New walls for Alexandria. Large garden, new church, solar panels, etc. Michonne paints with Judith. One of the paintings is of her and Carl. The other one is of her family including a grumpy Rick, Aunt Maggie, and the King. Michonne, Rick, and Judith walk through a field looking at birds taking flight. Sanctuary has corn crops. Eugene and Rosita make corn fuel. Daryl is also there. They use a zombie as a scarecrow. Daryl shoots the zombie through the head. Eugene calls over the walkie to Alexandria. Tara answers. Eugene tells her the corn crop is ready. She is running into the city per Daryl's request. Jesus answers over the walkie that he will meet her at the rendezvous point as he kills zombies with Aaron. Aaron calls over the walkie to someone at Kingdom. Daryl rides his bike. He runs into Jerry and Jerry tells him the rally point is clear. Several zombies walk outside an abandoned building in the city. Rick and Michonne kill them while riding horses. They are joined by father Gabriel, Maggie, Carol, and others on horses and wagons.
Someone kills to attract any zombies in the building. Michonne says they need to do the sweep protocol. The group enters the building. The building is a museum (Smithsonian I am assuming). They kill zombies as they walk. Maggie smiles and says, "This is gonna work." Michonne looks down and sees several zombies on a lower floor. A zombie falls from an upper level and gets impaled. Daryl shoots it in the head. They head down a darkened stairway to what looks like a storage room. A zombie grabs Siddiq's foot. He kills it and is more freaked out about the spiders coming out of the zombie than the zombie itself.
Gabriel kills a zombie and it ends up stuck on the display for human evolution. Gabriel says, "Intelligent design." Anne (formerly Jadis) responds, "The de-evolution of man. I like it." Daryl helps Cyndie with a canoe. She shares a story about fighting with her brother at a canoe ride in a fair. She asks if he's had the same thing happen and he says most of his memories with his brother was with the two of them fighting. "But I had friends that fought with me. They wanted to be here. They didn't make it." They lift the canoe. At the horticultural exhibit Rick and the others break open the doors. They open drawers and pull out packets of seeds. Rick says Anne was right. Gabriel wants to know how Anne knew they would find the seeds there. She says she brought her class to the museum back when she was teaching. They take the seeds and go to meet up with the others.
Maggie tells Michonne and Carol that Gregory has called for an election at Hilltop. Maggie says it's weird that he is being nice even though he lost the election. "They rebirth of democracy by that guy." responds Michonne. Carol mentions that while Hilltop has a democracy she lives with a king. They all laugh. Michonne stops to read a sign about the forming of the US including the colonies and the Civil War (foreshadowing?). They find a plow. Maggie says the blacksmith can use it as a model to make more. They will send one to Sanctuary.
The group tries to pull a wagon down the main staircase using ropes. They have to do it slowly because it is heavy and the floor at the bottom of the stairs is made of glass. Underneath the glass are a bunch of zombies. Rick carefully walks on the floor in front of the wagon. The glass begins to creak and break under the wagon. The wagon makes it. Cyndie and Maggie now carry the plow across the floor. Maggie has tied herself with rope around the waist. They make it across. Rick goes back and helps Daryl carry the canoe. Ezekiel and Carol carry another plow across the floor. Ezekiel falls through the floor as the glass breaks. He is tied to a column by rope. The zombies grab at him as the others pull him up. Daryl shoots a zombie right before it takes a bite of Ezekiel's leg. They pull him to safety. Carol kisses Ezekiel. They load the canoe and a plow on the wagon. They all go back to their colonies.
A speed limit sign has been changed to read "Route B." Daryl rides down the road and kills a zombie. He circles back to collect the spear he used. Alden talks to a man named Ken. He wants to know if there is room in his dad's blacksmith class and will he take on another apprentice because Marco wants to learn. Ken thinks his dad will take another apprentice since Kingdom sent them a load of sheet metal and they could use the help. Ezekiel tells Carol he was scared back at the museum. It made him remember that you can't wait on life. He proposes to Carol and she tells him to put the ring away. She's asked him not to propose before. She adds, "And this is not happening on a horse." He laughs and says, "I love you. And I always will. I'll keep this till you're ready." Daryl and Rosita stop in front of Rick and the others. Rosita shows them that the bridge collapsed because two herds merged into one. Rick asks if Route A is clear. She says it is too close to the herd. Michonne suggests they all go to Alexandria and wait until the herd passes but Maggie wants to get back to her son Hershel. Carol suggest they take Route D. Gabriel take some of the group back to Alexandria. The rest will continue to Sanctuary and Hilltop. Rosita spray paints a sign to read "Bridge Out."
