Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 14: Prey

Pet zombies!  Flashback to Michonne and Andrea's time together.  Just two gals sitting around a fire cooking food out of tin cans with a couple of zombies.  You know, girls' night.  Pets are getting restless.  Andrea wants to know if Michonne knew her pets or if they attacked her.  Michonne's look says it all, she knew them but doesn't want to talk about it.  Michonne says they deserved what they got, they were never human to begin with.  I want some details.   Hopefully next season we will get to know Michonne better.

The Governor has two chains tied to two posts in some dungeon looking room.  Martinez and some men are getting guns prepared to attack the prison.  Andrea thought there was a deal on the table.  Milton lies and tells her it is just a precaution.  The Governor is prepping what looks like medical instruments for torture in his secret chamber.  Milton watches him.  He asks the Governor what that is and the Governor says it's his "work shop."  Milton thinks this is wrong.  Woodbury was a new start.  The prison has nothing to do with what Michonne did.  Milton says what happened with Penny is done and doesn't matter.  When the Governor says it does he runs and tells Andrea the truth.  The Governor will kill everyone at the prison whether or not they turn over Michonne.  Milton shows Andrea the torture chamber.  Milton tells her to leave and warn those at the prison.  She says she is going to kill the Governor.  They hide in the shadows as the Governor enters with more tools of torture.  He puts a recorder on the chair and whistles.  Andrea points a gun at him but Milton stops her from shooting.  Why, Milton, why?  Milton knew Philip before he became the Governor.  Milton points out that if the Governor dies Martinez will just take over and nothing will change.  Andrea decides to go back to the prison and tries to convince Milton to go with her.  But he says he belongs in Woodbury.  She tells him if he stays he can't look the other way.  Martinez calls to Andrea as she is walking through town and tells her to give him her gun because they need it.  The Governor walks up and tells her he kept this from her to keep her separate and safe.  He will need her tomorrow when they are supposed to meet Rick.  She plays along with this story.  Tyreese and his sister are on guard at the wall as a zombie approaches.  Tyreese is trying to shoot it but missing.  His sister taunts him, it takes him several tries to kill it.  Andrea tells them that that Martinez wants their help.  They don't believe her so she tells them the truth.  She is leaving.  She tells them the Governor is not what he seems.  She tells them they should leave too.  They let her go.  She only has her knife.  They feel bad about letting her go. 

Tyreese and his sister tell the Governor about Andrea.  Martinez says they should have stopped her.  The Governor lies and tells them that Andrea was out alone all winter and that she is unstable.  He asks what she said.  What panicked her.  Tyreese and his sister lie.  They want to make sure that they are still welcome in Woodbury since they let her go.  He tells them they are still welcome in Woodbury, but to go help Martinez.  I smell murder.  Milton asks if they are going after her, the Governor says he is going.  Milton tells the Governor to let her go and be with her people.  The Governor asks Milton if he spoke to her.  He wants to know if Milton told her about Michonne.  The Governor realizes Andrea knows about Michonne and possibly the torture chamber.  I hope that doesn't mean Milton is next on the list.  We see Andrea running down a road with zombies all around.  Martinez won't tell Tyreese where they are going.  The man in Tyreese's group  (Allen) believes the stuff in Woodbury have been saying about her.  He doesn't want to get kicked out because of Tyreese.  Tyreese is starting to believe Andrea.  Allen is accusing Tyreese of shaming him in front of his son because Tyreese saved Allen's wife.  He is jealous of how his wife thought of Tyreese and attached herself to him.  I see Allen trying to kill Tyreese and getting killed himself.  Andrea hears a car coming and hides in the woods.   A zombie comes up behind the tree she is leaning on and puts his arm around her neck as two more zombies approach.  She grabs her knife and stabs one in the eye then breaks the arm of the one behind her.  She stabs zombie number three and stabs the one that was behind her.

Martinez and his crew arrive at the zombie pit they built earlier in the season.  Tyreese asks if the zombies are for the meeting tomorrow.  Martinez calls the people in the prison rats.  Tyreese says they can't do it.  Martinez tells them the Governor will kick them out.  Allen wants to stay in Woodbury but Tyreese wants to leave.  They start to fight and Tyreese holds Allen over the pit.  He pulls him back up.

Andrea is walking across some field on her way to the prison.  She really should have the knife in her hand.  She hears a car engine and hits the ground.  It is the Governor.  He starts to follow her honking his horn.  She just runs.  Run, Andrea, run!  He does not look happy.  Andrea makes it to some buildings but the Governor finds her there.  Andrea hides inside the building.  Now she has to watch for zombies and the Governor, she better be ready for anything.  She trips over something and makes noise.  Come on Andrea, get your act together.  The Governor conveniently enters the same building she is in.  He begins to whistle, you know, what crazy people do.  A zombie comes up behind Andrea and she kills it.  Just what the Governor wanted.  For Andrea to make noise so he could find her.  She hides and he follows.  He whispers her name and tells her to come back with him, he needs her.  Come back to her home, her people, her town.  She can't leave them all behind.  He says suit yourself and starts smashing windows with a shovel so he can hear her walking on the broken glass.  She hides with her knife.  He whistles again.  He gets closer, dragging the shovel across the floor.  A noise comes from the opposite direction, a walker probably, and he follows it in case it is Andrea.  It is a walker and he kills it.  Andrea gets up and walks in a different direction while the Governor is distracted killing zombies.  He hears her bump up against something.  A walker comes up next to her and she pushes it against a hook.  She opens a door and finds a stairway filled with zombies.  The Governor finds her.  He tells her it is time to go home.  She opens the door where the zombies were and walks away leaving the Governor to fight them all.  She hears the Governor fighting off the zombies and walks away.

A car approaches the zombie pit.  A horse trailer is filled with zombies and someone is pouring gasoline on it and the zombies in the pit and then setting them on fire.  We don't see who it it.  I think it might be Milton.  Andrea finally makes it to the prison.  I don't know why she didn't steal the Governor's truck.  She tries to wave at Rick but the Governor comes up behind her and pulls her to the ground.  Rick looks through the scope but doesn't see anything.  One of the posse pulls up to the zombie pit and sees the burnt bodies.  They are still moving.  The Governor returns to Woodbury.  He tells Martinez that he didn't find Andrea.  Martinez tells him about the zombie pit and blames it on Tyreese and his sister.  The Governor lies to Tyreese and his group about finding Andrea.  He tells them the pit zombies are just for show to scare Rick and his group.  Tyreese wants to know why no one explained that to them yesterday.  The Governor says they don't share tactics with people they don't know.  Tyreese says they want to stay.  They won't fight again.  The Governor asks them where they got the gasoline.  He thinks they burnt the zombies but I'm sure it was Milton.  Milton asks the Governor is Andrea is dead.  The Governor says he hopes not and that he has never been better.  Milton says it is a shame about the pits.  The Governor says he already knows who did it.  He now knows it was Milton and not Tyreese.  Andrea is being held in the torture chamber meant for Michonne.

Some thoughts
- I noticed that among the torture implements the Governor pulled out a needle and thread.  I can only assume that will be used to suture any cuts he makes so his victim won't die and he can keep torturing them.
- I want to know more about what happened between Tyreese and Allen's wife.  I would like some background on that group.  This was the first episode where I felt actual interest in them.

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