zombies are taking over Alexandria. It's a safe zone no more. Rick asks her what she thinks Carl meant when he said they had to stop fighting the Saviors. Does that mean surrender? She suggests they pull over and read the notes Carl left for them. He is not ready to do that yet. Carl left a note for Negan. Rick says he needs to talk to Jadis. Her group has weapons and people. The Saviors saw Jadis with Rick so now they are a target too. He says the weapons belong to them not the Scavengers. They quietly make their way to the doors of the Scavengers home. A booby trap was set and a bunch of garbage falls down behind them blocking the doors. Zombies come out of nowhere and surround them.

Negan calls over the walkie to look for Rick's group. He tells Simon that the Alexandrians escaped and that Carl played him. "That kid, that kid is built for this shit." Simon followed Negan's orders for dealing with Alexandria. Simon asks about Gavin but they haven't heard back from him yet. Negan wants Simon to deal with the Scavengers. Negan still sees them as a resource and wants Simon to deliver the standard message and kill one of them so they will fall in line. Simon says, "Maybe we should cut out losses here. These people can't learn the lesson no matter how many times we teach it. Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, these garbage rats, they're not seeming to understand the situation. Not one little bit. So maybe we learn our lesson, scrape the plates into the trash. Move further out. Find other communities to 'save'." Negan doesn't not like this idea. Negan says that saving people is hard but it works. Simon says not lately. Negan says that once he takes care of Rick everything will be fine again. A knock on the door and several Saviors bring in the box with the dead Savior that Maggie sent as a warning. Simon opens the box carefully and Negan kills the zombie Savior inside. Simon realizes that Hilltop has his people hostage. Negan gets mad when Simon wants revenge. He orders Simon to do his job.

Aaron explains to Oceanside that he and Enid came to ask for their help. Cyndie gives Enid a dirty look. They handcuff them to a radiator. One of the women asks Cyndie what to do with them since she was Natania's granddaughter. A little girl suggest that they kill Enid and Aaron. Aaron tries to tell Enid that everything is going to be okay but she is not worried about that. She responds, "She made me kill her. I'd do it again." The women come in and take off the cuffs but then handcuff them individually. One of the women orders them to be taken to the beach. Aaron tells Cyndie she has to own the decision to kill them. Enid tells Cyndie that she better have a good reason for killing them other that to feel better about her grandmother's death. She says, "Killing is the punishment." This will only lead to revenge from Alexandria and eventually the death of everyone at Oceanside. She says if they let them go they will keep fighting the Saviors and Oceanside can keep hiding. Cyndie lets them live. Aaron wants Oceanside to help them win the fight against Negan. She says they have already taken everything they could give. Letting them live will be their contribution to the cause. She tells them to never come back. Enid replies, "Stop trying to kill strangers. We know who we have to kill. We know the difference between friends and enemies. You should, too." Cyndie warns them to never come back. Aaron tells Enid to go to the car because he wants to go back to convince Oceanside to join the fight. He wants Enid to tell Maggie what he is doing. He tells her he'll be okay and she makes him promise that she'll see him again. He makes her promise that she will be okay. She hugs him and they go their separate ways.

Simon tells his group they are going to the Scavengers home. He shows up with his men and the Scavengers aim their guns. He says they are friends and Jadis nods in agreement. He tells them he is going to need an apology. He tells her he knows about the deal she had with Rick even though they already had a deal with the Saviors. She says she didn't have a deal with Rick. She delivered him to the Saviors but they shot at her. Simon says that's crap but Negan is willing to forgo punishment if they agree to their original deal and give them their guns and ammo. Brion says that was not their deal with Negan. Simon says the Saviors need the guns and as a sign of good faith between friends so the Scavanger will give the Saviors their guns. Tamiel says there is danger everywhere so they need their guns. Simon says they don't need the guns because the Saviors will protect them. Jadis agrees to the deal. The Saviors take the guns. Simon admires Jadis's artwork. He asks why they chose to live in a dump. She says, "Our place. Ours." He asks about the helipad and solar panels. She says this place was a dump. He says, "I wanna know if you know." He still wants an apology. She says there is remorse and he shoots Brion. She repeats that there is remorse and he shoots Tamiel. She yells at him. He doesn't believe her so he orders his men to begin shooting. Simon drives back to Sanctuary. Negan comes up to him and asks if he got it done. Simon asks what's wrong and Negan says he hasn't heard back from Gavin. He sent a group out there. Negan asks how it went and Simon says it was the same as always. A Savior walks up to Negan with a walkie and tells him Rick wants to talk to him. Negan takes the walkie.

Rick shoots at the zombies but there are too many. He and Michonne begin to climb the trash heap. Jadis calls out to him. She is not in her usual outfit. She is an a nightgown. They ask what happened and she tells them the Saviors came. Michonne asks how to get out. She tells them the only way out is through the doors they used to get in. The zombies are all her people that the Saviors shot. The dump didn't used to have heaps it was just a dump. Before the zombiepocalypse she would go there to get things to paint on. "I realized this whole place was a canvas. That we were the paint. We could create something new. We could become something new. We did. This was our world. Apart from everyone else. In every way." He tells her this was all her fault. He grabs a car door to use as a shield so they can run for it. Jadis asks to go with them. Rick says no. He is done with her games and she can't help them anymore. Rick and Michonne use their shields to push past the zombies and out the doors. Jadis follows them. For a moment it looks like he is going to shoot her but he shoots into the air. She is chased away by zombies. We see her thumping a pipe on the ground calling the zombies to her. They can't get passed a chain. She turns on a shredder and unlocks the chain. The zombies fall in one by one. She stares down at her artwork as it is splattered with the bloody remains of her people. She cries as she sees her friends go. She relives the Saviors slaughtering her people. She lies on the platform then makes her way down. She uncovers a box that is labelled as applesauce. She opens a can and eats.

Rick tells Michonne that he shot above Jadis's head and he saw her make it. He didn't want her dead just gone. She says, "Feels like what Carl was talking about. What we should do when we have a choice." He pulls the van over. He needs a second. He grabs the walkie and the pile of letters Carl wrote. He walks out towards the woods. He has the note for himself and the one for Negan. He reads the note Carl left for Negan. He calls over the walkie for someone to get him Negan. Negan gets on the walkie. Rick tells Negan that Carl's dead and that he wrote letters asking for both of them to stop. He asked for peace. Rick says it's too late. He is going to kill Negan. Negan wants to know how Carl died. He asks if it was the Saviors that killed him. Rick says Carl was bitten when he went out to help someone. Negan says he is sorry. He wanted Carl to be a part of things. "That kid was the future." Rick responds. "The only future is one where you're dead." Negan says Carl is dead because Rick wouldn't leave well enough alone. "You set this course, Rick, Who's next?" Rick says, "You are!" Negan says, "I stop people from dying. I am the answer. You could have just let me save all of you. You failed as a leader, and most of all, Rick you failed as a father. Just give up. Give up, because you have already lost."

Final Thoughts
- Helipad? Did the Scavengers fly the helicopter Rick saw earlier this season? What were they using it for? Will we ever get an answer now that Jadis is alone?
- Jadis should join Oceanside.
- What will happen to Aaron? I'm not sure he can convince Cyndie and the others to help. They have lost so much.
- Who else will die before this war is over?

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