The horses can't pull the wagons through the mud on this route. Maggie suggests leaving the supplies and returning for it in a few days. Michonne says a herd can destroy it if they pass. Rick suggests splitting the group. They can swap out the horses so they can rest. They try to pull the wagon by using ropes. It is not going well and zombies start to come towards them. They give one more push and the wagon moves. Rick tells everyone to get out of there. Daryl and Michonne are ordered to take care of the zombies. The canoe and plows are loaded on the wagon. A zombie comes out of the woods and spooks the horse. He reels and the plow falls and breaks. Rick tells them to leave the wagon. They start to run down the road but Ken runs back to cut the horse free. As he does so a zombie bites his arm. He gets kicked by the horse and falls back. Ken lies on the ground they've cut off his arm. Maggie tells him to stay awake. He says, "Tell my mom and dad I'm comin'." He dies. Maggie cries. Enid cries. Maggie takes her knife and digs it into the back of his skull. Maggie sits with Ken's parents. Ken's mom is upset. Her son died for a broken plow. Maggie tells her that run was important for the future. Ken's dad tries to calm down his wife. She blames Sanctuary. Maggie wants to arrange a funeral but Ken's moms says she will do it and Maggie is not invited. "I voted for you Maggie Rhee but we're not friends." Maggie understands. Ken's mom says maybe Gregory was right to put Hilltop first. Her son is dead and Maggie's son has no father. Sanctuary eats the food they grow and that's not right.
Alden sings at Ken's funeral. Maggie looks down from the balcony holding baby Hershel. Daryl walks into Sanctuary with Rick. Someone shouts that Rick Grimes is there. A man asks him if Negan is suffering because he sure hopes he is. Eugene reports to Daryl that all is well. Laura tells him she inventoried the supplies and that he should tell everyone. Daryl refuses to give a speech like Negan. He tells her they lost someone. Michonne calls Daryl's attention. On the wall is written "Saviors save us. We are Negan." She asks if that happens often and he tells her it is happening more often since the crop has been dying. Daryl orders Justin to clean it up and he gives him attitude saying there is no more paint. Gregory speaks about all Ken did at Hilltop. Jesus tells Gregory that his words were beautiful. Gregory says he is just grateful for where he is. Rick shakes hands with the people at sanctuary.
The same man that hopes Negan is suffering tells Rick that the crops are suffering and they need a boost until the spring rain comes. Rick says they will have it. He brought them farming tools and seeds so they can get back on their feet. They all clap. Daryl looks on. Rick is getting credit for something Daryl also helped do. Daryl and Rick talk. Daryl doesn't want to lead Sanctuary anymore. Rick wants to know why. Daryl says, "Bein' here behind these walls again, it just don't feel right man. I'm better out there. A always have been." Rick tells him, "You kept this place together. Kept people in line here. Can't just let the Sanctuary fail after everything that's happened." Daryl responds, "Man, it's gonna fail anyway. Nothing grows here. It's a damn factory, man." He says they still need people to provide things just like when Negan was in charge. Rick says things are different. People now give willingly. Daryl wants to know how long that is going to last. The bridge has collapsed, most of the roads are gone, and they've scavenged the area for gas. They can't make enough corn fuel for the trucks. "Pretty soon it's going to be more than a day's ride from one spot to another." Rick replies, "It's on us to figure out how to make it work." Daryl says, "Man, there ain't no 'us' anymore. Everyone's everywhere. That small group we had back in the beginning we could do anything. That was right. That's what I know." Rick nods. Rick asks if he wants to go back to Alexandria but Daryl says no. He wants to go to Hilltop. Rick wants to know who will take his place. "We're not together because things have changed." Daryl answers, "The thing is, you changed them, Rick. But I get it." Daryl walks away. Gregory hands a bottle of liquor to Ken's parents. He remembers that Ken's dad is sober. Ken's dad tells his wife, Tammy, she can go ahead and drink. She does. He leads her to bed. She sobs. He wants to know what to do. She wants to sleep and she wants him to stay. Gregory offers to sit with him.
