Rick, Carl, and Michonne are on their way to get guns and ammo. They pass a guy on the road without even slowing down. They get stuck in the mud and zombies surround the car. Rick tells Carl to cover his ears. He opens his window a bit and shoots the zombie. Next scene all the zombies are dead and Rick is teaching Carl how to get the car unstuck. Carl is questioning why Michonne is with them. Rick says he didn't want to leave Michonne alone with Merle. He says they will eventually get rid of her. Michonne overhears their conversation. The guy they passed has made it near them and is begging for them to wait for him. They don't stick around for him to join them. They arrive in an abandoned town. There is a green arrow spray painted on a building. They seem to follow where it leads. The building has been cleaned out of ammo. It was Rick's old police station. Rick wants to ransack bars and other places where he knew the owners had guns. He asks Michonne if she has a problem with that and she says no. She wants to stay with them. They pass a pile of dead bodies that have been burnt. They continue to follow the green arrows. Weird signs spray painted everywhere. "Turn around and live." It looks like they stumbled upon some kind of barricade/obstacle course. Michonne is apprehensive because it looks like someone already made the town theirs. A female zombie starts to follow them. A man on a roof of a building shoots the zombie dead. The man wants them to leave but Michonne wants the rifle and tells Rick she can make it up there. Rick begins to fire and the man fires back. By the time Michonne gets up there he is gone. The man reappears on the street and shoots at Rick. Carl comes out of nowhere and shoots the man. Rick looks surprised at what Carl did. He didn't want Carl to have to do that. Carl has already had to deal with too much death the past few months (in particular the death of Lori not to mention the fact that Carl shot her in the head). The man is wearing body armor. He is alive. It is Morgan from the first episode! I thought it would be since they showed Rick talking on the walkie-talkie at the beginning of the episode. That was a bit of a spoiler.
Watch out for booby traps
Rick tells Michonne to keep an eye out for booby traps. Michonne wants to leave but Rick doesn't because Morgan saved his life and he had a son. They carry him inside. There are a lot of creative booby traps. He has quite an arsenal. They have hit the jackpot. He has been busy. Not only is it everything from the police station but a ton more stuff. Michonne and Carl get busy grabbing ammo and weapons. There is a ton of writing on the walls. It looks like he went crazy. Rick finds the walkie-talkie he gave him in season one. I think he feels guilty. Written on the walls are words Duane turned. Sad. Michonne thinks Morgan is crazy. Rick insists on waiting for him. I understand he feels bad but if this guy is cuckoo it could turn out badly for them. Who knows what hidden booby traps or weapons he could unleash on them. Carl finds a map of the town drawn on the wall. It has Rick's house marked on it. The house was burnt. Rick asks if the reason Carl wanted to come back is to go to their old house. Carl avoids the question and says he wants to go on a run. He says he wants to get a crib. Michonne points out he is going to need helping carrying a crib. Michonne goes with him. Carl tells her he can handle it. Michonne goes to kill a zombie and Carl goes off on his own just like he planned it. She follows him. He wants to do this on his own. She points out he just passed the baby place. He says he is getting baby sis something else first. Rick stands by an unconscious Morgan and says he is sorry this happened to him. We see that Morgan has a knife by his bed and is reaching for it. He jumps up and tries to attack Rick. Morgan does not remember him. Morgan tries to kill Rick and says he turned and that everybody turns. He stabs Rick. Rick points his gun at him. Morgan asks Rick to kill him.
The weak inherit the earth
Morgan keeps asking Rick to kill him. Rick tells him how Morgan found him and saved him. He reminds him of the walkie. Morgan remembers him. Morgan says how he turned the walkie on everyday but all he got was static. He gets mad at Rick for not being there. But we know Rick did call out to Morgan. Rick explains he kept getting pushed farther out and had to keep moving but he didn't have choice. Morgan gets mad because Rick found his family. Morgan asks if Lori turned. No, she just died. Morgan starts talking about his wife. He had to see his family turn. Rick tried to get Morgan to kill his wife but Morgan couldn't. Morgan and Duane were always looking for food. Morgan went down to a cellar alone. When he came up he saw his wife and Duane with his gun. Duane couldn't kill his mom. Morgan called to Duane but his wife bit him. Morgan finally killed his wife but had to lose his son in the process. All he saw was red. Morgan says he was selfish and weak. He asks Rick if his own son is dead. Morgan says he will be. Good people always die, bad people die, but people like him, the weak, inherit the earth. I say if Morgan wants to die Rick should kill him and put him out of his misery. Then they should load up with guns, ammo, and food.
Sometime you want to go where everybody knows your name
Carl and Michonne make their way to a cafe. Carl peaks through the door and sees a couple of bodies inside. Michonne stops him from going inside. She is out there to help. He says she is out there for a common interest, same enemy. She can't stop him but he can't stop her from helping him. They put the rat cages on skateboards and send them in there to distract the zombies (nice thinking, Michonne). They make their way to the back. A zombie they didn't see wakes up. Carl climbs unto the bar and grabs a photograph and the hidden zombie grabs his leg but Michonne kills it silently. One of the rats gets loose and all the zombies follow it right to them. They start to fight off zombies and make their way out the door. Carl drops the photograph. It's the only one left! Michonne agrees to help him get it back but he has to wait for her and do it her way. Michonne comes back with the photo it is of Rick, Lori, and Carl. She says she was going to go back anyway to get some cat statue she thinks is gorgeous. Rick says Morgan is supposed to come back with them. Rick tells Morgan about the prison. Isn't that where Rick's wife died? Morgan asks why they need all the guns. If they found something good then someone else wants to take it and that is why they need the guns. But not Morgan, he will not see people he cares about die again. Rick says they both started out in the same place and bad things happened to both of them. He can come back from this. He has to be able to come back from this. Rick is talking to himself. If he can make Morgan come back from crazy town then Rick can come back from crazy town. Morgan says he has to clear. Clear is written on the wall several times.
Morgan is clearing the area of the zombies that got stuck in the barricade. Carl and Michonne come back carrying a crib. He's okay, says Michonne. No he's not says Rick. Carl calls out to Morgan. Carl tells him he had to shoot him and that he's sorry. Morgan tells him to never be sorry. In this new world apologies are meaningless. As they are packing up their car Carl tells Rick that Michonne is one of them. Good because bad things happen to those Rick rejects and they come back to get their revenge on Rick and his group. Michonne asks Rick if he saw something. She says she knows he sees people. She used to talk to her dead boyfriend, it happens. He asks if she wants to drive, yes she says, good because he sees things. Zing! They drive past Morgan getting ready to set fire to the dead bodies he collected by the pile of burnt bodies they saw earlier. They drive by the eaten body of the guy they saw earlier. They stop to pick up the guy's backpack.
Some thoughts
- I really loved this episode. I usually prefer the action heavy zombie killing episodes best but this was a quiet episode done well.
- We finally learned what became of Morgan and Duane (RIP Duane).
- We got to see another side of Michonne. She was probably the only adult on the show to actually keep an eye on Carl and to tell him he is being stupid and reckless.
- Rick looks like he is on his way out of crazy town (much like he is leaving his hometown for good).
- What "clear" means according to TWD creator Robert Kirkman: "It means a lot of things. To a certain extent it’s the ravings of a lunatic but it’s also about him trying to clear out his life and clear out any entanglements around him. He’s living by himself so he’s trying to have a clear head. It’s basically about him getting rid of his wife and getting rid of his son and the only way for him to survive is to clear the area around him." (see Entertainment Weekly online for full article).
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RIP Duane |
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