Daryl sits outside smoking. He offers the cigarette to Carol and she puts it out. He asks why she isn't in bed. She asks him the same question. She continues, "We don't sleep." Ezekiel sleeps just fine. He asks if Ezekiel snores fancy. She laughs. He thinks Ezekiel is corny but alright. She's glad Pookie (aka Daryl) approves. "After what I went through with Ed, corny is really, really nice. " He's happy for her. "If anybody deserves to be happy it's you. I don't like not seein' you though." She says, "I want to take over here for awhile, for you, and don't argue." He asks if she is going to bring Henry and Ezekiel with her. She hasn't told Ezekiel yet. She tells him that Ezekiel proposed. "And a part of me wanted to just say 'yes' right then." He asks why she didn't and she says she doesn't know. She says, "I want to help out, take my time, you know?" He asks if she want him to stay with her and she says no. She leans on him. Earl, Ken's dad, complains to Gregory that his son didn't have to be out there. Gregory pours him a drink. Gregory says the election was a joke. Maggie's buddy Jesus counted the votes. He says a lot of people have been telling him they are unhappy with the way things are going. "Maggie will do whatever her pal Rick says, even if it's not good for Hilltop." Earl says Maggie is the one who decides everything. Gregory replies, Well, it is the decisions she's made and the priorities she set that put your boy into the ground. . . I'm angry to see the lives at the Hilltop, your son's life being treated like the price of doing someone else's business." Earl says Maggie's the leader. Gregory responds, "She doesn't have to be."
Rick washes his face and gets into bed with Michonne. She jokingly says, "The famous Rick Grimes. It's sweet. Just don't let it get to your head." She doesn't envy Maggie at this moment. She asks, "Seeing his name on the wall, did we do the right thing? Sometimes I think maybe we just should have killed him." He thinks about it a lot. "But killing him wouldn't have changed anything we saw today. They don't want Negan. They want food." She says, "We don't know that, Rick, not for sure. . . Maybe we need an agreement between all the communities, like, 'This is what we believe, this is how we treat each other, and this is what happens when we don't.'" He thinks it's good and the timing is right. It could pull people closer together. He tells her Daryl isn't happy. She says Daryl is worried because he cares. He says they need to fix the bridge. She will get the people to agree with the charter. He asks, "How did I get so lucky finding you?" She replies, "We've both lost enough. It's time we won a little don't you think?"
Maggie runs into Gregory as she is walking Hershel. He's sorry for the tough night. She appreciates it she knows it's hard for him. He says she won the election fair and square. She says, "It's hard not knowing what your place is. I'm sure you have one if you want it." He tells her that someone defaced Glenn's grave. "I hope it wasn't that someone was angry." She goes to the graveyard and someone in a cloak attacks her. Hershel falls out of his stroller and cries. Enid comes to her help but is knocked out. Then Alden and some others come. The person in the cloak is Earl (Ken's dad). She enters Gregory's house and he asks her what happened. She say, "What happened? You tried to have me killed 'cause you're too chicken shit to do it yourself. ... You want to lead this place? You can't even murder someone right." He says he built Hilltop. "None of this would exist if it wasn't for me. You're just Rick's lackey." She replies, "Rick ended the war. That's more than you ever did." He says, "You can't go back to Alexandria because you-know-who is there." Does he even care about all the stuff he's done and all of the chances he has been given? "No. Because I'm still here." He tries to stab her. They fight. She takes the knife away from him.
The next morning Carol tells Ezekiel she is not running away. Her friends need her help and she wants to be there for them. She wants to come back to her home and to him. They kiss. Ezekiel says, "Though the waiting is such sweet sorrow." She tells Jerry to take care of Ezekiel. They ride off back to Kingdom. Daryl rides his bike to Hilltop. Rick and Michonne ride their horses alongside him. Maggie comes out to meet them. They see the bruises on her face. Rick holds Hershel. He says, "He's just perfect." Rick wants her to visit Alexandria. Judith talks about her all the time. She tells him she can't. She knows he's here for a reason. He needs her help fixing the bridge. Hilltop is doing better than the other communities. He's asking if she will be generous again. She won't stop her people from working on the bridge but she won't give anymore food or supplies without getting something back. She wants Sanctuary to provide most of the labor for the bridge in exchange for food. And she wants all of the corn fuel they've made. Rick tells her Sanctuary is barely holding on. They are obliged to help them. "Why? They surrendered. We didn't kill them. That's it. I can't solve all their problems when I clearly have things to take care of here. . . It has to stop. When we were fighting the Saviors you told me that soon, you'd be the one following me. But you didn't. 'Cause I wasn't someone to follow. That changes now."

Final thoughts
- Interesting that Daryl mentions friends that fought with him that are no longer there. It seems that Rick, who has been more of a brother to him that Merle ever was, is not as close of a friend anymore. He sounds lonely.
- What did Jadis/Anne teach? History? Science?
- While I know Michonne gets the idea for the charter from the sign at the museum giving some US history info my eye caught the section on the Civil War. Foreshadowing of things to come?
- I'm not as shocked as I expected to be when Maggie had Gregory hanged. Maggie is no longer the same person from a few seasons back. You can tell she is fed up. While I'm glad that Gregory is gone I feel that Maggie would prefer Negan to be dead. Maybe we will finally see the end of Negan in this season.
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